I feel like Im going to faint: I hate this... - Anxiety Support

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I feel like Im going to faint

11 Replies

I hate this feeling and I cant get rid of it. Im so lightheaded. Its debilitating. My boyfriend is sick of hearing about it. Heck, you guys are probably sick of hearing about it. But I really cant. do. anything. because I feel like I am about to faint. My brain is just floating around in the air doing its own thing zooming in and out and my body is weak and shaky constantly.

11 Replies
Zevin0588 profile image

Noone is sick of hearing it most of us go through it also. Repeat to yourself you are safe and you are strong. You can do this. You are going to be alright! I'm here for you!

foxglove_pnw profile image

Sorry you are feeling like that ! I had 4 months of dizziness and feeling off balance and this was when I was not taking my antidepressants! After so many tests doctors couldn’t find anything so I went back on my meds and I haven’t had it since them .

Is it lightheaded or dizziness? Have you seen a doctor ?

in reply to foxglove_pnw

I have been medically cleared. Its like I'm on drugs or something. Everything feels weird and I'm very lightheaded. I'm not dizzy but the world LOOKS like it's moving

foxglove_pnw profile image
foxglove_pnw in reply to

Did you check with an ophthalmologist? That was my first stop.

Do you suffer from anxiety ? Are you taking any meds ?

Did you ask for a brain MRI ?

Sorry all the questions ! ;)

I know how frustrating it is !

Sorry you feel this way...and I sometimes feel this way, too. It sucks, it's uncomfortable, and it truly makes functioning so difficult. Sorry your BF wasn't very helpful. I've had many a significant other "get tired of hearing it". Never helps and sometimes we don't even need anything but a hug or an ear....let us talk....can't be that tiring. Is a medication doing this to you or an anxious/stressful time and/or moment? We're never sick of hearing it: we're living with it with you, so don't feel bad for sharing :) Take care for now...if you're able to sit down, be mindful for a bit, and relax your body and mind, maybe it'll at least simmer down a bit. Sending positive vibes!

Agora1 profile image

Hi someone, I would never get sick of hearing about it since I know how debilitating

this can be. I lived many years like this myself and it was one of the most frightening

times of my life. The fact that your body is weak and shaky constantly proves that

your adrenaline is high. Because of the fear, everything gets thrown off including

your breathing which is highly responsible for your lightheadedness and feeling like

you might faint.

I will tell you when people around you start getting sick of hearing about it, it only

proves to increase the tension within yourself. Sometimes just seeing that person

or hearing their voice can automatically put you in a high stress state. It's no one's

fault. Those who do not suffer from anxiety can't understand what they are expected

to do in supporting you. You on the other hand are besides yourself with the fear of

never getting rid of this feeling. (which isn't true)

I can't remember someone if you are on medication, having therapy and are Agoraphobic.

Usually, like with myself, this has become a "situational anxiety" which there may not be

a quick fix to. It could have come from an unaddressed issue that happened to you at one

time or a continuing feeling of not feeling safe or secure in your own little world. Don't forget, our minds are the powerful source of our anxiety symptoms. After awhile, it becomes a habit hard to break. You are fed these negative thoughts of fear throughout

the night and so when you wake up, the problem is there once again.

Having anxiety to that degree is very wearing. It compromises your immune system.

If nothing has worked over the years then it's time to go a different route . There is

something out there that works for each and everyone of us. Not only do we have to find

the tool but we have to believe in it working and not give up. What will it take for you??

When I was at that same point in time, I turned to Acupuncture as well as Self-Hypnosis.

You've got nothing to lose right now. You can't continue to stay stuck, this isn't living. You

are young, and have so much life ahead of you. .

Has your thyroid been checked? A complete physical exam is also warranted when

psychological issues continue. It's important to rule out any physical possibility that

might be causing your symptoms.

I'm not a doctor although I always wanted to be. I just hope that by sharing my same

experiences helps you not feel so alone or discouraged. Do not stop posting on the forum. One day, something someone says to you will give you that "aha" moment and

things will start to change. I believe in that. Sorry for being so lengthy but I truly care. xx

dbeck128 profile image

I feel like this constantly. Only because when I was pregnant months ago I NEARLY fainted. I lost like 1 second of consciousness. dr couldn't find the reason. So ever since then I'm so scared I will! Anxiety SUCKS. I know your struggle. I haven't learned a coping skill for this. But I do know turning the ac on full blast makes me feel a little better? I'm sorry I cant offer more advice but you're not alone in this.

dbeck128 profile image

Also, I just saw where you said it feels like the world is moving. ...... Google vertigo

Im sorry, its very hard for me to read and process your replies right now because my brain is so scrambled. Do you think I'm going crazy? The world feels so weird and I'm so frightened. I feel like I imagine how it would feel to get your drink spiked

No, no, you are not going crazy. You are anxious. Do you have short-acting anxiety medication? Are you able to try some deep breathing exercises? You need to reduce your stress and anxiety so that your body can relax. These sensations you feel will subside if you let them pass. I know it's easier said than done.

Minnie87 profile image

I feel the exact same thing as you all day everyday.you are not alone xx

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