I've been getting these HORRIBLE and terrifying head rushes for the last two years - ever since I got high off an edible. For eight hours, I was suffering from these really weird head rushes, along with tremors, crazy fast heart beat, nausea and headaches, and of course intense and uncontrollable fear . Ever since then, they've been a regular part of my life. They feel like an explosion in my head, so strong I almost pass out and my body goes on high alert.
I've seen many, many doctors, had countless tests done, and most of them agree it's panic. I've been so scared it's seizures since I know all of these can fall under the partial seizure umbrella. Had many EEGs, including one 5 day long one in the hospital. All normal results, no abnormalities. (I didn't have very intense attacks however)
Has anyone else experienced this? I know many people with anxiety and panic and no one has ever had this. I've even had a therapist tell me they didn't sound like panic attacks.
I've been so scared for so long. If anyone can relate, please let me know!