Help me please : I’ve recently been dealing... - Anxiety Support

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Help me please

Daviddtheherrera profile image

I’ve recently been dealing with anxiety/panic disorder I’ve been to dr twice they told me twice it was just anxiety but I still feel all these physical sensations throughout the whole day sometimes it’s bit off and on it’s with me the whole day .. like my feet sometimes start burning and tingling around my whole body and my head feels like it’s about to burst I feel like my vision is getting worse they prescribed me Ativan (lorazepam) I’ve tooken it only 3 times it helped somewhat but I don’t like taking meds so I’m not taking them anymore as I don’t want to depend on them.. I don’t know what to do I find it hard to focus on everything. My heart starts palpatations out of nowhere and I’m scared like I’m going to faint or have a heart attack and I feel tired through your the whole day even if I get gooodnight sleep and I wake up with heart aches as if I got my heart broken or something.. I’m just tired of feeling this way it’s the worst. Ifirst time I remember having something with anxiety was when I was 12 I started hyperventilating and couldn’t breathe doctor didn’t see much in it but I’ve always dealt with anxiety since I can remember but just now the symptoms are getting worse I don’t know what to do

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21 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Daviddtheherrera... you did the right thing in turning to a support group where others who have been through the same experiences can help you through this. Nothing is more frustrating or frightening as feeling bodily sensations and being told it is nothing more than "just anxiety". I dislike when anyone puts the word "just" in front of anxiety. It tends to minimize how much we struggle with something invisible to others. Many doctors tell you it's anxiety, give you medication and send you on your way. But as you know it is not that easy. We fear the symptoms, we fear the medication to be taken and we are left in wondering how we are going to deal with this. That's when it becomes overwhelming and anxiety becomes part of our daily life, coming and going over the day for no apparent rhyme or reason. Actually there is a name for that, called "free floating anxiety". Our adrenaline levels never seem to level out and so continue rising in waves throughout the day causing these disturbing symptoms. As this continues, fear begets fear and a cycle has begun that must be broken before being able to find peace of mind and body.

The answer is in breaking this cycle through the help of therapy and possibly short time medication. It will help quiet down your symptoms allowing you to find methods to get "unstuck" and proceed forward. There is a time and a place for medication. I was were you are at one time. Please continue to come to the forum and read the responses from others and how they deal with their anxiety. There are many modalities out there that don't require medication/therapy but one step at a time in getting you to a starting place. x

Indigojoe profile image
Indigojoe in reply to Agora1

Dave, Agora1 speaks with experience and wisdom.

For those of us with this kind of anxiety, many say " i do not want to use medication".

That thought process is part of the cycle of anxiety and does not serve many of us well.

IF the doctor gave you the medicine, and you have a relationship with him/her, you are wise in trying it their way for awhile.

We try to{ out think } the doctors at the onset of our treatment because we think We are smarter than they are, and that they "MISSED" something.

If you choose to find relief during this period in your life, I suggest that you take the meds as prescribed and develop a trusting relationship with a physician who you can SPEAK to when you need reassurance.

We will support your journey, however your main companion in this, is the trust you develop with your physician.

I share this insight with you based on my journey and recovery.


Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Indigojoe

Indigo, you said everything else I would have wanted to say but it's better when it comes from more than one experience with anxiety. I'm glad you used caps in "MISSED". That word alone got me stuck for many years. This forum works because we all contribute our own experiences which in turn helps comfort others.

Thanks for sharing :) xx

tjs2112 profile image

Hey David,

To be sure, I'm not a doctor, so what I'm saying is simply my experience and how it relates to yours. No medical advice here.

I was diagnosed with general anxiety about 4 months ago when I thought I was having a heart attack. My leg and arm went very cold, and I was having bad chest pains. The more I fixated on these symptoms, the worse they got, and I developed new ones (headache, light headed, feeling of detachment, etc). Further, as I Googled my symptoms (bad idea), and found new diseases, my symptoms would change to match whatever disease I picked that day. If I thought I had gallstones, I'd have searing pain in my abdomen. If I thought I was having mini-strokes, my light-headedness got worse.

Long story short, I've been going to a counselor for a bit to work on my anxiety. Different people need different treatments, but understanding and accepting my anxiety combined with meditation works for me. While I am much better now than I was, I will still get a tight throat, burning sensations on my left cheek, back of my neck, and my forearms, as well as the "anxiety tingles" -- the feeling of dread crawling over your skin. Of course, I don't like it, and I don't want it to happen, so sometimes my thoughts are negative, "Why is this happening; Is this forever; I don't want to have anxiety; etc".

However, I KNOW this is just a silly symptom -- my body is initiating fight or flight response, the real one, to fight something that isn't there. So I just let it happen. I feel out the symptoms, acknowledge that it's there, and I continue on. If you don't feed it, over time, it goes away.

I also use the Simple Habit app to practice mindfulness and relaxation every day. Being able to bring yourself out of the obsessive thoughts (Will I have anxiety today, Can I travel on my own, Will I get to sleep tonight, etc) is really nice, and makes continuing on with your symptoms seem much more achievable.

These are just my experiences, and I hope they're some help to you. Again, I'm not a doctor, but this sounds like pure anxiety, as it's exactly what I'm going through. You are NOT alone here.

in reply to tjs2112

WOW.....I feel like you wrote every word of how I feel as well. Very helpful response and thanks for the app. I'm going to give it a try too.

Indigojoe profile image
Indigojoe in reply to tjs2112

Brilliant insight and outstanding post for many of us. Welcome.

Daviddtheherrera profile image
Daviddtheherrera in reply to tjs2112

Thank you for your words. Everyone here has helped me with their kind and helpful messages. I’ve been feeling more like myself the past couple days since I’ve posted this, just a little vision problems and tingling feet. You’re right about the more you think about what’s wrong with you the more you can feel the sesnsations. Just a few moments ago I started feeling everything again but thought about these comments and have helped me. I still feel all these sesnastions like my brain pulsating and tingling over para of my body. Im just frustrated feeling all this I want to stop worrying about everything I feel but I’ve always been like this since I can remember and it’s hard to change how I am. I’ve tried meditating once and it was ok but I feel like it might not be for me but I’ll give it a try again tomorrow morning. I keep on thinking something will happen to me and I have no control over it 😞

tjs2112 profile image
tjs2112 in reply to Daviddtheherrera

Feeling the sensations is normal. You’re on high alert right now, and are likely to notice the smallest sensations or changes (sensations or changes you would readily dismiss when not in an anxious state).

Whatever you do, DONT tell yourself you’re failing, or regressing, or losing control. It took you a long time to build up the thoughts, actions, and patterns that put your body into an anxious state, it might take awhile to overwrite that. Be patient and kind to yourself, and remind yourself that every time you feel out your symptoms and learn more about your anxiety, you’re making progress.

Like you said, when all you want to for the symptoms to go away, it is extremely frustrating. But it’s not something you can control, so don’t fixated on that. What you can control is not giving in to the symptoms, and finding/practicing techniques that return you to a calmer state. Once you feel like you know how to calm down, you feel prepared, you feel more in control of anxious episodes, and for me, reduces the frequency of symptoms.

Just keep experimenting with what may work for you. Don’t give up, you’re stronger than this anxiety. At the end of the day, it’s your natural fight or flight response trying to protect you. Unfortunately, it’s like a fire detector calling the fire department over burnt toast. It’s just sensitive right now, take some time to recalibrate.

Hi David,

I have been battling anxiety for many years now...I have seen different doctors checking my heart, liver, lungs and so on so on. All good. I have pushed for checks and tests...again...all good. So the doctors were right, it is an anxiety attack. This doesn’t obviously mean that I will never get ill but at that particular time of my was anxiety. Since then I’ve been seeing a therapist and working on acceptance as well. I feel a lot better...but let me give you an example that happened to me this morning. I felt good, no anxiety, went to work (I teach) and 10 mins before leaving for my class...I felt as if I got suddenly dizzy (please note I am using “as if” meaning I wasn’t sure if it was dizziness). Then I say to myself “what’s happening with me...” AND this is when I got sweaty, dizzy...with repeating to myself “I am going to faint”. I didn’t. I then googled about heart attack and NOW more than 7 hours later I am still anxious...thinking about having a heart attack the night when my partner is away for the weekend (ie tonight 😂). So, do you see how it work? That fear in the morning has not left me the fact that my partner is away makes it worse...right now I am aware of my back pain, neck pain, and I’m slight lightheaded. So, I’m trying to accept it but the fear is still here.

So, please get help and do not suffer in silence.xx

Indigojoe profile image
Indigojoe in reply to

I have "matching " symptoms...............I had no clue other people felt like this and I suffered in silence for Y E A R S, afraid to ask anyone , what was wrong with me. IT was a very L O N G few years...............

in reply to Indigojoe

The more I think about it the more I find the whole anxiety thing amazing. It might be unfair to say it as I know that it can be a debilitating illness but it def motivates me to change things in life (sometimes not for my own good I have to say). It makes me uncomfortable and I used to use it as a reason to move forward. Now I understand that it is a very unhealthy way of dealing with life. So I’m learning to how live my life without fear and anxiety (good luck to me 😂). How are you dealing w yours?

Rashid2002 profile image

Hello David, Let me tell you my story may be you can get some help. It all started in 2014 when I was driving to my home from office, Without any reason I started getting shortness of breath with palpitations, As I was driving the car I told my friend I am feeling SOB so I cant drive and I thought I get attack then my friend gave me cold water to drink I took a few sips then I divert my mind because I make traffic jam on road because I stopped the car on the bridge thinking its an attack then after drinking water I feel good and my anxiety also stopped bcoz of diverting my mind then I went to home didnt know what it was then I forgot tht incident then again in 2016 while going home again get same symptoms came back then went to Dr he done counselling to me that it is nothing but anxiety after doing all test of Heart, lungs and general checkup. After this I am getting repeated panic attacks but I am taking treatment as well as what helped me more is meditation and brisk walk daily. I really feel good while doing brisk walk for more then one hour daily of half half hour after office and after dinner some times more then that. Recently just 3 days before in night after dinner walking before sleeping I again get panic attack symptoms started to come but I was sure one thing that I dont have any heart problem or any other problem bcoz I just came back from walking its just an panic attack and I feel let it come I want to see how far it will take me but believe me in just 5 to 10 mins I become normal I am thankful to God that this is so easy to defend anxiety or panic attack with our confidence but first make sure that we should not have any heart problem or lungs problem or any other body problems

One thing is clear what I observe is that if its really anxiety attack or panic attacks or panic disorders they are always ready to attack us but we have to defend with our confidence just by diverting our mind or just say let it come and just see how far it will take us. I am sure it will help a lot

Leah8414 profile image

David, I used to have panic attacks . I have body anxiety not as much now as a few years ago after reading the anxiety work book I learned alot about anxiety and well first thing is first , you can't die from anxiety every thing speeds up when we have anxiety not slow down when dieing . We have chest pain and all that due to our muscles tightning from being afraid of anxiety attacks . Your heart races cause if your mind is thinking the worst your brain is gonna fight what you think is wrong so it goes into flight or fight mode and adrenalin makes the heart beat faster . Some people have to much adrelin in their brain at once and so it has to come out and some times it comes out all at once . People with anxiety are very fine tuned in our aches and pain and the heart beats we tend to hold on to a pain and think the worst because we are over thinkers about everything . We notice alot also . People with out over active anxiety will have a pain and excuse it for what it is but our brains over think to think the worst . Anxiety is a symptom of depression it is not a diagnosis by it self . U can have it without even feeling like your depressed panic comes from something like trama that happened in your life that you put away or did not deal with panic is a subconscious ordeal that's why it come on out of the blue . . I used to take meds and but I would mostly just take them with me with out taking them but it helped just to know they were there if it got to heavy . You have to let anxiety pass just as fast as it comes . You breath slowly and focus on something else get your mind on something else look at something you find interesting . Go for walk when anxiety starts . Get your mind off it and stay calm and breath threw it . Tell your self your ok cause you are and you will be . Stop worrying about everything because things will always sort them self's out weather you worry or not . Think back when it first started and what was going on in your life to bring anxiety on and work on understanding it and healing . The more educated you get on the matter the more better you get . And if you have slot of caffeine get off of that as well it intensifies it. Hope this all helps good luck . Take care .

lofeoutthere profile image

I get all that! Please don’t take Ativan I had hell of a time coming off of it. If you need meds look into Buspar does wonders for me. You’d be amazed at what physical symptoms the body puts out with anxiety

rrichardson profile image

You have to weight the pros and cons when it comes to taking medications. If you don't want these symptoms to take over your life you have to take charge. I don't like taking medications in excess myself, but I know that if I don't take something to help me manage it, my symptoms will dictate my life. I went to urgent care 4 years ago with chest pains and I thought I was having a heart attack at 24 years old. Thank God it was only my anxiety, but I was also agitated that I wasted time and money to have a doctor tell me that.

Agora1 profile image

Flippflake, I know how scared these symptoms are for you. You must believe in your doctors that you are okay. It sounds a lot like symptoms of anxiety. Because of your age, you need to make sure your mother understands how frightening these symptoms are for you and how much of an impact they have on your life. Has the doctor suggested any medication that may quiet your fears?

We are not doctors and can only support you through our own experiences. But there is help for you through your doctor who knows your health history and will keep you safe. xx

Agora1 profile image

I know you have a thousand worries swirling around your head right now. The chances at such a young age of any of them being harmful is small. The sting you feel in your chest area can very well be from over tensed chest wall muscles and not coming from your heart at all. After all, your doctor did say you are okay.

The breathlessness you feel can come from tight muscles in the diaphragm making you feel as if you cannot expand your rib cage. It is not coming from your heart or lungs. Your doctor would have told you if he thought that was a problem.

You seem to know a lot about heart issues. Did someone in your family recently have a heart attack or some other issue. If you don't think the Hydroxyzine is helping you, then you need to have your mother contact the doctor. It may be something as simple as adjusting the dosage. These symptoms are robbing you of enjoying your life as a young teen and not just existing by worry everyday. I feel for you and it breaks my heart to know how scared you are. Please reach out to your family in support of you. Meanwhile you can go to "YouTube" and listen to a couple videos that I listen to every day. It will help reduce some of your anxiety but still follow through with your mom and doctor.

"Guided Meditation Blissful Inner Peace" by the Honest Guys

"Sympathetic Breathing Meditation" by Quiet Mind Cafe

I hope listening to these videos will quiet your mind and body and allow you

to feel more relaxed and in control. Hugs, Agora1 xx

Agora1 profile image

:) xx

Hateanxiety profile image

Hi David,I hope you are well. I started suffering with anxiety,panic disorder, bipolar 2 disorder,choking phobia,severe depression and PTSD 11 months ago. I'm sure I've always had anxiety and panic attacks from a very young age. Trust me I know what you mean about visiting doctor just to have them tell you once again that it anxiety and that you're having a panic attack. I remember I would go to the hospital nightly with fear that I was dying,my heart would heart,I felt it was going to beat out of my chest,I would be unable to breathe to the point of almost fainting, I could not sit still to say my life. I remember thinking to myself how bad I wanted to run from everything, run from the fear, but sadly we can't run from our own minds or bodies. Some days I would even visit the hospital twice a day,each time I went I told them I knew for sure I was having a heartache,I have a brain tumor,my lungs had a hole or something that causedoesn't them to not work properly. Each and every time I was told "you're lying and here for dtugs,you're a healthy person,go home and don't stress," easy for them to say. It's not easy for a person who suffers with a mental illness. I was unable to eat for fear that I would choke of my food and die in front of my children, I got horribly sick for a long while. Doctors as well as the hospital put me on multiple medications,ask anyone on here who knows me,I hate taking even a Tylenol but I was to the point that I would do anything to live again. I was slowly killing myself,I was driving my self truly crazy,needless to say none of the med that put me on worked then. I met a wonderful doctor who believedo me and told me that what I was going through wasn't made up,I wasn't crazy and I wasn't alone. The people on here and that one doctor as well as my husband and children saved my life. The doctor told me I needed medication to help me for a while and that I have a serotonin deficiency in my brain as well that make my depression worse as well which does not help the anxiety. I accepted that and we experimented with different medications, I have been on Celexa 20mg for I think five or six months, I can't remember. I was also proscribed hydroxyzine for when I have attacks that I can't handle,I also see a psychiatrist. I have a life now,no its not the one I had before,no I'm not the same person I was before it all started but I'm still breathing and as happy as a person who suffers with mental illnesses can. I have great days,in between days and yes even horrible days but my horrible days are mostly crying,feeling as if things are unreal or just not wanting to see or speak to anyone and not want to leave my bed but I have to so I push myself. You may or may not alway's have anxiety and panic disorder but I have proof that it is possible to live as well,to smile every so often,go among others and live as they do. We are the same as everyone else,we simply tic different,that does not mean we should feel bad or apologize for it. No one understands unless they walk the same path that we suffer down everyday. I'm always here if you need to talk. I wish you well.


Rashid2002 profile image
Rashid2002 in reply to Hateanxiety

ABSOLUTELY .... No one understands unless they walk the same path that we suffer down everyday .... But always remember thr's always morning after night

Daviddtheherrera profile image
Daviddtheherrera in reply to Hateanxiety

Hey heather thank you for this :) I’ve also have choking phobia it’s mostly gets triggered when I’m at a theater and I feel like I’m going to choke on my food when a scary part comes up or when I’m driving too. But every now and then I also just feel like it’s going to happen any time I’m eating so I have to make sure I wash it down with water it’s the absolute worst 😞 i can’t even enjoy my meal. How do

You deal with it?

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