So, I have no idea what’s wrong with me anymore. I’m constantly dizzy and lightheaded it seems to get worse throughout the day, like before bed when I’m just starting to drift off I get a weird sensation in the back of my head and my vision goes blurry and I sway for a few seconds or I’ll jolt awake, this has just started happening. I have sudden stabbing pains in my head but not all the time. I feel like I have pressure behind my eyes and they will twitch and water. I have head pressure in the back of my head and a sore neck, everytime I stand or move suddenly I’ll get a weird throbbing sensation in the back of my head/neck and I’ll have to put pressure on it with my hand to feel some relief. The back of my head is so tender from doing this Every. Single. Day. I have been to the doctor, chiropractor and a counsellor. They have all said its stress, depression, grief and anxiety. My chiropractor has also said my spine isn’t how it should be. But I can’t help thinking it’s something worse because of my anxiety. I’m scared to go get tests done because I don’t want them to find something seriously wrong. I feel like I’m going to faint everytime I hear about stuff going on like that or reading about it. I’m a hypochondriac. I have no idea what to do anymore. I’ve had anxiety for years but these past couple months have been really bad. I’ve been dealing with the process of buying a house and I’ve also had a lot of death in my life so I know that could be a main reason as to why I feel like this. I just don’t feel like myself anymore. I don’t have the motivation to do anything anymore, I can’t drive or go for long drives without thinking I’m going to die, I don’t want to be at work anymore, I can’t even be alone without thinking somethings going to happen to me. I’m just so sick of this. I’m on Lorazepam, it helps a bit but I’m scared to take anything else. Everyone in my life says I’m just overthinking but they don’t understand how I feel everyday. I just wish this could all go away and I could go back to living a normal life.
Help: So, I have no idea what’s wrong with... - Anxiety Support
Hi, it's like I could have written this myself. Im sorry you are experiencing this. I often have folate deficient anaemia which is being further looked into and I have all of the symptoms you have. Whilst the anaemia explains some of the symptoms, for a long time I've known it's more in relation to stress and anxiety. Unfortunately I feel as though its something we have to learn strategies to cope with and incorporate this in our day to day life. Hope you improve soon x
You not alone .
Meds only is not the key
Whe all have the learn the skills
Now I think talk with you doc about you anxiety from taking bit more lorazepam and find maiby a therapist
If you ok with the lorazepam than why fearful about it
The overthinking is not easy
Or you have the say too yourself stop
And focus on other things
But I think both meds therapist and your doc
You’ll feel better when you get it checked out! You’d be surprised by how much anxiety can do. A neurologist will know what’s up. It could be anything from anxiety to stress to blood pressure.
Don’t google. From one hypochondriac to another. You will assume the worst. I did. I was fine. Keep talking to us.
Do you use zocdoc? It’s a quick way to find docs with your insurance. Do you think you’ll feel relief if you go?
Also, if they find it’s nothing, will you feel relief? Anxiety is POWERFUL.
I have a doctor appointment this week, so I’ll definitely ask her what’s going on. Last time I went to her she told me it was stress and grief and tried to put me on Wellbutrin. Oh google is the worst, I’m constantly googling my symptoms I should be dead already by the things it says I have. Haha. Hard to answer if I’d feel relief, I’ve been dealing with this for so long now its become a part of my daily routine 🙄🙄