hi I’ve been struggling with social anxiety since my teenage years, I’ve been on all sorts of medications which I struggle to spell. But I’m exhausted now I’m just scared in social situations all the time and it’s just getting too much to cope with. I don’t know what to do anymore I recently started a new job and my social anxiety is already effecting relationships with new colleagues because I’m so awkward talking, constantly paranoid about being judged and looked at and struggle to even make eye contact most days. Im afraid outside in public all the time, I sweat, twitch and shake from just passing people on side roads. I just don’t know anymore I’ve been fighting it for so long but I’m just tired now, it’s never getting better and I don’t know if I can keep going I need help but don’t know how. GP doesn’t help just puts me referral lists and makes me shove medications down my throat that makes me feel worse so this is a cry for help.
please someone help me: hi I’ve been... - Anxiety Support
please someone help me

OmegaDelta, I so understand but I can also tell you that the answer is not in pill form.
It's a confidence and self esteem issue that may have started with a negative word to
you back in your teenage years. It is exhausting in being on guard every minute you are
with people. Exhausting both mentally and physically. I hear your cry for help. It doesn't
have to be a forever pattern. With the right therapy and therapist, they can address the
issue that has made you this way. Being with people who pull your esteem up and not
tear you down is a start. Family members can sometimes say the wrong things to us that
can overtime make us believe we can't stand on our own 2 feet in a social situation.
I'd like to Welcome you to our caring community of virtual friends. Here is where we
start to learn from others. I'm not a doctor or therapist but just someone who has
experienced the same. xx
Wow 1.Tell yourself you can manage 2 .seek your doctor not to take so many medicine ..3.exercise both phyical work out like running till u sweat .work out gradually overtime u can do 80km per month that is good enough to calm you down and not get attacks so often.4.do meditation at home to feel relax..4.talk to your colleagues tell them your situation so they will not look at you so weird .i have gone thru these things like u said for 40 years i manage to overcome with good exercise and have plenty of friends ..and one thing i had my most needed medication that works wonder ...Xanax ..this really works with 20 mins upon attack .i had GAD for years till now i am able to cope ..Xanax must be perscribed by your doctor .it is very powrrful medicine but it can be addditive if u depend on it ..so learn yo know how it works on you and do not take it regularly .just carry with you as a standby ..in case your attavk is too aggresive you not able to ward off yourself..i learn how to manage without xanax so i use alternatives..breathing slowly get out of crowded areas then stay calm ...it goes away ..so dont worry talk to your doctor what i said ..i use to be a slave of xnax but overtime Xnax became my slave.i just carry with me and at times i find it very hard to overcome i use my slave but not 100% mayve 1/4tab ie 25% to help me overcome quickly ..hence overtime i carry with me just feel good and now i dont take at all..just carry as my friend .Relax friend you r not alone ..many people suffer like u me and others nut not all can manage well.GAD is known to stay for life but once you r able to overcome you r the king.take care
Have your doctor check your thyroid function. You may be hyperthyroid. Calming minerals with b complex may help. Magnesium glycinate 300 mg at bedtime to start plus P-5-P...an activated form of B6 helped me. I can take up to 600mg of magnesium a day but check with your doctor. You need to have normal kidney function to clear magnesium properly. Omega and DHA from Nordic Naturals is tested for heavy metals. It is good for the nerves and brain. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and sugars as these cause your blood sugar to be erratic. Choose low glycemic foods from a list you can get on the Internet.
If you do all of this, a short acting benzodiazepine like clonazepam may help. Half a mg once or twice a day helps me.
Hi there OmegaDelta, sorry to hear you are having such rough time. Therapy can definitely help, there might be a hidden cause to some of your anxiety. TRE (trauma releasing exercises) is also helpful to reset your nervous system here is a free course trecourse.com/courses/. Medication can help as long as it is done right, that is my struggle right now. Places like this are helpful (this forum). If you are on a waiting list for therapy and you need help sooner perhaps this is worth a try betterhelp.com. Many people are going through what you are, you don't need to feel alone. Take care my friend and stay in touch. Wishing you peace and health.
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