I need help. All I want to do is cry. It’s really bad. Is there a clinic that anyone knows of. I live in Pennsylvania.
Bad day: I need help. All I want to do is... - Anxiety Support
Bad day

I don't live anywhere near you so am afraid I can't suggest anywhere for you to go for help, although I would recommend visiting your doctor. Happy to listen/talk if that will help though
I’ve been going through this for 5 years. I wasn’t doing too bad but now it’s worse. All I want to do is cry. The emotions are really bad. My family doesn’t talk to me when I’m crying. They want me to stop all medicine.
I have suffered with various anxiety issues for many, many years and the severity of them undoubtedly fluctuates over time. At the moment, I have been having a peak in my anxiety and it does feel never ending at times. I too have periods where I just want to cry and sometimes I do, but it DOES get better. Don't stop your medication just because you family wants you too - do what you think is right for you - only you know. Of course, if goes without saying, don't make any medication changes without first discussing it with a doctor. You can do this and you won't feel like this forever.
But it’s been five years. I don’t enjoy anything
Have you tried any kind of talking therapy?
Yes I have a therapist and a psychiatrist. He’s on vacation I have an appt on weds but I can call tomorrow
I’m scared I’ll have to go in the hospital
Glad you are seeing them this week. I too am seeing my therapist this week after a bit of a break.
You CAN do this. Have faith in what they suggest, it will be in your best interests and will help you out of this state you are in. It might not be easy but will be worth it.
It sounds like you may still be in high school yet... I am so sorry you are so miserable...If you have been taking meds for 5 yrs and also visit with a psychiatrist and therapist for that long!!--...something is NOT working right... Have you ASKED them what THEY think is the matter that you don't seem to be getting any better???? Something is not right here... Please take heart...if you really WANT to get better...you WILL...not saying its easy...but just do what it takes to help yourself. You deserve you own help!! Best wishes.
I’m 60 years old
Trees, you have had this exaggerated feeling of fear for a long time. It means your nerves are in a very sensitive state and because the anxiety is overwhelming, and you are already being helped by a psychiatrist and a therapist, I think your way forward is to find the right medication that will bring you relief from anxiety. I know you've tried several but you clearly haven't found an effective one for you. But you can be absolutely sure that there IS one that will bring you respite and bring you peace of mind.
1. Impress on your psychiatrist and therapist that you must find with their help a medication that works.
2. As it can take 3 weeks for many meds to give you their full benefit ask for a short course of diazepam or xanax to tide you over. These meds give you immediate relief from fear but you can't take them daily long term.
3. You're going to have to stand up to your family who are telling you that you should stop taking meds. Tell themthat it's YOUR decision not there's and they are not mefically qualified to tell you what to do.
So the priority is to find the effective anti anxiety med that works for you as soon as possibly. I would mention as a possibility the med amitriptylene.
Trees, you are going to recover from this with the help of the right meds. Focus on this solution and how to bring it about. There is nothing organically wrong, this is all a very bad case of nerves. The right med is going to settle your mind, remove the feelings of fear and you will stop feeling like crying. Life will be enjoyable once more.
I have been on medicine for 5 years
Trees, you have been on meds for 5 years but either it is no longer helping or it's the wrong med, I think the priority is to find one that does work for you.
I’m seeing my psychiatrist on weds. I don’t know why I’m afraid of thoughts and fear. I’m afraid I’ll end up in a mental institution.
My daughter told me anxiety is a choice
Trees, anxiety is most certainly not a choice, it's something that happens to us when we've endured to much stress, worry, overwork, grief, loss etc. None of us would voluntarily choose to have anxiety so disregard what you were told by someone with no experience of anxiety and no professional training.
It's good you're seeing your psychiatrist on Wednesday, you can have that chat about finding a med that works for you and some diazepam or xanax to bring you short term relief while you're waiting for your new meds to kick in. Hope it goes well.
I can’t stop the fear. My daughter just got her license for professional counseling. She yells at me. I have a hard time not crying
Trees, I think it would be a good idea for your husband to go with you next time you see your doctor or psychiatrist so that your condition can be explained to him by a professional, I think he would be more understanding about your driving and generally after such a talk. Well worth trying and persuading him.
oh dear, no no no no no...it is not a choice... I am SO SORRY Trees, clearly its so much more difficult when you don't have support and understanding from your family... I know people like this, however... they just think 'its all in your mind, just get over it'...that's baloney... Sometimes you wish they could at least experience what you are going through for just ONE WEEK... but...anyway...be sure you tell your therapist that you have NO family support... I wish I were there to give you a hug... maybe ask your drs if you can find a group you could join...just to mingle and talk with others who DO understand... Take care...Sending you love and best wishes of all kinds.
you are keeping your symptoms alive by preoccupation, imagination and exaggeration. with out fear or anger there could not be any tension which causes symptoms. command yourself not to act on obsessive thoughts and they will die of inanition.
Late response, but I just have to say "HA" ...it should be so easy... !! There are times when people need 'help' other just 'saying no'.... or we would all be cured instantly... Granted there are some cases in which it may be 'this easy'... but it hardly applies to every case.
Do you live anywhere near Philadelphia? Horsham Clinic is excellent. I spent 2 weeks in Inpatient and 4 weeks in their Partial Outpatient Program. The outpatient program is really fantastic. If you can,call them or just go there(that's what I did).
Trees, I just want to add a (((((((Hug))))))) and best to you!