Like most on here I'm having a bad day myself with my health anxiety. I've currently got yet another ear infection caused by anxiety and stress. This is giving me headache, neck ache and sore ears to the point my head feels like it's going to explode. On top of that I'm having left arm ache and middle chest pains. I'm trying to distract myself with mobile phone app games, cleaning even at 11pm lol it works for a little while then the rest of the anxiety pains start grrrrrr. At least it's therapy day tomorrow lets see what that brings only 10 hours to wait and ill no doubt be awake a lot tonight counting down the hours.
Having a bad day myself.!!: Like most on... - Anxiety Support
Having a bad day myself.!!

HI Eve, Sorry to hear your having a bad day x And sorry to hear of your infection. I can imagine you are feeling a little sore and pained through it yes, they are awful x Remind yourself that the pains are due to the fact you are feeling anxious and working yourself up. I have a app on my phone called s.a.m x Its got a phrase on there you can read over and over if you are panicking to distract you x and a tracker so you can monitor your anxiety on a daily basis x It works with 4 lines for worrying thoughts, feeling of anxiety, physical symptoms and avoidance x Its great for seeing the times your anxiety peaks x Its got a few other things have a tinker you may like it x Hope you have a productive therapy day x Donver xx

Hi donver yes trying to remind myself it's not the old worry over heart attack
I do my normal body scan to check for other symptoms luckily there are no others at the mo...I just hold on to the thought that one day these attacks will
Get less and less and life will get back to normal. Ill defo have a look for that app thanks for that I usually use my chat app so can talk random rubbish to folks world wide that helps distract too.
Hi Evey37, I to have been feeling the same today ear pain, neck pain headaches. It started for me when I new I was going for a walk with a friend the thought of having to leave my house is horrible. Once I was out though I felt ok. I did have to sit down and breath as I felt like I was going to pass out but I did notice it was when I walked through a big group of people. It does get hard when it affects your life so much especially when you get such physical symptoms as these. Even though it may not be easy it does help to keep busy today I found myself skipping and saying im doing things for myself kinda broke out into a song lol. I really hope you feel better tomorrow xx
Hi bec ... I'm lucky in a way as it doesn't affect me leaving the house still get up and go to work which in itself is a stressful job but it's a job I like. Big groups of people can be scary especially if they are younger and look intimidating. Having a better day so far and therapy only an hour or so away now. Once I'm at work I'm usually ok. Thanks for your replay and keep singing that's always good to stop or calm the anxiety have a good day too
Hi eve
Everything you have just wrote is what is happening to me apart from it's my right arm not my left, ear pain chest pain etc and I feel at this moment I can't breathe .. Is there a lot of people around you demanding your time and space, are you a giver, always trying to please everyone to displease yourself ?
You can always contact me am here and give each other support xx I don't have any support group maybe you can give me some advice xx