Since Friday night, now it's Monday. I haven't felt real. I know this is due too anxiety, because I normally have short periods of not feeling real, and I normally handle it by telling myself it will be over soon, but now I have it and it's not shifting, everyone's telling me too breathe and only I can control it. But even doing that I can't cope much longer with it, I'm exhausted. I'm sleeping but I'm waking up more tired, I'm scared this won't go away... I have support but I need ways on how too cope with it better, I'm forgetting on what I done the day before, and constantly wondering if I actually done something , and questioning if it's real or not, but need too tell myself it is. I'm waking up with it and going too bed with it, I haven't felt normal for nearly a week😭. I have the doctors on Wednesday, but I'm needing some help on how too cope until then... I'm only 17
Feeling unreal for 4 days straight.. - Anxiety Support
Feeling unreal for 4 days straight..

Same here. For over 6 weeks now. And I am exhasted. I been on medication for 5 weeks and no help! If I find some techniques I'll let you know and maybe you can do the same? If you want to talk message me.
Chxn, I know that feeling of everything being unreal, almost as if I was watching everything on tv and wasn't there, though I haven't felt it for years knowing what I know now. It's another trick that jangled nerves play on us but although it's unpleasant it's really of little importance because it's not life threatening, it can't make you lose your mind and it is only temporary, I promise you Chxn it WILL pass.
You say you're scared it won't go away but it's that reaction of fear towards the feeling of unreality that makes it stay. When your nervous system is sensitised by stress and worry it needs daily doses of fear to stay that way. If you stop feeding your nervous system with fear and tension it eventually recovers and so do you.
Your path to recovery is to stop fighting the feeling and simply accept it for the time being. Fighting only causes more stress and tension and your nerves have had enough of that. Instead do the opposite and accept the bad feelings with the minimum of fear, just carry on as normal doing all the things you usually do but without the constant introspection and testing to see if it's not there. It can't kill you, it's not going to be there for ever, so just Accept it for the moment without fear and carry on. If you can do that with practice and persistance you will arrive at the stage where thebad feelings hardly bother you any more.
As a result you will have stopped stoking the fires of your nervous system with further fear...and your nerves will return to normal and the feelings of derealisation and all your other symptoms of anxiety will pass. You have youth on your side, Chxn, you can do it. Untold thousands before you have done it and so can you.
So Accept everything your nervous system throws at you and respond not with more fear but with peace and relaxation. I wish you God's speed to your recovery.
Me neither
Thank you guys for the support!!!, I just needed a little bit of more guidance and help, I'm starting to manage too handle it!, such a horrible thing anxiety suffers go through🙄, but I guess it can only make you stronger, if anyone has other techniques, or want too speak , message me