Constant feelings like I'm dying . PLEASE ... - Anxiety Support

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Constant feelings like I'm dying . PLEASE PLEASE HELP IM GOING INSAIN

Amytat profile image
40 Replies

Please guys help in any ways. Every min I feel like I'm going to die. I woke up 100 times feeling this

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Amytat profile image
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40 Replies

Hi Amytat. You are not alone. I have had that over whelming doomed feeling, I still get it although it has gotten better. That's anxiety and if you can accept that and you can tell yourself that anxiety is making you feel that way, it will get better. Try your best to ignore that feeling, I know it's hard I've been there but once you stop feeding it with fear it will ease up. When you feel that way try to do anything to distract yourself.

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to

Thank you for your reply.

I'm.glad you are better

Did yours come at night too? Mine is 24.7

It's been so bad my heart goes fast then slow then I'm like I bet this is it

in reply to Amytat

Yes at one point it caused me to have insomnia. But at times it attacked me at random times, it still does but it's milder than before

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to

I'm just scared of the feeling I'm afraid that it will cause me to die

Cicatestu profile image
Cicatestu in reply to Amytat

Acceptance is key. Once you learn to observe your emotions and feelings, it gets better.

Here is a video which could be useful:

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to Cicatestu

Such a great video thank you

in reply to Amytat

Yes. Gone through this a million times even when I take meds it still occurs.

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to

It's so bad isnt it. And every time if feels so real

in reply to Amytat

Yes it does but I’m starting to try and accept it as part of who I am. I think there are some excellent suggestions here. I’m sending love and peace across the miles to you today.

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to

Thank you love. I got the thought right now it's so bad

in reply to Amytat

Breathe in for a count of 5. Hold your breath for a count of 6. Breathe out for a count of 7. It’s called block breathing and sometimes it will even help you to sleep.

Boober180 profile image
Boober180 in reply to

I have dealt with that. It is a process telling your mind that it is lying to you. Distraction is the best way to start. Try cutting off the television at night and listening to a nice playlist. Try focusing on the tempo and instruments in the music. That really works for me. I have a night playlist and a morning playlist. Almost like a therapy.

in reply to Boober180

I listen to my favourite music and fall asleep and dream about the music

Boober180 profile image
Boober180 in reply to

It really helps

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to Boober180

Wow did you recover from this by yourself . Please tell me more

Boober180 profile image
Boober180 in reply to Amytat

It has made a huge difference. It is my way of dealing with it. There are times that I feel anxiety coming on and I instantly resort to music not only at night but during the day as well.

Boober180 profile image
Boober180 in reply to Amytat

See I find myself listening to mellow music with a happy vibe. Initially pacing my breathing to the tempo then sort of meditating to it.

in reply to

I love this advice. It seems in many ways that acceptance is the key.

Jeff1943 profile image

Amytat, calm yourself, all is well even though you're going through a difficult time. The human heart is the largest, strongest muscle in the body, it will not fail you even though your heart beats fast and then returns to normal.

There is a saying 'the brave man dies once, the coward a thousand times'. I think it's a bit harsh to call people cowards but you get the idea.

You know in your heart of heart that this fear of death is just an obsession galloping away out of control. You know that you'll most likely live to be 100, life span is increasing all the time. You know all this but still Anxiety whispers its poison in your ear and because your spirits are low and your nerves on edge you give it credance.

To be quite honest, Amytat, your life has become a living death because of this obsession. Be it ever so many years hence, when death finally comes it couldn't be worse than the living hell you put yourself through.

Isn't it possible for you to spend some time with a therapist who comes highly recommended who could lead you out of the dark place you now find yourself in?

So calm yourself, Amytat, it's late spring out there you know, life is renewing itself. Why not join it? Take a walk along a country lane or some local park, or along the bank of a river or stream, fill your mind with thoughts of how beautiful are the surroundings that nature provides for us.

There is even beauty in the clouds as they scud past against intense blue skies. Engage with them all, Amytat, and you will come to realise there is more to life, better ways to spend your time, than letting frayed jaded nerves trick you into obsessing about untimely death.

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to Jeff1943

Well said I get it trust me I want to change but the thoughts keep coming up. Today I went to therapists ahe told me she cant help anymore go home and take medication:(

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to Amytat

Your therapist seems to be failing in their duty to you Amytat.

You have been wasting money on that one...Utah my sure there are others out there with maybe better qualifications and experience.

I'm guessing you are in ?America....had you been in ?Britain you could have seen an Anxiety Suppirt worker.

I strongly believe that there is more to fear in living than in dying.

Are you physically fit ? If you are then if necessary FORCE yourself to join a ramblers group...walk...look at the beauty around you...make friends...

There must be many groups you could join....maybe you are spending too much time on your own ?....put the radio on...enjoy some music...

Is there a MINDFULNESS group you could join ?

Hope you feel more positive soon.

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to Maribee

I'm in Australia. It's weird why I cant find one normal therapists

MajesticBeem profile image

Any feeling, any diagnosis you have, I have learned, if you try to fight, or panic about it, that fear or upset makes it worse...So I need you to take a deep breath and bring yourself down first because you cannot even function, if you are worrying about this feeling..REMEMBER, IT DOES NOT CONTROL YOU. DO NOT GIVE IT THAT POWER..You need to find out where it is coming from...What triggers it..A person, a situation, a thought..or a food because diet, what we eat plays a role in how we feel..sugar, caffeine, it does a lot..The way I started calming Anxieties was journaling out what I felt and writing out that junk mindlessly..because you know what..if you read that, you will see what it looks like, what those words are that keep playing..Then you make a this you? The real you? I could not even read half my writing and that stuff did not match who I thought I was..and I made a one aspect at a time I started changing..Everybody is different..I changed negative thoughts.,for every negative I forced a positive..every time..for a year straight until it ingrained..if it takes journaling everyday, every moment because you do not hear it then do that...You are stronger than you think..But you need to find what fuels this and make friends with it..If you nurture it like a baby, it will go away and become a distant part of formed because of need to find out what..A med, a situation, what? Things do not just happen like this..l

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to MajesticBeem

Thank you dear so much. I don't know what triggers it. I just feel weird sensation and I think what if I die and my baby is left without me.

Missymama profile image
Missymama in reply to Amytat

I feel same way I take Ativan I feel better with it. But I wanna get off of it cause I can't have alcohol while taking Ativan. I wanna try something else but scared to hate pills. I've tryed Lexapro and felt numb and a zombie. I take a small baby paxil. To

in reply to Missymama

Pretty sure you can drink with ativan, just make sure you havent taken any a few hours before. And drink slowly because your tolerance might be lower.

Missymama profile image
Missymama in reply to

The drs told me I can die if I do. And this heat 85 degrees trigger my anxiety plus I have low blood sugar. I hate this I'm gaining weight cause I have to eat every 3 hours! 😒

Missymama profile image
Missymama in reply to Missymama

If I don't take my Ativan boy do I get major anxiety bad feeling. Scared paranoid. Nervous. It's weird and scary

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to Amytat

So you have a baby ? Are you maybe suffering from post natal depression ? See a health worker or your GP as you need to feel well to look after a are OVERWHELMED at the moment and you do need some calm in your need to put yourself first and be fit enough to cope with life plus you live in Britain ?

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to Maribee

My little one is 5 so probably not that. I'm not depressed just bad thoughts

I m in Australia

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to Amytat

Depression can give you bad thoughts........Australia is you have friends ? Family ? Can you talk to somebody about the way you feel ?

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to Maribee

I don't have many friends or family here :(

pink83737 profile image

you are not going to die anytime soon

Maribee profile image

Whatever Ativan is......I would strongly advise against taking anything which alters your ability to think clearly while careing for a child...and certainly not drinking alcohol with medication..,that's a real stupid thing to do.

Please take back control, eat sensibly, rest when you can and get proper advice.....

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to Maribee

No I'm not on any medication

I wake up once most nights thinking im going to die its horrendous and feel bad on my partner😟

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to

I feel you

Boober180 profile image

It is a very scary thing dealing with anxiety. What gives you hope is knowing that it is just your brain tricking your body, but it is YOUR brain and you have the power to control it. It is a process but it will be done. Just try not to get discouraged and stay consistent with whatever therapy helps as well as these groups. It is always good to reach out to others who can relate.

MajesticBeem profile image

Sensations..ok..describe them and write them down in detail..this is what you need to do..physical sensations..what is happening to your mind during this, are you hot or cold, do you feel like you need to escape that things are closing in or that you are desperate..the feelings you feel..See Anybody can assess this, but a qualified doctor can put this puzzle, these feeling together with a possible diagnosis and solution..You are aware..That is fantastic!! Some people cannot catch anything around them..the feelings..but for to feel something..that awareness exists..which is good...

xsinor profile image

You definitely should read this

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