Severe anxiety and palpitations - Anxiety Support

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Severe anxiety and palpitations

Teresa1983 profile image
39 Replies

Hi all I thought I would give this a try. I have suffered from anxiety and severe panic attackes for around 8 years. The most bothersome thing is the heart palpitations I get. Feels like my heart skips a beat sometimes I can get these for 70% of the day 😢. In the past I had this for 3 months then it went away again. I have had ecg, 48 hour heart monitor also a echocariagram (scan of heart) although it shows I have the beats they are apparently not dangerous. Just recently it's all started again and now affecting my work. All day palpitations legs feel like jelly when I walk shaking hot feelings like I will pass out. Had these all before when doc said I was suffering from this. Been back to doctors referred to counselling still on propranalol they are doing another ecg and blood tests just to make sure. This is itself is making me panic. Please can anyone tell me they feel the same???? It's ruining my life I get to the end of my road start feeling all hot an panicky then start feeling dizzy again. Just want to feel normal again.

Thank you


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Teresa1983 profile image
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39 Replies
Minnie87 profile image

This is literally me definitely arent alone x

Teresa1983 profile image
Teresa1983 in reply to Minnie87

Hi thank you for responding there are times although very rare when I will feel ok for a few hours but very rareasonable. I even started having a few glasses of wine every evening as made me feel better at time. But been told by my doctor that this does more harm than good the day after and can make palpitations so much work. I just want them to go away 😡 sorry for going on just feel like crying sometimes x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Teresa1983

Oh dont worry i totally understand where you are coming feel like everyone else is normal except you.sometimes you feel so bad you just cant see a way out.i know exactly what you mean.the physical symptoms are terrifying.the lightheadedness is the worst for me at the moment.its there 24/7. Is it the same for you?the palpitations are also terrible.its so hard to rationalise it sometimes isnt it x

Teresa1983 profile image
Teresa1983 in reply to Minnie87

Hi yes the dizziness and palpitations are bad I'm having them now. I just think of they went away would feel alot more normal. I constantly think I have something terribly wrong with heart because I Google symptoms alot which maybe I shouldnt. I'm constantly checking my pulse waiting from the missed beat feeling 😩 x

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Minnie87

I also get the dizziness/off balance feeling. It’s so surreal. It’s horrible. Makes my head feel so heavy. And the palpitations. Had so many ecgs to x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Kierra87

Its awful isnt matter how much you tell yourself its anxiety/panic its so hard to believe!! x

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Minnie87

Yes it really is. It’s all day every day. Constant. Never get a break from it. X

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Kierra87

Same hun.its hell.

How long have you had anxiety for? x

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Minnie87

It is awful hun I hate it. They’ve think mine is hormone imbalance, I’ve had so many tests ecgs etc. Mine started last August and then December just gone is when it got bad with the dizzy feeling every day, heavy head feeling x you ? X

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Kierra87

I have had anxiety my whole life.but i had my daughter 6 years ago and after that it got really bad.then was managable for a few years and then a couple of months ago came back with a vengeance.

Do you manage to live a normalish life?did yours just come on randomly? X

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Minnie87

Oh wow bless you. Well they diagnosed me when my youngest was around 3 months old and it was manageable, I had gone through a rough time, also got a horrible childhood, I’m not sure what triggered mine to be honest hun. Sometimes it can be nothing or something. But I have a hormone imbalance and I’ve been having problems with my cycle since December Which is when it all got bad x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Kierra87

Oh i see,so that probably hasnt helped it at all!hormones can make it so much worse.

Do you find doing everyday things hard? X

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Minnie87

Yeah just makes it worse. And yeah I do hun, everything is hard work, I have two young children to. I get up tired go to bed tired but can never get to sleep x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Kierra87

Same hun.i have two small children literally destroys the day.its horrible isn’t it.

Just feel so poorly all the time.

Glad I’m not alone though.we seem to be in quite similar situations.

I dont know about you but i find people just dont get it and think you can just snap out of it! x

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Minnie87

It’s awful hun it really is. It feels so real to. Like I get constant dizziness off balance feeling, can feel my heart racing or through my chest. Feel sick bad acid muscle aches headaches, list goes on. And yep no one bloody listens x

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Kierra87

Trembles shakes negative thoughts all the time x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Kierra87

Its just so hard to be strong and ignore it.i find that so hard.haven’t had it this bad in years. off balance dizziness is constant too.its so tiring.have you seen posts on here from Agora and Jeff?they are so strong and wise. just wish i could get into that mindset! x

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Minnie87

It is so hard to just ignore it 😔 I’ve come to bed already and I still feel rubbish. I hate the dizzy feeling it’s so horrible. And can stay most the day. Really wow no I haven’t seen their posts x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Kierra87

I know hun its so so tough.we just need a sprinkle of the wise ones!check out their posts if you can.and im sure this will pass in time for us bothx

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Minnie87

I hope so hun xx

Kierra87 profile image
Kierra87 in reply to Kierra87

What are you like at night time/bedtime hun x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Kierra87

Surprisingly i actually sleep.its the only time that i seem to get any relief!do you ever manage to sleep well? X

Minnie87 profile image

Same!!!we are literally so similar!

I check my pulse alot too.and google is the worst thing ever to do.

Do you get surges of adrenaline?and butterflies in your tummy? x

Teresa1983 profile image
Teresa1983 in reply to Minnie87

Yeah I do sometimes I feel like I just need to run around. I constantly moving my legs when resting as in shaking it if that makes sense. I joined a gym months ago but cannot even get there to go now as feeling like this would be scared to go. Doctors advised that exercise actually helps but am convinced it will make heart worse x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Teresa1983

Same!i dont get the palpitations when i exercise but actually doing exercise is scary because its breaking that habit!

Its a real battle trying to break these behaviours.has yours been constant the last 8 years or does it come and go?and did you have a trigger for yours? X

Teresa1983 profile image
Teresa1983 in reply to Minnie87

It comes and goes I can be ok for weeks or months then I may get it for a week or 2. Sometimes months everyday like this time. I have had a few problem ie relationships and money. Also my manager at work wasn't to sympathetic about it but he's left now. I do sometimes get slight pain in chest or neck then I worry that's also my heart. My dad diedied when I was young of a heart attack so that instantly make me feels worse x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Teresa1983

Do you sometimes wish it was a physical illness so that you could just get treated for it!?i know i do.

Im sorry to hear that,of course that will make you feel worried as you are anxious person.its amazing to think that this can all be caused by fear.

Do you manage to leave the house? x

Teresa1983 profile image
Teresa1983 in reply to Minnie87

Only today I thought if there actually is something wrong that's causing it then at least I could may be have medication. I went docs today and am going for blood tests tomorrow just to make sure. I said to my mum I hope they actually find something they can treat. I do manage to sometimes leave the house but I have to go straight to where I'm going feeling anxious and dizzy. I try listening to music on phone when walking also sounds odd but wearing sunglasses helps a bit with dizziness. Don't know if that's because everything else seems blocked out. I cannot do supermarkets yet haven't been able to for 2 monhs now. X

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Teresa1983

Same with going out.sometimes it seems impossible.

My doctor a few years ago eventually told me i couldn’t have anymore tests as it was feeding the i ended up in the hospital!they also told me that it was pure panic and anxiety and it still doesn’t bloody register!its so frustrating isn’t it.

So glad i have found someone who is like me!its nice to know we arent alone in this horror x

Teresa1983 profile image
Teresa1983 in reply to Minnie87

It sure is I will get blood results Monday they r also doing another ecg on Monday morning at doctors. If that comes back all fine I'm going to try son hard to sort myself out. Hopefully the counselling will also help x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Teresa1983

I did reply to you but somehow it went under the first message for some reason! X

in reply to Minnie87

I am always wishing it was physical instead of mental so I could be proactive and do something about it rather than trying to breathe thru a terrifying panic attack!!!

Minnie87 profile image

Oh thats good.sometimes a little reassurance is just what you need.

After my hospital trip i did slowly start to manage it better.i find doctors are much better with anxiety and panic than they were several years ago.

If you ever want anyone to chat to just message me.sometimes just talking can help x

Teresa1983 profile image
Teresa1983 in reply to Minnie87

Thank you so much xx

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Teresa1983

How did you get on with your tests and results?hope you are okay x

Barrettsmommy profile image

I have had this for anout 9 months now happened right after I gave birth, I also control my breathing 24/7!!! You are definitely not alone! I will tell you that I was extremely terrified of going to the gym because i constantly worried I was going to stop breathing or pass out (I even carry an oxygen monitor every where I go), but I have been going to the gym for about 3 months now and it has helped with my anxiety that and seeing a Psychologist. I still get panic attacks and when I do they feel as though they last all day and then I’m terrified of doing anything the next few days cause I feel like it will happen again. It’s so scary having bad anxiety feeling like something bad is always going to happen to you. If sitting still I always have to be shaking a leg or fidgeting other wise I feel like ima pass out. Sometimes walking around at work I feel dizzy and a faint feeling. But at the gym I feel myself again. Give it a try with someone first so that way if you feel like you might pass out at least you’ll have someone there for you. I can now go by myself .

Mimine profile image

Hi Teresa, no you’re definitely not alone! I’m also taking Propanolol when I need it. I suffer from anxiety so fully understand how you’re feeling. I think if you've been told that there’s nothing wrong with your heart then maybe look to deal with your anxiety? There’s so much you can do for it. I’ve learnt that exercise (for me it’s regular walking and gardening - being with nature, if it’s possible for you, works wonders), meditation (that saved me and now I couldn’t live without it!), Qigong (similar to Tai Chi), taking marine magnesium and Hawthorn Berry capsules. All this really helped bring the palpitations under control. I still have them sometimes when I feel stressed but I’m less worried about them.

I hope all this will help. Keep talking and sharing. That also helps. Also, you might want to research anxiety and its symptoms. Understanding what’s happening to you is important...

Good luck 😊x

Illboy profile image

there you go , a doctor on this site has answered numerous people with all the concerns like you , this helped me alot

NewUserx profile image

I get the same feelings everyday! Not very nice :( my hearts racing right now has I write this! I’d do anything to be free from these horrible feelings

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