stress and anxiety: So I lost my baby about... - Anxiety Support

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18 Replies

So I lost my baby about a month ago, I had just started my new job when i lost him. Ever since then i have had trouble sleeping and have been feeling detached from my body. Like im apart of it but at the same time im off to the side or looking in. I have been so scared to fall asleep because i wake up feeling sick or have trouble breathing. I have panic attacks and anxiety at night, . Sometimes it gets so bad that i cant go back to sleep or i just dont sleep. Sometimes i stop breathing and or i feel paralyzed. like i cant move at all for a few minutes.

I get head acs, my stomach hurts, i feel sick, my eye sight is off and i have this feeling that im zoned out. I feel scared and like im never going to be normal and feel like i use to. Is this normal for anyone else, and will it go away. Im so scared that im going crazy or that im dying. but everytime i go to the doctors the test come back the same. Plz help me understand!

18 Replies
Icanbeathis2016 profile image

Since I'm the first to respond to you. I want to say welcome to the forum. You will find much comfort here in knowing that many go through the same as you. I am sorry for your loss. I can imagine the extreme sadness, distress, and fear that you are experiencing as each day passes. I can relate to the same emotional trauma such as stress and anxiety and not getting any sleep. I too am struggling with sleep for the past several months to be exact. Getting about four hours at best each night. I may get lucky to get five and its broken sleep. As a bit of comfort to you I can say that its very possible that anxiety and stress is the culprit of the stomach aches, cant sleep, eye sight off, feeling zoned out because i go through that quite often even now. I even have appetite issues that I am struggling to eat.

So I wanted to be the first to say I know How you feel. I hope for you to find strength and comfort from whomever around you as you get through this your loss.

Im here if you want to ask any questions about your symptoms. Ive experinced I think just about every physical symptom anxiety has to offer.

And again, welcome to the forum.🌷

in reply to Icanbeathis2016

Thank you so much i feel more at ease knowing im not the only one

in reply to

You’re not....we’re all here in the same

HelloPanda23 profile image
HelloPanda23 in reply to Icanbeathis2016

Use sleep hypnosis, binarul beats, and subliminal messages to help out with your sleep. They have cured my hypochondria at around 60%. I think they will help you as well.

Dubba61 profile image

I am sorry for your loss Cuban. And i do know how you feel because i lost a little boy, many years ago. Although the grief fades you don't ever forget. I feel that you need help with your sleeping (everyone needs to sleep) n Anxiety problems. Have you tried the online hypnosis? The ones by Jason Stephenson or Micheal Seally really help me to sleep. If that doesn't work n Even if it's just for a short time. I would get some Medication from your Doc. Doesn't mean you have to be on it for long. Just for now while your grieving. My best wishes to you. 😊🌻✌️

in reply to Dubba61

He did give me pills but tbh im scared to take them because he told me that it will get worse before it gets better. And it will take 6 weeks to kick in.

Dubba61 profile image
Dubba61 in reply to

Really?! Well, i don't know what those Pills are, because most take 2 weeks to kick in. Maybe, you could try them for a few days n I see if they make an improvement. Councilling should help. Or perhaps, try a support group then? I know some people find them very helpful. I know that when i lost mine, i didn't seek any help looking back, i should have done. I hope you find something to help you, at this difficult time, Cubangirl. 😊🌻✌️

in reply to Dubba61

Thank u so much

Agora1 profile image

Dearest CubanGirl619, My sincere condolences on the loss of your baby a month ago. On life's stress scale events, loss of partner*child ranks No. 1 ... Your grief is causing all the symptoms you are experiencing. Severe anxiety is being portrayed. The impact of your loss affects not only your mind but every other part of your body. You are not going crazy or dying. Your life may feel out of control right now, like the rug has been pulled out from under your feet. But know that in time you will be able to accept the pain from your loss. Not forget but accept.

Seeing a grief therapist can help you take the proper steps in regaining who you are once more. Sometimes along with therapy, a mild sedative can help you get the much important sleep that is necessary with regaining your strength and allowing you to go forward in life.

You've been through a traumatic event that has left you lost. But you will find your way back once again. Each person grieves in their own time and in their own way. I'm glad you found this forum to come to whenever you need support and understanding. We are always here for each other, to share our life's journeys and to comfort and care. You are not alone CubanGirl. Our hearts go out to you during this most difficult part of your grieving. xx

in reply to Agora1

thank u so much

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

:) xx

RAB888 profile image

Hi, I am sorry for your loss, and it will probably take some time to recover from it, but you will.

I have had long periods of little sleep that I now know was down to too much thinking.

Both my former wife and my current girlfriend have both suffered a miscarriage. I hope that in time if you decide to try for another child it will be better for you.

You are not going crazy and the more you can relax and slow down the thinking that you are doing you will soon begin to return to a regular sleep pattern. All the physical and mental symptoms are a signal from your psychology that you need to slow down and relax.

We are generally all born with innate health and wellbeing that is always there when you let go of any unnecessary negative thoughts that can cause your imagination to run riot.

Hope this helps

in reply to RAB888

Yes thank u!

Smd22 profile image

First, let me say how sorry I am that you are having to go through is. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to lose a child. I do however understand the physical emotions that you are having. This forum is a very good first step for support. I would suggest that you seek counseling. There are so many avenues to explore with medications, whether it be OTC or prescribed. I hope that you will keep us all updated with how you are coping.

in reply to Smd22

yes i will.

HummingbirdM profile image

So sorry for the loss of your baby you must be devastated I lost 3 babies via miscarriage some years ago and the pain and desolation was dreadful, but in time you will heal you will never forget your baby but you will move on.what you have to do now is look forward I wish you well and hope you will come back from this.

sergioB profile image

Keep your head up beautiful

samantha220582 profile image

Hey girl 😉 so so sorry for your loss. It must be an impossible time for you. I just wanted to say that the symptoms you discribed sound very much like you have been suffering from dissociative disorder. Its perfectly normal given what you have been through but worth mentioning to your G.P. G.P can refer you to suitable counseling. It will do you the world of good I promise. My heart goes out to you and hope you find peace and strength. It is possible eventually. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself during this horrid time.

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