These past four years have been so terrible. I ask myself how im i alive sometimes? Hopefully, which i doubt, there is someone that goes through the same thing as me. It started 4 years one day wen i was was standing outside of my gramas house. I felt like fainting . I was so scared to faint and i was really scared so my dad took me to the hospital. Doctors said it was dehydration, i wasnt convience since all i drink is water. Ever since that day i been having crown head pressure. Bug me every single day. The following month after the hospital, was the worst. I felt off balance head aches, weak, numb hands and feeling like i was goin to faint. Those were the few symptoms i had. But thats just the beginning. Long story short. I did blood test, mri, cat scan , mri on neck, urine test, and nothing! My symptoms are terrible . Icant sleep during the day because i get sleep paralysis! I have everyday head pressure still. Ribs are really tight. Cant take a full breathe. Feeling like throwing up everyday in the morning. My body parts fall asleep really fast. My body weak. Numbness. I turn pale sometimes. Every symptom in the book have felt ! I sound like I'm lying but believe me :/ I took xanex for a week and omg sleep paralysis everyday! So scary. I feel like anxiety makes everything feel worst. I have looked up anxiety and cant agree that i have that because people with anxiety usually stated that they get nervous because of what people thinking or talking about them or they feel like they are being watched , even going crazy at times. I look at people that have anxiety like if there minds have taken 100 percent control over them. I never have to thoughgs i just have physical symptoms ,therefore i feel like i dont have anxiety. :/ help me someone with this wierd case. I want to be normal again
Is it anxiety?!?: These past four years have... - Anxiety Support
Is it anxiety?!?

hi there... its severe anxiety... trust me I know sometimes its hard to believe that just anxiety can cause all these horrible, real feelings but it can 100%. You need to convince yourself that it IS anxiety... when ur feeling sick or dizzy or your heads pounding or chest is throbbing any of it just tell yourself "this is anxiety, ill be fine". Embrace your anxiety and I swear things will start disappearing. The pain I mean. Ill pray for you and write me if you ever need to talk or have a question. Ive had severe health anxiety for 8 years but I can control it now and id love to help you get yours in check. My email is Write me anytime!
I have tried to tell myself that but it doesnt work i have tried many things to help me out but nothing:/ ill write you and thank you
I have tried to tell myself that but it doesnt work i have tried many things to help me out but nothing:/ ill write you and thank you
your welcome... just when its happening... don't let it freak you out even though its hard and its a natural reaction to be like the hell is happening but take a deep breath and ignore it as good as you can. Write me we will get through this
Hi pizzi ... I'm hopin u can help me.. I've had this anxiety since my grandma died 4 mos ago. It was terrible for 3 mos .. like lilbear_143 I had every symptom under the sun. . Been through every test. . Been told its anxiety .. butttt Ive had weak arms n legs pretty much everyday for 4 mos. . And for the last 3 wks now I can not sleep on my own. . I was up for 3 days straight and couldn't stand it anymore. I went to my doc she said get some melatonia .. I did. . It worked for night number 4 but didnt work after that. So I was then told to take some lorazepam I was prescribed but never took. Well I am able to sleep with it but I have to take it every night. Plenty of nights I've tried not taking it and I was up for hours. I don't want to get addicted to the lorazepam as I hate pills. So any ideas why I can not fall asleep on my own? Its like my brain is in overdrive at night and no matter what I do I can't sleep.
You said you look at people with anxiety like we're crazy 1. Your in denial doctors go through years of training believe it or not they know more than "" 2. If your in anxiety support OBVIOUSLY you THINK you have anxiety and 3. Why ask "pshyco's" for help ? Idk maybe your just that type of person who thinks there better than everyone but I dont think so cause if you belived that you wouldnt be here. SO yes you have severe anxiety are you crazy ? NO so relax the best you can and I honestly hope you can come to terms and feel better
I didnt mean it like that:/ i re read it and it sounds rude sorry but im just tired of all this. Basacilly meant that my experince with anxiety doesnt fit with others people anxietyy that kinda resembels to everyone elses.
Oh okay im sorry I wasn't trying to bash you but coming to terms with having anxiety isnt the easiest thing to do and we all support each other in here so when I felt like you were disrespecting the community I felt like well... how I felt . I truly hope you feel better and try to keep posting here and seeking support cause thats what were all here for
I didnt mean it like that:/ i re read it and it sounds rude sorry but im just tired of all this. Basacilly meant that my experince with anxiety doesnt fit with others people anxietyy that kinda resembels to everyone elses.
Hi lilbear, I think ur definitely suffering from anxiety I was the same as u. Wen mine started I didn't suffer with nerves and never cared wat people thought or anything I just suddenly started with the physical symptoms, one evening I started bein sick and felt really dizzy and spaced out an it all got out of control from there! Speak to ur doctors about wat treatment he can give u for anxiety, I've had CBT therapy, counselling and for a short time I was on antidepressants an now I feel like I'm in control of my anxiety. And having anxiety does not mean ur crazy! did u know one in three people suffer with anxiety or depression in their lifetime so u are not alone! speak to ur doctor an see wat help he can offer u, I hope u feel better soon xx
Posing a post on anxiety support saying you look at people with anxiety like there psychos probaly isn't the best way to get replies, yes it sounds like you have anxiety and these are the physical symptoms, it's not easy to deal with but doesn't make people any less normal, although makes them feel they ain't
Yea im sorry i wrote that in a wrong way. I updated it. Im the only pyhscho here. lol hopefully it is only anxiety.
I have anxiety for about twenty years, the last month or two has been the worse, sometimes it really gets me down big time, I cry a lot because the feelings you get with anxiety are alful, last night I felt terrible, dizzy and so so tired, I felt scared that I didn't know what was coming next, what feelings would emerge, even though you tell yourself it anxiety, you are still frightened, it's only human, the claire weekes books help, she says to accept everything your body chucks at you, sometimes I can't practice her methods, hope you all feel abit better today.....

See thats what i dont want. I font want to suffer from it for 20 year. Im on my 4th year and think to myself if i could handle another day. Have you tried other methods rather than that one?
I agree with what Pink cookie said. If you are going to post on here where please will try to support please think and if need be rewrite what you are saying. many people would be deeply hurt by what you have written and it would cause them further anxiety. There is no one symptom with anxiety and if you look at the posts on here most? people get physical symptoms many of which you wouldn't tribute to anxiety. You need to admit to yourself in my opinion that this is what it is and look for solutions. it is often little steps that take us forward but also nurturing our fellow suffers so that all can grow and blossom in whatever little or major way together.
Anxiety can show up in different ways for different people. You said you had a lot of tests, did that include blood work. Also, just to be certain, has your doctor done a five - point test to rule out fibromyalgia? With all the stress and tension in your body it's possible.
I would recommend you to a psychiatrist and also massage therapy, chiropractor or acupuncturist.
You mentioned you have tried everything, how much time did you spend on each remedy?
Yea acupunture made it super worse. :/ i has to call of work . I get massages everyday from my mom.
Oh wow, sorry to hear that. I may do some research as I'm very curious and concerned that you're suffering so much. If I happen to learn something I'll be sure to seek you out. Take good care, remain positive (or try! Do hard, I know... I have cancer, fibromyalgia, sjogren's syndrome, etc etc so I understand pain, anxiety, etc)... Much love and luck to you.
Oh wow, sorry to hear that. I may do some research as I'm very curious and concerned that you're suffering so much. If I happen to learn something I'll be sure to seek you out. Take good care, remain positive (or try! Do hard, I know... I have cancer, fibromyalgia, sjogren's syndrome, etc etc so I understand pain, anxiety, etc)... Much love and luck to you.
I don't know what to say, I posted on here to offer some support, I have had anxiety for a lo of years, but I am still here, trying to get by , yes I have tried diffrent methods, I thought by being honest it would help people, wether you have been suffering 10 years or 2 years or a few weeks, I don't think I will bother anymore, claire weekes books are very good, as you have to learn through your own self how to cope with panic , I think I will end now, I think sometimes what people say on here can hurt.

Sorry you were hurt, but I understand. I actually skipped and skimmed over some comments because I could see there are some who were offended and maybe didn't handle it will. So that means I don't know exactly what was said.
If you do decide to move on I hope you find somewhere that is perfect for you. Books are great but you already know how wonderful it feels to have people who understand.
I hope you have a great weekend.

Sorry you were hurt, but I understand. I actually skipped and skimmed over some comments because I could see there are some who were offended and maybe didn't handle it will. So that means I don't know exactly what was said.
If you do decide to move on I hope you find somewhere that is perfect for you. Books are great but you already know how wonderful it feels to have people who understand.
I hope you have a great weekend.
My sister in law said to once th at I have always been abit spacey and stuff etc. that really hurt me, I haven't spoke to her since, as sometimes you take it to heart what people say, people can't help suffering from anxiety, I wish it would go away, it's nothing to be ashamed of , but we are all in the some boat on this anxiety forum ,and we should support one another .