Can anyone who has experinced this traumatic event give any insight on their experience and is this something that happened to you more than once? I woke up early this morning and at first felt relatively normal and then I started to feel like this cold sensation come over me and my face felt cold so I was just assuming I was gonna have a panic attack so I got out the bed and went into the bathroom to check myself out in the mirror to see if I looked like myself and then thats when suddenly after my heart started pounding out of my chest and fast and then as I was trying to breathe it began to slow down and then feel like it was beating really slow so yes I had began to get a little afraid but I was telling myself I'll be ok because that has happened before and then instanly this overwhelming feeling of lightheadedness and blurred vision hit me so hard and I felt weak. Next thing i know I felt as if I was falling down but my daughter says I passed out which I didnt know. Then when she came in the bathroom to help me I guess i had woke back up but i still felt spaced out but I was talking and trying to be responsive but I was getting afraid again and at first I thought I was calming myslef down trying to breathe but then my throat got dry, heart started pounding again, and even felt like I was dragging for air, then the overwhelming lightheadedness came again and as I could feel myslef get spaced out again I could barely talk normal to my daughter, she said I passed out again but even longer like almost a min but I didnt know I passed out I thought i was still trying to talk and hold a conversation. Then after she said she had to keep yelling my name and grabbing me I came back to. This was the worst for me. Never had this happen. She phone the ambulance. But by the time they came I had began to calm down. I was more coherent and able to talk but I was just feeling a little jittery and nervous and and mild lightheadedness. But the paramedics says its possible my blood pressure dropped. I am so afraid. Can anyone share their experience with it? If I feel alot better once I left the hospital does this mean Im ok? Oh yes they did the general blood work, ekg, heart monitor, chest ray and they said everything looks good. No problems. What happened to me, if anyone has and idea or has experienced I would so appreciate your story?
First time ever passed out: Can anyone who... - Anxiety Support
First time ever passed out

See your general practitioner and also a cardiologist for a very thorough check up. It is probably a panic attack, but because it was quite extreme it should be checked fully. This is also likely to give you peace of mind.
Hi there, sorry to hear you’ve experienced this. My ‘episodes’ as I call them started about 5 years ago.. first time I’d ever passed out and I was home alone and in the shower. Didn’t really worry too much about it but then when it kept happening I went to the doctors who checked me for everything I had blood tests and ecgs. Eventually they put it down to my anxiety but it is awful even now when I know what it is I still panic. Like you I go cold I feel it rising from my feet up my body like a wave.. then once it hits my chest I feel sick, heart races and then I black out. It’s happened everywhere for me, at work, shower, bath, bathroom, shopping and when in a nightclub. It is truly awful and I haven’t found a way to stop it. All I can say is if you know it coming sit down somewhere safe to protect yourself from a fall I’ve had some awful bumps to the head x
Thank you so much for your response. I knew that someone who experienced this could atleast inform me on things like what you mentioned to make sure if I feel it coming again to sit down somewhere safe which that is not what I did as it happened to me i was standing up. But luckily i only got a bruise on my wrist. Yes this is a terrible feeling. All I can say is it was a different experince with how my lightheadedness went to an extreme. And now I can only keep replaying what I do remember that happened and I keep thinking its gonna happen again. So would you say, in your case, because yes everybody is different and we aren't the same, would you say you pass out from being extremely lightheaded first or dizzy and it just happens or you can be feeling normal one minute and then just faint? The paramedics said my blood pressure could have dropped. I wish you the best through this. Is life relatively ok for you when it doesn't happen? Do you pretty much feel back to normal afterwards?
I don’t always manage to sit down because it does sometimes catch me out but for the most part I can take precautions. My blood pressure does drop and I have experienced it both when standing and sitting I can pass out sat down quite as easy I’ve found there are triggers for me such as if I’m tired or ill or sometimes just too warm. I do experience light headedness but not every time. And I can also feel fine and it just happen. If it happens I can sometimes feel off it for minutes/hours or days it depends on how extreme it was. Other than that I’m ok daily minus my anxiety and depression.. but it could not happen for months and then I’ll have a spell of it. It’s very unpredictable I won’t sugar coat it 🙂 but I feel your unease about it all I can say is speak to your gp and they will rule out anything else and it does help put your mind at rest a little x
Well because so far how im feeling today after it happened, i dont feel ill like terrible. Im coherant and feeling like Im still on this i dont feel detached or spaced out. But I still have a mild upset stomach and runny bm. Because i recall having 3 runny bms when I got to the er. And ever since my stomach is still not 100 percent, mt muscles ache like my legs feel sore chest feel a little sore and I dont have an appetite. And I do know I am extremely exhausted because i still haven't slept since this happened at 3 ok this morning so I haven't been to sleep yet but considering I only had fallen asleep last night for about an hour or so before I woke up and it happen. So Im only working with about 3 or 4 hours in a whole day and a half. Funny thing is I just seen my gp/pcp and even went to an urgent care about a month ago getting all sorts off bloods works and things again because my anxiety was back on me so hard so I just went ahead to see them again to get more blood work and everything came back great. The er is saying I could see a specialist since they dont know what could have caused me to pass out but they said my ecgs and heart monitor reading looks good. So I dont know what to think at this point. But I will keep you in my mind and thoughts because I now share an experince like yours. I truly appreciate you being willing to share it with me. Not that I will finally get over it. I just hope I can get some rest. Bit deep down Im now afraid to go to sleep. i cant believe my life jist went to a whole different level of scary now.
It’s crazy what our minds can do. I’ve been explaining to a friend today. If you can look up vasovagal syncope.. that’s what my doctors diagnosed me with. The triggers come from my anxiety. I’m not saying it’s what you might have but all my tests came back ok as well. It took a long time to get the diagnosis but now I have some peace of mind it helps. I do hope you get to the bottom of it all. And do try to rest because sometimes not enough sleep can trigger fainting. Don’t be afraid 🙂 I know it’s hard but you’ll be ok I’m sure x
I do agree about that as far as our minds...but yes when the er gave me my discharge papers and it gave like a general diagnosis of what they thought happened, it said Syncope on the description. But you said this first started for you 5 years ago? And does it happen in spurts or has it been a time when it came in close time from the previous one?
Hopefully this isnt a serious issue but while you wait for an answer from doctors.... i experience passing out and it can be quite scary, i think mine is related to my blood pressure and is normally set off by a trigger (heat mainly, hot baths and saunas, stress, lack of fluids, hunger, first sign im ill, sensitivity to food, rising too quickly, pain, pms) as i worked in a kitchen which gets hot and mainly worked over a fryer so my imagination instantly went to passing out and somehow falling into a fryer i saw a few doctors who werent bothered. I tried seeking answers myself with little success but i did use the heart rate app on my phone, which i know isnt very precise but it helped because i noticed the faint periods collerated with a lower heart rate and helped me identify some triggers. Now i have pretty much got it sussed, sure its not ideal i cant go for a dip in a hot tub or sauna and lay in the sun but i can live with that. Hope that helps and maybe helps you identify some triggers.
Thank you so much for your pointers especially by letting me know some of your possible triggers. I can relate to going through those few things and feel as if I can now say I may can relate why this could have happened. It is definitely a scary experince. You have helped me alot. Do you believe people can still live well and lead good lives with going through this experince being that its a sensative situation because its basically blood not flowing correctly to our brains, right? Whats your opinion now that you've experienced this?
Back in december I passed out first I went breathless room spinning then passed out not for long but woke up sweating couldnt focus keep my eyes open couldnt move was in s panic attack I still dont know what caused it I was ok then it came on when I walked up stairs so scary
My brother was with me no didnt go to hospital first time when I did go I had ecg done and blood test was told it was just severe anxiety it was hard going to hospital as hadnt been out my house in months only the garden
I know the feeling of not wanting to leave or for me Im scared to make any sudden moves. I keep replaying what happened and now every time i get a symptom in my head I think its gonna happen. They didnt say anxiety for me they determined it could be syncope.
It’s scary how anxiety can make us feel like this,I’ve felt like this for nearly 6 years now although I haven’t actually passed out in a long time I’ve had the feeling come over me like I was going to quite a few times now.I’ve been back and forward to various Drs getting ecgs,blood tests,etc and everyone says anxiety.I can feel great for months and then out of the blue I get chest tightness,breathlessness,lightheaded and spaced out.The worst thing for me is the feeling like everything around isn’t real.The last panic attack I had was over a year ago,head felt tingly,heart racing,blurred vision,really thought I would die and it was terrifying.
Thats like with me, I keep anticipating that its gonna come again especially when i feel wierd things going on in my head or headaches. Ive had almost every symptom that was named and everything you mentioned but never experinced passing out until my first time. And ive always mentioned how my biggest fears were death and passing out. I cant believe that it happened. And i truly hope i can cope and move on. But i keep replaying it in my head. And for me I'm now anticipating that it will happen again.
I've had the pleasure of experiencing this too. I had every test under the sun was always told your fine etc. Then one day it got so bad I went to the ER once again. To be told it was a mild heart attack I was on 32 at the time and was finally diagnosed with tachycardia. Now I am on meds to treat that it helps a lot. My advice is keep pushing the Dr if you feel this is more then anxiety, because mine definitely was. If I had not gotten proper diagnosis it could have been really bad. Good luck
Ive heard of tachycardia but don't know what it is. What that like? So that was a mild heart attack? Did the ecg determine that? Ive been to er, urgent care, my gp several times since 2015. All are saying everything us good. I think its so disturbing that after seeing a doc for bloodwork several times as we have that it takes forever for them to find something. Its like they run the same basic test which apparently isnt gonna show nothing.
Yeah there are a couple different kinds and the one I have is the bad one. So what it is basically a path way of cells that are elcetriclly charged that tell your heart to speed up for no reason.bit there is also sinus tachycardia which is annoying but not deadly. I had it burned out with an oblation only for it to come back a month later so like I said I take meds for it and that's keeping things under control. The symptoms are very similar to anxiety. Tho the issue I have with them always telling me that's what was wrong I said how can it be anxiety when symptoms come out of nowhere I've never been anxious until I had severe symptoms of palpitations etc. It took years to get a proper diagnosis and the best way really is not an ekg or ecg but rather a stress test or a 2d echo. Good luck hope they get it figured out I know the struggle it sucks feeling left in the lurch..
So basically it was tachycardia that you had and not anxiety? So with the meds you take, its supposed to keep your heart rate steady? So your fainting was due to tachycardia or from something else?
I had the same thing happen to me and for me it was because of anxiety
Im still trying to pinpoint what could have caused it for me. Now that I see that people are saying theirs were anxiety related I could put it down to that as well but its like if ive been dealing with this since 2015, why now it would go this far. But because it could be from other reasons I cant put my mind at ease. Especially if it was from blood pressure drop.
I’ve had anxiety since 2011 and passed out for the first time last week and immediately went to the hospital to get blood tests, urine tests, mri, ekgs, and ultrasounds. I didn’t believe it was anxiety either so I totally understand what you mean.
Thing is they never mentioned it could be anxiety. They said it could have been a blood pressure drop and the paramedics said it could have been a cardiac issue so that scared me. Do you remeber what happened before you were about to faint? I felt extremely lightheaded, vision was blurry like dream, and body felt numb or weak. Have things went right back to normal for you after it happened? Or did you feel wierd or ill after the fact? How do you feel now?
How have you been eating lately? Less than normal by chance? I had a similar experience, and even though I am not diabetic, I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia. My blood sugar had dropped into the 40s. I had been overly stressed, not eating much and very active buzzing here and there.
Just food for thought.
Now that you ask that, i can say that yes my eating habits had been less than normal the past week. And about two days prior to it happening i had been also urinating alot like 2 days straight plus stressed, and no good sleep. I was also shocked to see that when i got on the scale i had dropped like 5lbs in about a week and was wondering why. Even though i usually start urinating alot more when its close time for my menustral to come on. So i dont know what it could be.
I've been dealing with this with the past few weeks where I've blacked out and passed out twice. I went to the ER and they did every test EKG, 3 MRIs, blood work, etc. Then I was discharged and seen my primary doctor and she just says they're panic attacks. I hope this helps to know you're not the only one.
I truly appreciate your sharing your experience. I had blood work did at the er, ekg, and honestly not even two months ago i had just been to my pcp, plus the urgent care, plus another er visit about two months ago getting blood works did again and again and everything came back good. Ive been getting blood work all year to be honest because of my thinking everything is wrong and they all came back good. I had no idea that it could possibly be from panic attacks. And I had always said that my biggest fear is death and passing out and I cant believe I have experienced this. But I thank you for sharing. I didn't realized until I looked up passing out on google and posting on this forum that so many people pass out all the time.
Yeah I literally always think I'm going to die which scares me but now I've gotten all these test done and what I've been reading it's anxiety. Which is crazy to think our minds could be so powerful
Yes I can agree that our minds can put us in a world of funk. I can literally attest to how my mind will go all over the place thinking all sorts of the worst things ever and have literally convinced myself of it as if I had the proof sitting right there. And it will have you feeling so bad. But I just dont know if anxiety can go to that extreme of causing someone to pass out. This is scary.