Doesn't feel like I will ever be myself ag... - Anxiety Support

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Doesn't feel like I will ever be myself again :(

Pink1181 profile image
10 Replies

I've been suffering from bad anxiety and attacks where it effects my daily life to the point my little girl and I have been staying with my parents. They have been a wonderful support system and a big help with my girl. So tired of feeling so sick and weak lightheaded dizzy hot cold numbing in hands heart racing and pounding. So tired of being terrified that something terrible is going to happen to me. Yes I've been checked out several times. 3 EKGs 3 blood works seen my dr numerous times. She's tried me on meds. The first one cymbalta I had such a bad reaction to where I felt so weak and out of it and felt like passing out and that weird tingling sensation all over anyone else get that feeling???

And she tried me on citalopram that only made my symptoms worse. Then she prescribed me Efforex and also lerazapan but I have not yet started those as I'm afraid to. I have started a program called Attack anxiety and depression its a 15 weeks program and im just on the first week. Please someone help!!!

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Pink1181 profile image
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10 Replies
rosesRred34 profile image

Hi Pink,

I am so sorry that you've been feeling so bad lately, I know how it is , I am glad at least you have people that can help you with uour little girl and take a little of that responsibility off of you to focus on yourself. I also think its pretty awesome that you are trying the program.

I just want to remind you of something... this can't kill you, and it cannot harm you. I know it's scary as hell but if you can take the fear out of anxiety.. you take away it's power to control you. I think u are on the right track with the program.. have u ever tried CBT ? I have hope, hope for those of us who suffer daily.. for those of us who are tired and those of us who are fighting back.. even you writing this is fighting.. don't ever stop fighting back pink...we do not have to accept that this is our life, or that we will never get better. Hold on to hope. I will say a prayer for you in a moment.. you will get through this.. and in the end you will be so much stronger.

Take care and God Be With You

Pink1181 profile image
Pink1181 in reply to rosesRred34

Hi rosesRred thank you so much for the response. I had a bit of a rough day but worked away on my program and it sure seems to help a bit. I've heard of cbt yes but haven't tried it although I have heard goo things about it. The program I'm doing is called Attacking anxiety and depression but Lucinda Bassett. It's a 15 week program with self help tapes, dvds and workbook. Fingers crossed it works :)

Nelly-dray-2013 profile image

I know what u mean my anxiety is just like that my mother has also been staying with me for last two weeks to help with my baby. Where my anxiety gets me is worry bout somthing bad happen to me or my family I started taking citalopram about week ago seems to help just a lil but not enough to say I feel like my old self just. Helps to know there's somone else that know what I'm going thur

Pink1181 profile image
Pink1181 in reply to Nelly-dray-2013

Good glad to hear your mom is there for you as you need the help and support right now. Glad citalopram is working for you and hope it continues to. My dr had me on it but it was making my symptoms way worse :(

Hope your doing ok and remember one day at a time

Nelly-dray-2013 profile image
Nelly-dray-2013 in reply to Pink1181

You know what that what it seems like that everything is getting wrost in the morning is the hardest time for me but today had been a horrible day but lest I'm here and we'll

Pink1181 profile image
Pink1181 in reply to Nelly-dray-2013

I understand all too well. Mornings are the hardest for me as well that's when my anxiety is at it's peak. Have you tried any relaxation techniques to help you through?

Nelly-dray-2013 profile image

Yea seems like I tryed everything except sitting in a corner with my back to the wall

Pink1181 profile image
Pink1181 in reply to Nelly-dray-2013

Have you tried breathing exercises they have helped me. Maybe you should see your dr again and they can prescribe something else that will work better than the citalopram

Nelly-dray-2013 profile image
Nelly-dray-2013 in reply to Pink1181

Yea been trying wait see if it works but ain't got my hole life to wait you know

Nelly-dray-2013 profile image
Nelly-dray-2013 in reply to Nelly-dray-2013

Thank for all ur post I look on here like ever 10 min just see if anyone got anything to say that would help me so thank you so much helps talking to somone other then my family

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