brain fog/lightheadedness/blurred vision - Anxiety Support

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brain fog/lightheadedness/blurred vision

21 Replies

Hi folks, lately I've been combating this feeling which hits me with no time. It's not everyday but when it hits me it's very uncomfortable. Can't let you think clear,concentrate, can't see clear, lights bothering me and a bit of dizzy. I get anxious when ever I feel this. Is it part of anxiety or it can be an underlying disease ? Two months ago I did some blood tests which they result good.

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21 Replies
Anxious2befree profile image

I have most of those symptoms daily it's anxiety and since you have had bloods done and seen your doctor it sounds like it's definitely anxiety. I try to focus on other things and not the symptoms that I'm experiencing. Try to shift your focus xxx

in reply to Anxious2befree

Thanks for your help I’m trying but it’s not that easy. Wish to know exactly what is it :( since it is a bit a strange. I thought maybe it was low blood pressure but it’s not.(stable). Im still 21 years...

Anxious2befree profile image
Anxious2befree in reply to

You need to stop searching for what's wrong and focus on recovering as you have anxiety so it's now time to heal.

spinningtop profile image
spinningtop in reply to

Hi BlueMazar: I'm Spinningtop (Doris) and your issue seems to be what I'm experiencing. I never had anything like this before but in thinking back it started right after I dug deep into my ear with a bobby pin to stop the tickling deep in my ear. I remember thinking I'll fix this ear so it never itches like that again & make sure I kill what ever is in there. It was bad that I did that because I keep thinking that I probably did permanent damage to he main nerve that carries signals to the brain (located in the eardrum). I first have a feeling that everything's off like 3D. Then comes the spinning. Then anxiety makes it worse. Write anytime.....Doris...AKA Spinningtop

Ctate96 profile image

100 percent anxiety. I get all of these. Sometimes for days at a time. Typically after a bad panic attack I’ll habe these symptoms for a good week before they subside. Drink lots of water and rest lots. It will get better.

in reply to Ctate96

The worst is that sometimes it comes from no where then anxiety flares up and I start confusing that something is wrong with me. I really hates it.

Ctate96 profile image
Ctate96 in reply to

I completely understand! It happens to me often as well! Every little anxiety symptom I get I always think is something more then it is :(

RhondaT71 profile image

I have all those same symptoms every day. I found it hard to believe that it could just be anxiety but I have gone down other roads and they all lead back to anxiety. I even got new glasses. LOL After I cry I seem to feel a little better.

in reply to RhondaT71

lol exactly like me

spinningtop profile image

The anxiety is worse than anything because you don;t want to feel like this when you're out socializing, at dinner, driving (God Forbid), etc. So, the fear brings on anxiety, panic attacks and eventually the spinning. Doris (Spinningtop)

in reply to spinningtop

It happens to me also when I hang out with friends sometimes, I start feeling very uncomfortable and small panic attack occurs.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Hi BlueMazar, if you have been checked out for any inner ear problem and all is well then I'd say it is most likely anxiety based. When we are anxious, we tend to breathe differently then when we are calm and at peace. From rapid breathing to actually holding our breath from time to time can make you experience the symptoms that you have. When with your friends, you are not really relaxed. It could be overexcitement of being with people as well as worrying about what you will say next, how your friends will accept you and on and on. Before you know it, those thoughts are overtaking your mind and not allowing you to enjoy happy times with your friends.

Once that happens you start getting more anxious which then feeds into the adrenaline and making it rise causing a panic attack. There is a secret to handling being out with friends or even just being in an uneasy place. We all hold the key to success with anxiety and that is in the way we "Breathe". Such a simple jesture which we all have within us. It's free and it works.

Nobody need know that you are deep breathing while you listen to others. Breathing properly helps calm your mind and your body and stops the adrenaline production. All it takes is practice when at home. Be prepared is more than a Girl Scout Motto :) It works exceptionally well for Anxiety.

Check out the numerous Audio Videos on Relaxation and Deep Breathing on YouTube. Let that be your "go to" daily. Listen and practice what you see so that when you find yourself getting anxious, your breathing will go into full relaxing mode. I use it everyday myself. It's changed my life. xx

in reply to Agora1

Thank you very much Agora, really appreciate your help and for sure I will try your techniques you recommend. Can it be an inner ear problem too? Because I was thinking about it. Sometimes I hear pop sound from the right ear. but since I suffer from mild health anxiety it makes you believe you have that( lol ) but it can be too.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

It never hurts to have your ears checked out since we are not doctors. I still say it's anxiety causing these feelings. When we get tense and anxious, it affects all the muscles in our body including the tiny muscles in the ear canal. When those muscles squeeze down tight, it can cause some off balance feeling. It is not dangerous, it is just a sign that we are tense and scared. The remedy for any tense muscles is relaxation, deep breathing :) See how it always comes back to breathing slow and deep. Have you ever noticed in a hospital or doctor's office, the staff will say, "your okay, just take slow deep breathes". No matter what the cause, physical or psychological, the key in helping is always getting some composure to your emotions. xx

in reply to Agora1

Again, really appreciate :) Yup..once I heard it affects every muscle you have but didn't ever thought it can affect your tiny muscles, ear etc. I've noticed that deep breathing really works. Thanks Agora. :hugs:

spinningtop profile image
spinningtop in reply to Agora1

It's odd you should mention inner ear problem. I did something very stupid....I dug deep in my ear with a bobby pin and it hurt, I thought I punctured my ear drum. However, that's when all my troubles started. My ear was itching and tickling me so much I thought I would fix it so it never itched again. Don't do that EVER, it's true what they say about putting anything in your ear....NO NO NO

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to spinningtop

Ouch Doris.... the saying is "nothing bigger than your elbow" :)

Hope you are okay...xx

spinningtop profile image
spinningtop in reply to Agora1

I know.....I feel so stupid. My off feeling, balance problems & vertigo went away for 3 &1/2 months then my ear itched and tickled again (same ear). Well, you can guess what happened. Yes, even though I went through hell the first time was bobby pin time again. Guess what, the off feeling, balance problems, & vertigo came back. Why, Why, Why am I so stupid????? Thanks for writing Agora. Does your name mean afraid of open spaces? I have that too. Agoraphobia

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to spinningtop

I'm so sorry. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Things happen. It was a reflex action in taking care of the ear at the time. I was afraid that off balance feeling would come back. I have to be careful myself when my ears itch deep inside.

And yes..Agora is my name from 5 years of being Agoraphobic. . I'm here for you anytime you need a shoulder to lean on. You're not alone. xx

spinningtop profile image
spinningtop in reply to

I know....I was in quite a line at the supermarket and all of a sudden I felt off and in 3 dimension. I started going into a panic thinking "Oh not here, what's the checker going to think when I begin to spin like a drunk??" Well, I tried to overcome it by closing my eyes (I had sunglasses on so no one knew). Heck of a way to go through life though.

this sounds similar to what I have, which is panic disorder.

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