Hello - I am hoping to receive some positive feedback/advice on my debilitating condition. I have had panic attacks on and off for several years; however, they have become much more intense in the past 6 months or so. My symptoms are: head pressure, brain fog, tightening of my jaws, breathing stopping, clammy palms, and off balance. This lasts for several hours at a time and are becoming more frequent. I have been taking Wellbutrin for a couple of years and my GP put me on Buspirone to take with the Wellbutrin for anxiety. It didn't work. He then told me to take xanax 2/ day or whenever I feel an attack coming on. I stopped taking the Buspirone and carry the xanax with me just in case I need it. I don't want to spend my life relying on medication to function normally. I am a 52 year old woman, relatively healthy, despite a thyroid condition and depression. I don't even know if this is a panic/anxiety attack. The symptoms are scaring me so bad that I'm afraid to fall asleep at night in the fear of not waking up. Please help!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Battling brain fog/anxiety: Hello - I am... - Anxiety Support
Battling brain fog/anxiety
It is a panic attack. Going through what you are going through myself. It is scary but try very hard to divert your attention to other things. The more scared you get the worse are the symptoms. Don't know if you read my plea for help Sunday about feeling out of body - but after finding out it was a real thing and actually has a name - that calmed me somewhat. I know this sounds crazy too but, I got me some adult coloring books and when I feel like I am about to lose it, I start coloring. Takes a lot of concentration to stay within the lines - so of course that diverts my attention. Not saying it's easy. It is not!! But I have lived through 2 really horrid bouts of months of panic and anxiety attacks - and I will live through this one. I can not do drugs so I am trying acupuncture. Can not give you an update on the progress of that because I have not had enough sessions yet. But it does seem to be helping. I wish you the very very best. This too shall pass - be patient with yourself and stay busy. You will wake up each morning! Try to awaken to some soothing music, and don't stay in bed! Another piece of advice that is very hard to take - believe me, after I finally do convince myself to go to bed each night - I then convince myself the next morning I do not want to get out of it. You are not alone - you have this forum. We are all here to help and we all understand what you are going through. Been there done that is true here!! Love and Hugs.
Hello neelie50! Thank you for your comforting response and suggestions. You gave me a great idea - to do puzzles! I used to love putting them together and I completely forgot about them. Your coloring book idea gave me that idea. I have an appt with my GP this afternoon to (again) discuss my symptoms and I will ask about acupuncture. Have you ever thought about hypnosis? I will ask him about that also. Please keep me apprised of your progress with the acupuncture. I would love to feel like my old happy, silly self again. Love and hugs back to you!
hye lisa im suffering many.of the same problems you are especially.the beung afraid of going to sleep due to the fact i had a brain aneursym 2 or 3 years ago and i was lucky i was on nightshift and someone.found me.in time that i got the correct treatment but im still afraid to go to sleep at night but with my.doctors help it doesnt happen as often! what happened in the last 6 months that made your syptoms worse ? the thyroid problem could be causing or not helping your depression ! if things are not getting any.better go to your doctors i wish you all the best please let me how you are getting on all the best david
Hello celtic2746 and thank you for your response. I'm sorry to hear about your aneurysm and glad that you receive the treatment when you did. I think my anxiety is caused from a few things. My son is an addict and almost overdosed in April; my marriage is a little "rocky" to say the least; our financial situation is not the best so I guess all of this built up led to my panic/anxiety/brain fog/ shortness of breath; whatever. It's become very debilitating though and is starting to interfere with my job. Thank you for your response though. I do have an appt with my GP this afternoon so I will (again) talk to him about my symptoms. All he said was to take xanax whenever I feel it coming on; I don't want to have to depend on medication (especially benzos) to live a normal life. Anyway thank you again for taking the time to respond.
Hello Lisa
Have you met up with a therapist to discuss your condition. even at fifty two anxiety is not unusual
The fear of not waking up is more common than you think although if you did not wake up you would not know anything about it.
You also say you are suffering depression, again talking therapy may be a good idea as the quality of life you have with both conditions must feed upon themselves and mak you feel worse
At least talk again with your GP and ask if some of above will help you, part of a treatment plan could rely on tests to put your mind at rest and will allow you to function
Good Luck
Hello Bob. Thank you for your response. All of what you said makes sense - the thought of therapy, however, seems like it will take forever and I guess I'm looking for immediate relief since this can be so debilitating. I do have an appt with my GP this afternoon so will talk to him (again) about all of this. Thank you again!
Hello Lisa
Many things in life sad to say have no immediate solution. At least here you have people who will help and see you through this nasty condition.
One thing that may help is an eye test, if you have not had one for a while, sometimes headaches can be caused by eye strain . Many serious problems are found when they check the back of the eye so that may help you come to terms with anxiety. I have my eyes checked once a year, many people have an eye test performed once every two years. They say the eyes are portals to the soul so it is good to keep an eye on them, sorry. The eye test generally cost thirty pounds depending on the practice. Many practices cost less than that so really is a good idea to try that pathway as well.
Always look towards the less complicated first before going full pelt towards something complicated as generally some problems are more easy to sort out. It is no good feeling worried about something that may not be the problem
After your appointment you know where we are,
Thank you, Bob. I will follow your advice with the eye exam. Thank you for your support.