I feel like I'm going to go crazy. Will that happen to me? Please somebody. Help me.
Going crazy: I feel like I'm going to go... - Anxiety Support
Going crazy
Force yourself to take deep breaths. Slow breathe while counting to 4 then hold for 2 and breath out for 4. Pull the air into your stomach not your chest
I believe in redirecting our thought process to chip away at these feelings. Answering questions ... simple questions like on a survey help do that in a lot of cases. If you want to message for support I am here
I feel like I'm going crazy
How do you redirect your thoughts. Answering what questions

Just general questions. Here I’ll ask some and if you feel up to answering feel free to and we can work together to redirect slowly and see if maybe it works for you too?
What are you diagnosed with?
Do you have pets?
Who would you say is the most talented actor or actress?
How old do you think you were for your furthest memory you can remember?
Severe generalized anxiety
Yes 1 dog
George Clooney

I have anxiety and panic amongst others.
How old is your dog? What breed? I have a chocolate and yellow lab myself.
George Clooney! Great pick! What is your favorite movie of his?
So do you remember kindergarten? I can remember that far back too, my stepbrother was supposed to pick me up and waited too long thinking I wasn’t there so I thought I was forgotten and when he came back my teacher hit him with her purse! Imagine the publicity that would cause today! Haha
The dog is 12. She is a cockapoo. Oceans 11
Labs are good dogs. How old are they? I do remember kindergarten. She would be in big trouble. I remember at snack I only liked the graham crackers. I remember a girl peed her pants and the teacher made her take her panties off and put them on the heater to dry. She would have gotten in trouble also. My second grade teacher had OCD and my third grade teacher was an alcoholic. No wonder I'm messed up

Awe I had to google that breed, just learned a new thing! My chocolate lab is 8 and my yellow is 4. They are complete opposites! I also ... brace yourself for this one... have 5 cats all of which I have rescued! Isn’t it funny how times have changed... I wonder what kids these days are going to look back on and think the same way about it that we do our memories? My first grade teacher was praying and began speaking in tongues and terrified the heck out of me! I was going to get up and shake her but I was afraid she’d explode or something!
I had some crazy teachers. Today they would be in so much trouble. I wish my mother were here she would support me.

I think handling that many kids at one time for so long would make me crazy! Finding support is hard. My mother struggled with disorders but is not understanding at all which is ironic. My father admits he doesn’t understand but tries to be supportive. So I think this is why dogs exist!
Yes I believe that too. Right now I'm sad and lonely

I feel lonely a lot too. We can feel lonely together!
Yeah. I go to my Pastor for support.
Will my medicine make me crazy

What meds are you on?
Klonopin 21/4 mg, cymbalta 30mg, buspar 30mg and pristiq 50mg

How long have you been taking these meds, and how high of doses? I wouldn’t recommend you stop taking them if you’ve been on them for some time without going through your Dr to wean off of them. Maybe your Dr can help you try something else if these are not working for you.
Hi Trees2357,
Are you feeling any better snince talking with hardlookcap? I have felt like this before. Are you still on here, and want to continue talking?
I'm still on. Feeling sad and worthless

Are you home alone? I don’t feel I am as good as hardlookcap, but I can try and give you some questions also.
Yes I'm home alone

Do you have children?
Yes 3. Two girls and a boy. 30, 29, and 23

I don’t know why but I thought you might have small children at home. You are like me then with adult kids.
What are some characteristics your children have? Do they live close to you? And how often do you see them?
My son lives in Philadelphia, my oldest daughter lives with us and sometimes she's mean to me. And the younger graduated from Penn State and is now in New York at chiropractic school.

I think we usually end up with one child who tends to be a little aggressive with us. My Daughter gets that way at times. We don’t live close, but sometimes when I go to stay at her house she can be a little mean about certain things.
Have you lived where you are now long?
40 years
How about you

I have 3 also. A girl and 2 boys. Gosh my Daughter just turned 37, second son 34, and youngest Son 31.
Wow. I don't know how old you are but I will be 60 shortly

I am 53.. I had my kids young. I had 3 kids at 22 years old.
Did you have a career at any time in your life? What about now? Do you work?
I was married at 21 but we had a hard time having kids

40 years is a long time to live in the same place. You probably know lots of neighbors then? I would love to go back to the home where we raised our kids. We sold it last year and moved away to a place where I don’t know anyone.
How many siblings do you have?
Were you close to anyone in particular when you were growing up?
A brother and a sister. They both live 11/2hrs from me. I was very close to my mom and my sister and brother. I had a cousin I was close to but she died from alcoholism in her 40's. this is what my aunt went through, she lost her son at 19 from cancer, her husband died of cancer at 64, and her daughter from alcoholism in her 40's. then she passed away and only her older daughter is still alive. She had depression because her whole family was gone.

Oh gosh that is tough. I see why she had depression. And I can see how losing that many family members can affect you as well.
My Mother is schizophrenic. I’ve never been very close to her. I didn’t understand her illness until I became depressed with the severe anxiety and fear. Now I have so much sympathy for her.
1 1/2 hours away is not too far for your siblings. Hopefully you are able to visit often.
Not really.
I think I'm going to meditate and breathe

Ok if you need to talk anymore you can message me at any time.
Thank you so much

Your welcome. I hope the meditation and breathing helps you feel better. At least a little to start with. My heart goes out to you. I know how debilitating it can get, and how we get stuck being afraid of it. I’m still afraid of it also. I woke up this morning feeling it.
Take care
Yes I did clerical work and then stayed home to raise the kids.
Hi, worrying about going crazy is a sign of anxiety, worrying that your meds will make you go crazy is a sign of anxiety also. I believe that accepting the fact that all this feelings are just anxiety is the first step to healing. It will never make you go crazy. It will scare you, but it can never harm you.
Thank you. I'm always scared and in pain. Family wants me off meds.
But my muscles hurt so much.

Anxiety has emotional, mental, and physical symptoms. Familiarize yourself with all of them, tell yourself that it’s just anxiety that’s causing them and nothing more.
I know but I hurt. My ribs, back, bladder, hips. If only I could calm down I would feel better. I know it's anxiety but my thoughts won't stop scaring me. I'm afraid of the anxiety
Hi Trees2357, did meditation help? I have been reading a book by Dr. David Burns, Feeling Good. He has some podcasts about anxiety and depression too. He also has a website, feelinggood.com and you can find him on Facebook. He helps patients with CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.) One of the things he mentioned before when a patient told him she was going crazy, he asked the patient to jump and do crazy things. The patient was kind of surprised and upset about it, but his response was; well, if you feel you're going crazy, right now will be the moment to crack up, in front of your doctor. The patient never did. She realized she wasn't going crazy because she needed to force herself into a silly or abnormal situation. You were able to answer all those questions from Hardlookcap and Lostjoy so easily, which tells me that you are as sound and with a mental capacity as anyone of us. And just like many anxiety/depression sufferers, your thoughts and emotions are controlling your body and mind. Fortunately, we have the key to release ourselves from these prisons. It is not an easy journey, but we CAN DO IT!
I wish I knew how. My body hurts my bladder hurts. My family barely talks to me and my husband doesn't want me. I did nothing wrong but he doesn't want me on meds.

It’s no easy! I wish things didn’t require so much hard work, but like anything in life you need to be diligent. Try reaching out to a therapist in your area who specializes in CBT. And I would go to a second opinion to evaluate tour medications. Your husband is probably frustrated because he doesn’t know how to help you and taking care of others can become a burden for some. Do the therapies with him, so he can understand your emotions better. For an anxious person a headache is not a simple headache, but the outcome of something catastrophic. We see things with a different perspective. Pain comes with stress, anxiety and depression. If you go your doctor with an ailment most of the time he’ll give you a prescription for pain, but many times out pain starts with our thoughts. We make them real! Believe me, I have to watch my thinking pattern all the time, otherwise I will be a nervous wreck. One day at a time is all we can take. Start for making this day a good one for your own sanity and your family’s. 🙏
I'm upset because my bladder hurts and I just read it's from anxiety. The meds they give you for that I'm already taking. They are not working. What will I do? I'm scared. It hurts.

If meds don’t work, go back to your doctor. Maybe a new one will work better and that’s very common with meds. if your taking antibiotics, it needs at least 48 hours to kick in. Do you feel this pain will need a trip to the emergency room? Will that make you feel better? Is this pain debilitating you physically? Like not being able to sit, walk, sleep?
Sitting hurts. I had this a long time ago and they thought I was crazy. It's from the anxiety. That's how I know my anxiety is up again.

I think you just answered your own question. Knowing is anxiety should give you comfort because that means your are not going crazy and nothing is wrong with you. Take a deep breath and let your body rest by taking a nap. It will help you feel less anxious. ❤️
I'm reading a book that saysantidepressants can make your brain get worse

Please don't believe everything you read. Some people just want to sell books. Is there not something more pleasant you can read to ease your anxiety, or listen to some music, or try the relaxation videos on You Tube.
Yes I can. This is a doctor that is a psychiatrist now she is a hollistic doctor and can get you off pills. I called 4500.00 for a consultaton

Just don't expect anything to happen quickly regarding coming off meds. It is a slow and challenging process with setbacks along with the progress. Please don't put yourself under unnecessary pressure.
Please take care. Good luck
George Clooney, really?