Just wanted to know if anxiety can give you arrythmia and heart accerlrstion all the time even when you move stand up or not really doing anything or not nervous ? can it happen? also all this started with weed and my heart was racing this happen like 2016 around thanks giving i never experinced it before but it was racing really fast had me panicked then after i kept waking up everything heart racing and all types of sympthoms can that day gave me arrythmia its been like a year that i been this way . Yesterday when i was going to get surgery also they said my heart rate is always going up and down also my blood pressure ehat can that be ?
can anxiety give you heart arrythmia ? - Anxiety Support
can anxiety give you heart arrythmia ?

Yes it definitely can

yeah its everyday my heart racing and pulse but then it goes down i dont know why its crazy
YES anxiety can change the rhythm of your heart. Racing can be gas in the stomach, or a response to a thought. It is normal for the skipping to happen with anxiety, it gets your attention, however, it doesn't mean much nor affect the heart.
If you can distract yourself, with any tried and true enjoyment, ( IE youtube funny animal videos or cute kid stuff, or turn on dog or cat TV on youtube;, once your mind is off your fears the body follows.
get a weighted blanket of some sort and or get on the couch and back up to it while on your side and feel the security of the couch. turn from one side to the other and one side will feel better. the weight of a heavy blanket and the security of the back of the couch will comfort you.
how are you doing now, anyway?
im doing alright right now its just the heart that worries me and alot of muscle twiches different parts of my body its annoying and worrying because its everday 24/7 my heart always wants to go fast even the nerses says its fast then it goes down then goes up and down like the speed it goes fast then slow down but beats hard and forcefully sometimes