When I woke up from deep anesthesia I was pissed, my throat had a terrible taste and I was in pain so much so I was cursing the pain. The first night was pretty painful and laying down was very difficult and rolling around was even worse. The day after surgery I spent sitting in my recliner and my shoulders and neck got terribly sore I guess from the gas they pumped my gutt with.
The following night I ended up with a lot of back and abdominal pain also from the gas. I just wanted to get some sleep, damnit.
Let me clear up a few other odds and ends. This type of surgery has a different level of anesthesia. Widom teeth, and GI scopes are the fun kind of anesthesia... This was not fun or like a dream at all.
Also, I'm still pretty dizzy and have been waking up with tremors at night.