Heart Attack Fear : Hi guys, A lot of... - Anxiety Support

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Heart Attack Fear

10 Replies

Hi guys,

A lot of people post in here about their health anxiety and I just wanted to say you are NOT alone. In June, I had my first panic attack and was so convinced it was a heart attack I did endless amounts of googling and research into what the symptoms were, survival stories, risk rates, etc., and each time I looked things up it just reaffirmed my beliefs. It made me tense, my heart rate skyrocket, my paranoia grow, and honestly it’s killed my summer. I’m 20 years old and was completely 100% before this which makes it even worse.

My parents were away in a different state when this happened, and they assured me it wasn’t a heart attack (no risk factors, my mom had a history of panic, etc.,) and I never went to the hospital unlike most people here so it wasn’t “ruled out” and made me quite nervous for weeks. I had a surgery at the beginning of the July to remove my tonsils and I figured after being hooked up to so many machines that record my health and vitals and also waking up after anesthesia I would feel better, but I’ve been absolutely stuck with the fear ever since that initial time in June.

My physical symptoms are the scariest: cramps and pain just about everywhere but specifically my hands, arms, chest, back, neck, shoulders. I have occasional nausea, definitely palpitations (mainly fast, pounding heart rate, flutters), intense internal shakes (like an electric toothbrush is on), dizzyness, jaw aches, sometimes a burning sensation throughout my body, and more recently, insomnia.

To try and help myself I started working out, purchased an essential oil diffuser, use a weighted blanket, use meditations, and started seeing a holistic therapist who focused on energetic healing because I am not fond at all of the idea of pills.

I just wanted to let others know that are NOT alone, and I am here if anyone wants to talk about their experiences. A close friend of mine also dealt with the same fear and her anxiety went on for months before she was better, but she’s BETTER and we all will be too.

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10 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image

Sounds like you are doing a lot to help yourself. That's great.

When was your last physical. Mayb for peace of mind go to you GP and get a good checkup.

in reply to Dolphin14

Thank you! My last physical was during my pre operation appointment in June, and the nurse before my surgery in July took vitals and I’m pretty sure oxygen levels along w being hooked up to a variety of machines. She told the surgeon I was the healthiest patient he’d see all day!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

staywithme, it's amazing isn't it how we can be the picture of health to the

medical profession and yet feel the doom and gloom everyday. Anxiety likes

to lie to us and play it's game. But games are meant to win and it sounds like

you are on the path in winning. Besides your parents being gone when you

experienced your first panic attack, was there anything else happening in your

life at that time? I had everyone of your symptoms and maybe more at the

beginning of anxiety making it's appearance. I've been Agoraphobic, choose

hospitalization at one time, weaned off my medications and then turned to

holistic approach with Meditation, SelfHypnosis, Biofeedback, Imagery, Deep Breathing

etc and low and behold, I'M BACK... I'm myself once more. Continue finding methods/tools that work in helping you to relax and calm both your mind and body.

It must be done several times every day so that you retrain your brain to a more positive approach to anxiety. Acceptance of anxiety and not fighting it is the key.

I'm glad you are here with us and Welcome you to this amazing support forum.

I believe in you. Believe in yourself and you WILL come out a better healthier person

for it. :) xx

in reply to Agora1


Thank you so much for this beautiful reply 💛 you’re exactly right! while I haven’t been to the cardiologist or the ER for an official heart work up, I am trying hard to trust both my intuition, my family’s, and my doctor who doesn’t at all seem concerned.

At the time, there wasn’t much (I didn’t think). But I am a young, busy college student who’s trying to figure out my place, deal with childhood trauma, personal things like that. It’s a lot and I internalized a lot of it and haven’t given it a space to really breathe, you know?

I need to look into the ones I haven’t heard of! I also feel like I’m not breathing correctly because I constantly feel labored or at least that my diaphragm is constructed which is probably a product of holding my body tight for going on 2 and a half months straight. Plus, I know that I am struggling deeply with eating as I’ve lost my appetite and have dropped nearly 15 pounds which isn’t helping my situation.

Have you heard of EFT? It could be something you’re interested in. Louise Hay is very popular and she created a book that links emotions to physical symptoms after years and years of her own research and working with others. I would certainly google “symptoms Louise Hay” if you were interested!

I also have to learn to do it continuously throughout the day. It is too easy for me to slip into the need to google things I have already read or torture myself with stories of people who have unexpected, tragic stories of heart problems so young despite the fact no one has indicated that to me.

I hope you are well! You can call me Meg :)

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Hi Meg, I can better understand where your panic is coming from being a busy

college student as well as dealing with childhood trauma. That's a lot on your

plate right now. I have heard of EFT, for me it doesn't work because of my

Fibromyalgia, my muscles are in a lot of pain to do tapping but if it works for

you by all means get into it. I personally use the Meditation and Deep Breathing

upon awakening, midafternoon and before bed. The breathing is the most important. When we are anxious we tend to either hyperventilate or even hold

our breath. Our diaphragm is so tight that at times it can feel as if we can take

that full breath. By becoming proficient in breathing properly, it can help immensely during times of stress. My "go to" is YouTube where I view some

amazing videos on Meditation and Breathing. I have done it for years now that

I no longer have to think twice, my body responds automatically within moments

and I am capable of decreasing my adrenaline. It helps me better than popping

a pill, works faster and is always with me. You're going to be okay. I feel it. :) xx

in reply to Agora1

You’re right! I have a lot going on and it all is making me aware of it and I know I have to deal with it.

Totally understand about the tapping :) I’ll have to look up breathing techniques because it feels like mine are just kinda stuck and can’t go into my chest.

Do you have any recommendations for videos you use? Thank you so much, that really means a lot 💛

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

I'd be more than happy to share videos that I use on YouTube. Once you find

the right calming voice that you connect with, finding other videos by them will

allow you variety.

"Sinking & Slowing Breathing Meditation" by the Quiet Mind Cafe

"1 min. Meditation/Release Fear" by Jason Stephenson

"Sleep Hypnosis for Calming an Overactive Mind" by Michael Seeley

"Mindfulness 3 min Meditatiion" by the Honest Guys

"Sympathetic Breathing Meditation" by the Quiet Mind Café

These are but a few of my favorites because of the calming voice that

the speaker has on me. Within moments, I am in a different place of

mind. My shoulders relax, my breathing slows down and I literally feel

a peace come over me. This happens when practiced daily over the years.

I wish you well my friend Namaste :) xx

Thank you so much! You as well!

Namaste 😊

medical- profile image

I hope you're doing well right now. I don't know if you have tried angiography to see if there is a problem with your heart or not. But if you haven't done it yet, to assure that you're alright and won't need any heart surgery later, it wouldn't hurt if you do this checkup too. In this article you can find the symptoms which show you need an angiography:


SammohJ profile image

Hi you are not alone , I also feel same as you really . Pain that won’t go away , chest shoulder neck arm back stomach all in left side . I’m just so tired of this pain, it won’t go away , I just keep thinking of the worse . I don’t know what to do

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