Hi folks!
So, we are now on my second day post Zoloft. I definitely still feel the effects. I’m pretty spacey — I notice this like right after I wake up and start the day. Def trying not to focus on it because it freaks me out.
Slept a lot — woke up at 12 and had vivid dreams but also slept great.
I’m hoping the awful side effects I got while tapering were the worst of my withdrawal. I feel WAY better now that I’m not taking the pill but I’m def loopy still.
I had some good reassurance from my psychotherapist last night and it helped my health anxiety a lot. He really reassured me I’m not having any other mental health problems. So I’m doing my best to just stay active, while keeping notes as to how I feel.
Not gonna lie - I’m worried that, after reading about withdrawal, that I’ll spiral worse into anxiety. Or something. But I really have been conquering my health anxiety naturally... The spaciness feels so weird, but my doc was so reassuring last night, again, that I’m ok. I’m so afraid of losing control or going crazy.
I really regret taking this pill but I hope people don’t think I am anti medication - it’s just not something I want to do.