so I’ve been having breathless for about 5 weeks nearly, and my oxygen levels have been checked etc etc etc, now my oxygen is always 98-100 constant, tonight I’ve took multiple readings and they are all 95-96 and that’s all it’s not going up from that, should I worry about that? It’s never really sitting at 96 until now
should I worry? : so I’ve been having... - Anxiety Support
should I worry?

You know what I was thinking about this the other day I will do this and see how goes, thankyou
They said I need prescription
Have you tried different fingers ? Are your hands cold? Try taking a few deep breaths!!
Hi anxietymadman. Certainly get checked out but if there is no physical problem then it is possible your anxiety is causing you to have poor posture leading to slump over and have shallow breathing as your diapham is being squashed. This is actually pretty common. You should also be aware that constantly checking your oxygen levels might actually be reinforcing your health anxiety, Paige Pradko's channel is great at explaining what that is and how to fix it. Wishing you peace and health.
Breathing has been great today for once 😂, jynx it now and watch it be bad again later on, I have got another dr appointment Monday I said I’m not being told it’s anxiety and let it be there so I’m making sure before I brush it off as anxiety
Hi ,when I started the peri menopause, and I know this won't apply to you lol, but about 10 - 11 years ago now, I was out walking my dogs, and I said to my husband, I can't breathe, I said I must have a chest infection. So saw doc and they diagnosed me with AOA. I was given 2 inhaler's for 8 years, which did nothing. So had a specialist Asthma test !!! They said you have not got asthma at all, turned out I was on candasartan beta-blocker and it was that that was causing it.