I woke up this morning feeling fine, decided to have some coffee for the first time in a long time..
Pretty much cleaned the whole house top to bottom.. room to room. My house is spotless. After I got done cleaning.. I loaded my kids up to go to the grocery store for some milk. Went to the grocery store feeling fine So I decided we would go to another store to find some organization bins. Well While I was in there I started to feel like I was gonna pass out, things were getting dizzy so I thought to myself.. okay I got what I need I'm gonna go pay
So when I got up to pay the cashier says "are you okay?, your face looks droopy?" "Have you had anesthesia?"
I immediately felt like I was gonna pass out right then in the floor and started freaking out in my mind thinking I was having a stroke..but while at the same time reminding myself.. your already having a panic attack and her comment is making it worse, your okay. Well I hurried out to my car kinda feeling in a haze and looked at my face in the mirror. I looked like me, like I always do.
So I breathe.. and breathe.. cry a little, and BREATHE
I just have a funny looking face I guess, lol I'm fine. But I'm proud of myself because I have been cutting down on my klonopin, I used to take one .5mg in the morning and one .5 at night. Now I'm down to take a quarter of the .5 pill in the morning and .5 at night
Usually when I used to feel that way in stores etc.. I would immediately take another klonopin, but I didn't and I'm okay. I breathed and I'm okay.
I'm probably just exhausted from all the cleaning & those store trips just set me off.... plus the strange cashier 🤔
Idk one step at a time ❤️