I wanted to introduce myself to this AMAZING support group. I am a 29 year old single mother or 3 beautiful daughters, a business owner of two businesses while studying to be a Registered Nurse in college. Yes.... I know.... I have a lot on my plate. I am really good at masking my condition. On the outside people think I have it all together but I secretly suffer from anxiety and depression. I have suffered with it for years. It has come to a point in my life where I am tired of running from the problem and I now want to fix it for GOOD! I find this support group as an outlet for me to take off the mask and really be transparent in my situation. Im tired of crying, being emotional about everything, worrying about every little thing and feeling sorry for myself. I WANT TO BEAT THIS THING CALLED ANXIETY AND I WILL!!!
Who am I?: I wanted to introduce myself to... - Anxiety Support
Who am I?

And you will beat anxiety Lexley008, because you are ready and because you have a positive attitude in going forward. You are an amazing woman. Anyone who can juggle the different hats you are wearing has strength and determination in knowing what you want.
We are here for you. Know that you won't take this path alone. We more than understand what it's like from day to day. Keep strong, keep that positivity and hold our hand. We're in this together. xx
Glad to have you here with us. I am a 34 year old mother of one and I have been suffering from anxiety and depression since I was 19. And this forum will do really good!! It's always someone to talk to here. Including me!! Hope all is well.
Thank you so much. This is most definitely what I need right now. I’ve tried to talk to friends and family and they just don’t understand. It’s so refreshing to be able to talk to people who knows exactly how I feel.
I understand how you feel. My family and friends don't really understand either. That's why I was so excited when I came across this forum.
I try to hold everything in but it only makes things worse for me. This support group has really made me understand what I’m dealing with and how to cope with it. We all have similar symptoms and I feel connected with the people from the group. I don’t feel alone anymore.
I hold everything in also. I just had one of my crying moments twice today back to back and ran in the bathroom to cry my heart out!!
I did as well today. I am going through a custody battle with my ex husband and something today triggered my anxiety and I’ve been emotional all day. I just want to be normal. I’m tired of stressing and feeling hopeless in my situation. I know I am going through this to be able to help others.
My son's father and I dont get along either. And he's married now and swears that I don't like his wife. Which is crazy when she doesn't even have a conversation with me. So we are constantly arguing.
Trust me. I know that all too well. It’ll get better with time. We’ve been divorced 3 years and he was engaged while we were still married. Really sad! But I’m passed that just trying to reach a peaceful place.
Wow!! I believe that all I want is just peace and everything else will fall into place. I'm engaged to my boyfriend of 8 years and now I'm starting to rethink things. And I'm really confused about my feelings.
I actually have the same issues. I’ve tried dating and because I’m unsure the relationships doesn’t work. I feel I need to work on myself before I get in another relationship.
Don't get me wrong I love my fiance but sometimes my mind just starts to wonder and Al these negative thoughts come up....and I don't know what to do.
I understand. Just take it one day at a time. You have to decipher which thoughts are true and which ones aren’t about your relationship.
Hello there dear.you sound like an amazing hardworking women and very brave. I too use to suffer a great deal of torment from anxiety. Anxiety is a demon spirit streaming from fear. Only God can deliver like he delivered me as well. I prayed to God to remove the spirit of fear out of my life. You must go to jesus and confess your sins, express your soul desire. He cares for you !!! Believe and doubt NOT. Please go to jesus now. That spirit is destructive and evil it could lead to other demonic demons tormenting. Fear has torment. You are the mentally ubstable it's spiritual. You don't need nothing but jesus. Jesus is amazing ! He died on the cross for our sins because he loves us. I'm here if you need me. Praying for you as I type this. Stay strong.
Thank you!! I was heading to class and sat in the parking lot and prayed to God to remove the spirit of fear and EVERYTHING associated with it before I walked in class. Thank you for taking time out to pray for me.
Amen ! This is confirmation. I'm happy you casted the spirit of fear down ! AMEN . I am so joyful god revealed to you what it was. Pray and fast stand on faith. Focus on the love of Christ it cast fear down
Ephesians chapter 4 v 23
"And be renewed in the spirit of your mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
I love you my sister stay strong in Christ . Pray over your kids daily. Your in a battle with a defeated foe. God has all victory.
Go to a quiet room and stomp the devil out.
Hi Lezley I think you would find some pretty inspiring people on here and know you can beat this anxiety