I was just released from a week long hospital stay.. I was admitted due to a gastrointestinal virus which led to dehydration and led me to pass out multiple times... I'm still battling the gastro thing.. but the anxiety I have I feel is making it worse with diarrhea continuing as well as the constant need to urinate...
with that being said... I have been in and out of panic attack after panic attack- the only solace I find is when I EVENTUALLY fall asleep.. which is a daunting task in itself.
I believe I suffer from health anxiety as well as general anxiety and panic disorder.. maybe even PTSD? I am scared to death of losing consciousness again... it's a huge fear of mine..
My Symptoms?
Brain fog (I feel like there is literal buzzing and fuzziness like cotton in my head), disorientation (I feel like I'm here but I'm not here- like I'm dreaming? and then sometimes I'll get the feeling like I forget where I am), and then there is the soaking wet palms and feet, and the weakness.. just laying down I sometimes feel like I literally just ran 2 miles. I am extremely light headed and dizzy which is a huge part, I can't think straight, I can't focus, certain sounds, lights, conversations, movies, even certain textures spiral me into a panic attack.. my brain has the literal feeling of being overwhelmed and like I can't handle ANYTHING.. not even a simple conversation. and this is NOT WHO I KNOW I AM... I'm usually very good at coping under pressure of daily life situations.. I just don't understand what is happening to my body.. and how my mind is making my body feel this way? I also get extremely scared of neurological issues..
I am mostly aware that it's a panic attack, but I just can't stop it, or control it, or prevent it..
with all this being said- I have been through a similar time about 10 years ago when I was 14/15, and I was put on lexapro 10mg.. I felt as if the meds might have stopped working over a year ago.. is that possible?
does anyone else feel this way? trapped in there own body?
and if so, how do you control/stop it? how do you live your life day-to-day? and do you take any medication for it?
please... please help...thank you so much <3