After finishing antibiotics seven weeks ago I have no appetite and am having to force feed myself. There is no relief at all, not even after eating. I am so tired of fighting it and as it has been so long, with no improvement I think it must be all in my head.
Constant nausea: After finishing antibiotics... - Anxiety Support
Constant nausea

I've had this happen to me before. Antibiotics, while good at killing nasties in our guts, can also kill off the good bacteria as well. When I've felt this way, I have used drinkable probiotics. I personally like the Dannon "Danactive" drinks. I know that the nausea is terrible but these drinks are pretty small and they'll help add back the good bacteria that were killed off.
Sometimes my nausea is so bad that I have to take a sip of the "Danactive" followed by a sip of cold mint water.
Are you able to eat any gluten free oatmeal? That has also helped me. Gluten free is easier on my tummy.
I also love Gin-Gins, the ginger candy. To me, they were super spicy at first and now I pop them like mints when my stomach is upset.
I wish you the best!!!
Thank you so much. I shall try everything. Please may I ask how long this lasted?
I know I over think things but sometimes my worst fears do happen. Am hoping to go to the shop later and find myself stressing about that as I still have colicky pains and urgency for the loo although this is only once a day but I keep thinking what if....... which isn't helpful. I should just grab the car keys and go.
I am on day 46 after the antibiotics. I was only on a five day course and the symptoms started immediately after I stopped.
Gave in to it all yesterday and just lay about which isn't me at all, just reading and dozing.
I hope you have a good day and again thank you for your reply and taking the time to help. Being like this is a scary and lonely place.
Best wishes
The symptoms lasted about two weeks. One week I just suffered and eventually went to the doctor so the second week was me recovering.
I'm glad you only took a short course of antibiotics. I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon. I was on a short course as well and even that did me in. My stomach has always been temperamental though.
I'm also glad that you are taking time for yourself. I know that if you're anything like me, you get anxious when you feel like you're not contributing to society. I constantly worry about letting people down. The longer I've dealt with anxiety though, the more I realize the importance of "me time".
About running to the restroom, or loo in your case, I am so there with you. It's an embarrassing, scary and uncomfortable thing but you're not alone. Isn't that great news?! There are people right now running for the porcelain throne.
We may be across the ocean from one another but you're never alone.
Sending light from America.
I am just recovering from a bacterial infection. I was taking antibiotics for 2 weeks and like you, I have been suffering from nausea and lack of appetite. For the nausea a friend of mine recommended 'Queezibics' ginger biscuits which are specially made for nausea and sickness. They have certanly helped me so they may be worth a try (I bought them online) Hope this helps.

Thank you for responding. It really sucks doesn't it? I have nausea all the time even though I finished the antibiotics seven weeks ago. As the nausea started two weeks ago the pharmacist said the antibiotics were unconnected, so I am thinking it is anxiety, but it is getting worse. I took my first dose of Pepto Bismol yesterday and had nine hours of relief. I knew it wasn't a cure but I felt so good for some respite. Then at midnight woke to nausea.
Thank you again and hope today is kind to you.
Thank you again. Sadly my nausea has been going on for nearly a month but hey ho.
I am sure it is anxiety but there is always that thought that it isn't. There is only one doctor at my surgery and it takes weeks to get an appointment and really not up to sitting in a waiting room for hours.
I did make it to the shop yesterday, just after 8am so it was really quiet. Decided not to overthink things and just go. The irony of it all was that the car was covered with thick ice (not that common in this part of the uk) and I had lost my scraper, so took ages to even get there.
As it was a sunny day I walked twenty mins to the beach. Usually relaxing but failed.
Have got my macrobiotic yoghurt, Optibac that I took two weeks ago I fear may have been too strong.
Cheated at the end of my day so at least I could eat something and had Pepto Bisodol. Never had it before. I had nine hours of bliss before waking at midnight back to square one. I knew it wasn't going to be a fix but the temporary bliss was amazing.
I think you are a lot stronger than me. I sometimes wonder if, with time on my hands it makes things worse. I tutor and and travel to people's houses and due to resume work on Tuesday. It feels an impossible task, but not doing it hasn't worked either, so it all adds to the stress.
Thank you again for your reply all the way across the pond. I hope you have a pleasant day and apologies if I have rambled on and on.
Best wishes
Gods...I cannot tell you how much I relate. Pesto is one of my best friends. I'm sorry it's so hard to get into your doctor's office. I also know how simple tasks seem insurmountable. Last night, for instance, I left work early. It took me over an hour to get home from what is usually a 30 minute drive because I kept having to pull over thinking I was going to throw up. I am definitely not stronger than you 🤣. I'm just a generally positive librarian who talks tough. Keep me updated. I really want to know how you're progressing. I know it's tough. Nausea is my #1 anxiety symptom but it's the good days that I live for. I'll tell you more later but I have to get up now. My family is meeting for brunch. (I'm already freaking out) I get nervous anytime I eat outside of my own home. It's a recent development. 😧 We've got this. Today is going to be a good one. (My anxiety says, "Yeah right..." 😉
I shall be thinking of you and your important day. You are doing so well. Let me know how it goes?
I take it you didn't throw up, but then no amount of rationalisation helps.
The rain and wind were so bad in the early hours the windows were shaking. Normally I don't mind but it added to the grim reality of another morning.
Today I did a bit of paperwork and then started worrying about finances and who would look after the cat if I was taken anywhere as have had a bad today with my stomach. I have a lovely friend but he loves to go fishing. I texted him for reassurance as, like you it is a long holiday weekend. He is going fishing Mon until Thurs, but he did say he would return if needed, so I am very lucky. I haven't felt up to friends much lately as too nauseous to talk, which again is isolating and not good.
I moved from the North to the South of England five years ago so my network of friends is rather new, but volunteering in a charity shop helps. The reason for my move was a bit crazy. I was adopted and discovered my family had never left the South coast Isle of Wight area from the 1400s. Despite everything I do feel I really belong here, but illness can make you vulnerable as I am sure you know.
I would love to hear how it all went if you feel able and have the time.
Thinking of you
Well, the day isn't going so well. I'm in my car, having a panic attack, trying to get up the courage to drive to my parent's place. I wish I had a long weekend, my days off are Friday and Saturday. At least it's my day off though. My husband is coming to pick me up so I can make it over there. I feel like such a burden. Today is windy and gray which is rare for Colorado. Most people think we're always under a foot of snow but we get more sun than almost any state! I love the wind and gray. I don't o well with heat.
So, here I am, waiting for my husband, trying not to throw up. I never do but just the feeling...
On an unrelated note, I was adopted too! How funny. 🙂
Fingers crossed you made it and were able to manage being there. I am guessing you must find all of this so exhausting.
I find myself looking at people out and about, never knowing how lucky they are to be free to come and go so easily without fear and its so real physical symptoms.
Janet (again)
I think that often as well. I see people out to eat or going to a movie. I remember being that way once. I think to myself, "I wish I wouldn't have taken it for granted." That's why, today (I'm still at my parent's) I am taking advantage of this moment. I am not , panicking, I'm safe and I'm with the ones I love. Nothing is trivial. 😌
What did you do today? Are you feeling well? I just realized that you'e probably asleep. It's only 6:30pm here. 🙂
P.S. one final thought. I am so going to try and overcome this if I can without meds. Ironic really as the last thing I could do at the moment is sit in a waiting room anyway.
I am going to try this: I have no control over my anxiety, but maybe and it is a big maybe I might have a little control over my response to it. I just hope this isn't meaningless psychobabble. Shall see if that works at all today!!
Hi again.
Typed in this really long reply and then realised I wasn't online so it didn't send, but at least I started to see a pattern emerging.
It is indeed 4:30 am and my anxiety levels are rising. I think after my UTI which I ignored for several weeks, hence the antibiotics, created an awful sense of not being in control. The "what ifs" becoming "it ises" if that makes any sense. I have an awful fear of being trapped in queues, even having my hair cut.....and as for the dentist.....don't even go there, sometimes literally.
Is this the same with you? I am thinking of a mantra to repeat, like this too will pass, or something like that. Breathing techniques so don't seem to work for me.
I can't believe that until October I was doing sixty hour weeks with lesson preparation, travelling to teach and volunteering with two organisations and now I can't even manage much less.
I didn't achieve much yesterday so hope for better today. More wild and windy weather at the coast tonight, which is where I am. Then tomorrow night there will be no doubt be fireworks for new year's eve. I should imagine you will have them near you as well.
I slept with the hall light on last nigh, the first time ever. We have had our shortest day, but it is dark from 4:15pm til 8:10am. I just wondered if it would be more comforting.
I am reading an awful lot, but still not interested in my own writing or art or for that matter the radio or television so I have a way to go. I also are very little yesterday so have to do better today, but then I didn't take my Pepso.
My biggest challenge will be returning to work. That is where you are doing so well. I keep reminding myself that the consequences of not doing will be far worse as I cancelled some of my longer distanced clients when I had the UTI.
I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you say you had a twin? Are they unaffected by any anxiety. I only ask as when I met my birth mother, she was about the same age as I am now, she had issues about going out. This has led me to wondering if there might also be a genetic element, or whether this clutching at straws?
The day where I have to function, on some level at least, is getting closer. That is the hardest thing. You push yourself once, but then you face the same issues again and again.
I hope your day goes well and I send you strength to cope from across the pond and again thank you for reading and listening.
I am sure we can do this. I have had a more productive day. I force feed myself something quite small every three hours. Not pleasant, but I feel slightly less shaky. The craziest thing is I have to eat standing up as I move around to distract myself. At least nobody can see me and it does seem to be working. I did the washing and walked to a shop and also to the quay. Strong winds and heavy rain later.
I also looked up some facts about Colorado. You are seven hours behind.
Target now is to continue with the force feeding so I can hopefully tutor on Tues. They are a lovely family and my own client, as opposed to an agency. The worst that can happen is that I just ask to do one hour rather than the two.
Hope you have a good day and one which is not too stressful.
Thinking of you