I've had IBS for years now and its made my life much worse than it used to be. I've managed to keep it under control for the most part but for a while now iv'e been feeling so sick I've been wondering if its even worth the effort at all. I am nauseous most of the time and I always just thought it was because I have IBS but I'm beginning to think it could partially be anxiety related.
I'm currently a junior in high school and things have been rough to say the least - but even on good days I get hit with these awful waves of nausea and sometimes have to go home early. The nausea also causes me to panic and the panic makes it worse but the minute I get home the nausea usually seems to stop. It's especially problematic when I have plans. Before I even go out I know I'm going to get sick and it almost always happens, this has led to me missing out on so many things I would have loved to do. It seems impossible to go out and have fun when I know I'll just end up suffering. I worry about my stomach problems constantly but I don't know anyone else who gets this way and I feel so alone. It even happens when I'm taking exams, which has made my midterms and finals a living nightmare.
I don't know if this is something I can fix, but I just wish I knew someone else who understood. I'm so tired of feeling this way, I'm going to New York city tomorrow and I'm terrified of the nausea I already know I'll have. I just wish there was a way I could be normal.