I've been feeling Nausea for weeks now and honestly. It's hell. I'm currently in school and when I feel nauseas I can't talk so obviously this puts a hold on friendships. My life has seriously gone downhill and 3 doctors agree that this is not bacterial or viral sickness so I need help. Is this anxiety?
Constant Nausea : I've been feeling Nausea... - Anxiety Support
Constant Nausea

In case any are wondering I also have pains in my chest though I can't tell if this is stomach heart or lungs specifically it seems like movement in general also increases my symptoms
Have you spoke to anyone about how your feeling? Is there a school counsellor or teacher you could speak to? . In terms of nausea try drinking herbal teas before bed or when you wake up in the morning. It is also very important to eat something maybe just a peice of toast. Sometimes gum or a mint helps in the classroom. Just have to see what works for you love. Take care
I use to hurl every morning before work when my anxiety was at its worst. It won't hurt you but it's damn unpleasant.
How did you fix this problem
Ive experienced a lot of symptoms with anxiety... i am right now too. You are not alone and personally i didnt get to the point of hurling but i did feel very sick. You said you visited a doc 3 times and they all said you was well, try and hold on to that. If you are still feeling not well, go back for your piece of mind. You could try to search up meditation or deep breathing excercises before bed. They will be your bestfriend trust me.
Try the teas, try eating something in the morning, deep breathing and try speaking to your family about this? Let me know how you get on, take care!
Hi Fredrick,
I had this problem and still do to a degree. At first the doctor gave me some little pills to put under my top lip, they worked ( sorry I cannot recall what they were called) But I didn't want to keep taking pills.
So I went to Boots the Chemist and bought some anti sickness wrist bands, cost about £6.99 , they work on an acupuncture pressure points, they have been about a long while, people use them for travel sickness.
They work like a dream for me. At first I wore them all the time, but now I just keep them with me , and if I start to feel bad I pop them on. Know one knows you are wearing them if you wear something long sleeved.
Hope you find a way of ending this misery of nausea, because it really is. Best wishes Jennyfwr X
Cinnamon capsules readily available at drug store are helpful.