Well I stopped the xifaxan... it made me feel like I couldn't even breathe. It was so bad I couldn't even walk through the mall. Now I'm back to square one. I stopped work again but I may be able to go back in January. Anyways my anxiety, obsessive thoughts, fear of EVERYTHING is back with a vengeance. I feel so depressed like I just want to stay in bed and cry. This is so frustrating. I'm just venting right now, it helps a lot!
Hello : Well I stopped the xifaxan... it... - Anxiety Support

Hello I'm new here also. I had to quit my job after 9 years. But I managed my anxiety for the first 8 years of job and then it came back. I felt so bad and got depressed so bad when I came to the conclusion that I couldn't work and I also don't take any medication. I learned to box breathe and do meditation. That is still helping me from day to day. And not getting upset over the simple things. I hope your able to go back to work soon.
Hello Thank You and Welcome! You'll find some really nice helpful people on this forum. I'm glad you have some coping skills for anxiety. It must be tough to leave a position after being there for so long. I feel stressed everyday... it's like everything irritates me idk. But Thanks and best of luck. Anxiety can be tricky.
Your welcome! It was hard to leave but I had to better myself once again. But I'm getting better. I'm just like you everything irritates me. But I can honestly say that I have the best fiance in the world that can deal with me!
Hi, sorry to hear you aren’t using and meds. I would like to communicate with those who don’t take medication to calm their anxiety and depression. I’ve tried zoloft recently which made me worse. I’ve also been taking a Benzo, but with my job [which I don’t want to lose] I can’t be taking them much. I don’t look
Down to those who use medication to help them. I wish I was able to use it if it worked for me. Just wondering if those of us who are med free can get together to share what works and doesn’t work for you. I feel it would be very helpfull for us struggling with how to get to the point where we feel calm and functional again with no meds.
I honestly would say to just keep busy and stay active. When I'm busy and interacting with others im okay... not 100% but better than usual. Also take vitamins and enjoy foods or whatever makes you happy. Keep hydrated and stay active, shop online, read, talk on the phone, find a favorite show. Most importantly SMILE and laugh. Good luck!
I am so sorry you had a set back. I know what it is like to just want to give up. Hang in there and remember, tomorrow is another day.
Oh Tanae, I am still waking in the mornings to a feeling of fear and nausea. Sometimes it does ease off as the day progresses, other days I resort to an Ativan. I go back to see the endocrinologist on the 13th but am not holding my breath! He did not seem to be of the opinion my symptoms were coming from the adrenal glands (yet our family dr did). Who do you believe? It gets very discouraging each day. If I could think myself well I would. Odd that some people feel we just don't want to improve. We just lost a young neighbour suddenly and it has really set my fear button in motion. There was no warning at all. How are you making out?
Wow. Best of luck with the endocrinologist, I know it can be discouraging and Sorry to hear about your neighbor. I can totally relate with people leaving unexpectedly. It happens all the time where I live. I'm trying to keep sane but this paranoia is making it hard.