I woke up this morning feeling great looking forward to the day! but now at night is when it always hits me around this time I feel like anxiety is on repeat, it plays over and over and over it just won't stop the whole feel like I'm in a bubble feeling, the world is watching me, and paranoia hits me then the attack comes on. It's like it's going on forever and ever and ever and it will never stop that's how I feel. I've been suffering with panic disorder for over 9 years! And it's gotten worse for me throughout the years I'm on Xanax 1 mg Prozasin and Lexapro. I am 27 years old and I look at myself and say how can I possibly be taking all these medications at this young age with three kids. Sometimes I feel like I'm a bad mom or bad person and that I have nothing going good for myself because I think about depressing things all the time and I actually go into a scary Zone where all my thoughts and my feelings are about death or my health it's really scary. I hate you anxiety and I wish you never came into my life but God gave you my soul for a reason I know I have to be strong and have to conquer every attack every heart racing I get I have to stay calm and focused on my children and my family. But...I'm so depressed sometimes I don't know what to do with myself I just want someone to really truly understand me and I know a lot of you guys go through the same things I'm going through but sometimes I still feel like I'm alone.
ANXIETY ON REPEAT...: I woke up this morning... - Anxiety Support

Mine is worse at night as well. I Feel like Something funny happens in our senses and brains at night . Two of my friends go to bed as soon as it gets dark and I feel like it is because it's easier for them to avoid anxiety. A few things help to distract me - playing with my other senses : get a small bottle of lavender essential oil and smell it when you get nervous. Taking a shower / use a heating pad ( make yourself feel a different temperature). Finally have you heard of ASMR? It doesn't work for everyone but it helps me (you'll find it on YouTube). Xanax as needed but those are non medicine things that help me. I haven't tried lights yet but I heard some people use a special light every day for 30 minutes.
Hey, If only u knew just how much I can relate to your post... I seem to suffer the other way around, as in my anxiety and panic is full on the moment I waken and gets better later on...Can I just say,youre not a bad mum, this is exactly how my anxiety and depression makes me think, when everyone else tells me I'm a good caring mum..anxiety loves to trick us...I have an Autistic on who I have been carer for since 21yrs old and then was only diagnosed with Aspergers over a year ago myself, the answer to why ive become so ill over the years...I spent years thinking I was weak and a terrible mum, but I now know it was due to caring so much about my son that started a lot of my panic attacks, worrying constantly about how he will get on....I am also on anti-depressants and Valium 1mg daily for years to help me cope...Please don't think theres any shame in that, just look at it as u need the meds to help u get through just now, u have 3 children, that is not an easy job, I'm sure youre doing great
I can understand the loneliness, I feel the same way a lot, no matter who is around, its an empty feeling, but we have to stay strong and as ive said on here before, if u really look at it, we all must be strong in some way to have come this far....
Hugs....Here anytime if u need to talk...x
This sounds very much how I used to be, I’ve been through periods of being anxious 24/7 too, I have attacks most of the time for no reason, I constantly think about things though too. If I feel out of breath I think about it all the time! Arrgghh anxiety is a horrible illness Hun, I have 4 children at home and you have to be strong for them, your not a bad Mum at all, if anything I bet you put on a brave face for them. Here anytime if you need to Chat, im good at giving advice (not good at taking my own 😂) be nice to yourself, in an evening when Kids are settled run yourself a bath, paint your nails, read a magazine, whatever you enjoy really, being a Mum is hectic enough in itself, your probably so busy in the day and then it’s hits you when your more settled x
Yes! Anxiety is Horrible... but i do love hot bubble baths. Makes me sleepy wake up feeling good. But for the past few days i hvent been myself. I try to ignore the feelings but end up worrying myself and getting worked up for Nothing! But thank yu for your awesome. Advice 💖
😔 not nice at all is it, I’ve been there too, I was in such a state that I didn’t care about anything, I didn’t want to go out, I didn’t want to do nothing, you must get help, have you tried counselling? X x