Hello everyone soo i was doing alright while not being on here but while not being on my sympthoms i dont understand it comes and goes everyday , headaches all the time , vision feeling unreal like if in living in a dream. The thing thats really bothering me is my palptations is crazy beating fast like i have a heart problem this issue is like everday before docters did see me and said its fine i feel like my heart is not fine even though they did say it was fine, when im home beats fast and having alot palptations that i have to turn around to make it relax it speeds up then goes back to normal mean while im not nervous at all. The issuesi got hired for a job for 4days and i start tommarow 9am to 9pm and im afriad of my heart failing on me or something happening to me should i go to the job for the 4days or dont it just the palptation is annoying! another i get all these muscle twiches in my body and the headaches is annoying also.
Hey wassup guys . been off this for a while. - Anxiety Support
Hey wassup guys . been off this for a while.

Hi Johnnie1234, interesting that you were doing alright while not being on the forum. The forum may be a great support but we still have to know when we need a break from it. After all it pumps in so much negativity regarding symptoms that it can very well feed into someone's health anxiety.
The doctors have said your heart is fine and it is Johnnie. Now it's up to you to believe what they have said and start living a normal life as a young person. I think that's great that you got hired for a job for 4 days starting tomorrow. Do Not cancel out of it. It will be the best distraction you could have as well as a feeling of accomplishment. I wish you well on your first day. Welcome back to the real world. I'm proud of you.
Thank you hopefully nothing happens with me
You will be around people. Tell yourself that you will be okay. You will be fine and that you are safe. My thoughts will be with you, let us know when you get home. Wishing you a good night's sleep tonight. This will be a positive step forward for you tomorrow. x
Hey Johnnie 1234, sorry that you're feeling that way, it sounds very much like what my husband went through a few years back. He could feel his heart racing and it set off his entire "fight or flight" instinct, causing an adrenaline release/rush and he thought he was having a heart attack. He went to the heart Dr., checked out fine just that he had a non life -threatening irregular heart beat that he's probably had all his life, and was told he was having panic attacks triggered by it. The Dr. explained that some people are more sensitive to the sensation than others, case in point, if I myself eat anything with capsaicin, like chili's, hot salsa.... my pulse will quicken and even skip a beat, but it doesn't trigger any serious response for me, for my husband if he felt his heart race or skip, he would go full blown thinking he was having a heart attack, sweat, headache, couldn't slow his thoughts......I had a hard time understanding this until his Dr said its like the feeling you get when you have a near - miss car accident, but over nothing at all but a sensation, and how some peole are affected much differently than others, similar to how some movies will evoke tears in some peole but not others. My husband was given medication to stabilize his heartbeat, and an antidepressant (Cimbalta) to help the panic attacks. He's no longer on the Cimbalta, but has continued the heart meds. It was very frustrating for him until he found a Dr that would listen to him, now he's doing so much better, hasn't had the issue in years. I sure hope you can find what is triggering your feelings. Best of luck, and congrats on your new job!