Hello folks! I haven't posted in so long because i've been fighting anxiety and been trying to stay away from the subject. I just wanted to ask you guys if when you have a few drinks or even get drunk does your heart pound? Its weird. If I have several drinks my heart pounds very hard. Even if im just sitting down and not moving its just pounding away. I dont get any pain, dizzyness or anything. I just feel my heart is pounding and it makes me scared. I just realizes this 5 years ago and I did a heart monitor for 24 hours and got my heart checked and everything was normal. But I rather get it checked while its doing the pounding. Its worse during the night after drinking if I wake up. I just feel it pounding hard. I feel like your heart shouldnt be pounding while youre sleeping because you're in the most relaxed state. I dont know its bothersome to me. And this happens SPECIFICALLY when I drank and no other time. Deep down i think im fine because if there was something wrong it would happen any time and not ONLY when i drink and I dont have other symptoms. Does anyone experience this?
Heart POUNDING! : Hello folks! I haven't... - Anxiety Support

Alcohol can increase your heart rate, so maybe it is just that? I have experienced it too! But I've had it other times too, usually when I'm very stressed.. But that is normal.
I'm cutting back on drinking, it's not good for anxiety, even if you think you feel relaxed at the time.. hangovers are the worst for anxiety I find too. Moderation it is for me then (I'm a big wine lover though).

Sounds exactly like me. Thanks! And when you suffer from Anxiety everything is exagerrated. So we subconsciously think about our heart pounding and in turn will cause it to increase because we get scared lol... 🤦🏾♂️
A vicious cycle isn't it ☹. Everything feels magnified, even the slightest sensation can get me worrying, I am better with realising it's just anxiety playing tricks with me these days but still gets me sometimes!

Exactly lol My anxiety is maintained and I honestly dont consider mysel having it as bad as I have in the past. Its just this issue has been worrysome. Its been happening past 5 years and nothing happened lol so maybe its just my mind. But i def want to check it out. I see it happens more when I am super stressed. More than likely its my anxiety that playing tricks on me....
Have your doctor talk to you about this, as you don't seem to have the issue when not drinking. See if your doctor will put you on a monitor for 24 hours when you have been drinking to see the results. Otherwise, is the luxury of drinking alcohol worth all this worry? That's the decision YOU need to make. If your foot swells after wearing a tack in it, but doesn't when you remove the tack, bet you wouldn't put the tack in it. XX
Your sarcasm was not neccessary. But thanks for your input, I guess.
Hope, It was not meant to be sarcasm at all. It was meant to be simple and frank. You mentioned you would like to have the heart monitored when you had been drinking as your heart pounding appears to affect you during the night or morning after drinking, and I think that was rather insightful on your part. If something shows up then, may be a sign to avoid alcohol. If nothing shows up on the monitor, may be a good sign just to not drink as for whatever reason, it is affecting your life. Used the tack in the shoe analogy simply as a way to put a simple perspective on the matter instead of over thinking it. Sometimes women will wear tall heels and then wonder why their legs hurt the next day. Don't know if you are a woman, so I used the tack analogy.

Good that Hope4thebest07 and hearyou were able to clarify whether or not a reply was sarcastic. It's not easy to discern intent in posts, so good that people feel comfortable to ask.
Yes def agree , having a drink calms me down but then I get pounding heart, it usually wakes me up during the night, you’re not alone x
"Fighting anxiety", that's the problem. Stop fighting a battle you can never win. Would you fight happiness, anger, excitement, sadness if you felt them? Or would you just accept that you're happy today, or you're angry about something or excited about a new thing?
Accept that you feel anxious. Accept that your heart is racing and pounding. It won't hurt you. It's exactly what the heart is designed for. When you learn to accept you won't even notice any more and it will stop happening.
Easier said than done, believe me I know. But you can do it. If I can do it, any one can do it
Good luck.
Alcohol deplets magnesium in the body, a symptom of magnesium deficiency is palpations which is what you're experiencing. I was exactly the same untill I supplemented with magnesium, now I don't experience it when drinking alcohol.
Give it a try....
Cool, I will. Another thing is I need to drink more water while I drink. Its not like I drink everyday. I drink occasionally on the weekends or an event. I have to stay hydrated and see too.
I can feel mine all day long and prevents me from getting much sleep🤬 how much magnesium should a person take to try stop it from pounding? I just want to sleep!