For the past two days I've had what I think are rolling panic attacks. They start with feeling just odd and this rush of doom comes over me. I start to feel trapped in this feeling and like I'll never get out..then it slowly passes just to lead into this feeling again shortly after. It's exhausting and I don't know what's triggering it. I can walk to the kitchen and feel it happening. It feels like I get sucked into another reality while it's happening and it's so scary. I know this stems from my fear of being out of control of my mind like I was when I had panic attacks while I was high once. I just hate that they won't stop. Anyone had this??
Rolling anxiety : For the past two days I've... - Anxiety Support
Rolling anxiety

I have the same thing everyday. Sorry you’re going through this.
So sorry you deal with this as well): it's not fun at all. Does you body just feel uncomfortable? Like I can't even describe it. It's like pains but then emotional feelings too of doom and too much to even describe
Hi, they will stop. You described it perfectly. I've had it.
Hi jessicao, yes I did have them as well. My psychiatrist called it "free floating anxiety". It happens when the adrenaline has never really gone down completely and so it continues to wax and wane throughout the day. The thing I learned in relieving myself of this disturbing feeling is to use meditation and deep breathing several times a day. During that time, you are able to bring down the adrenaline. Before starting that method of stress reduction, it was like a pilot light was always on just waiting to get going again with just a thought, an sudden action, a startle or something you may hear. Deep Breathing properly helps keep the mind and body in a calmer state. That as well as accepting that these glitches of anxiety are harmless will stop the rolling effect eventually. To fear something that's not real is a waste of energy. xx