Hello everyone...I need some relief on tonight I just feel like I am losing my mind. This was an extrenely rough week for me as far as my anxiety goes and I really hope to get some feedback on this. Does anybody fear death daily or just wake up waiting on something to happen? Also, each time I hear of someone dying (especially if young), I automatically fear that my time is coming. I am so afraid of whats going to happen I can't enjoy my life. I desperately want to change this process and live normally. Can someone please share their experience and whether or not you have overcome. Especially, how? Gosh what I would do to get the old me back!!!
Desperate for Answers: Hello everyone...I... - Anxiety Support
Desperate for Answers

I'm sorry to say that I don't have Triumph story. I have been an anxious person for probably 30 years. What I can say is that for all the times I worried that I had some horrible disease or terrible event nothing bad has ever happened to me in that way. All of the panic attacks, sitting at home obsessing whether or not I should go to the hospital, all of the emergency room visits when I thought this is the one time when it's really bad, never came to anything. I was so afraid and so sure so many times but never when I was anxious did it come to anything.
One thing is for sure LexiJaye23, you are not going to die, it's only a feeling and quite a high percentage of people on this forum have the same feeling of impending doom and death. You say you've had an anxious week so your nerves are probably a little on edge, somewhat over sensitive. In this state everything seems about ten times more menacing and likely than it is.
So the normal human reaction to want to avoid premature death becomes magnified ten times or more into a feeling that death is iminant. So it's just a trick of your tired nerves. We are all allowed to have strange thoughts from time to time and the best thing to do is to just accept them and carry on with your work and your preoccupation with dying will soon be forgotten.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thank you Jeff I appreciate it! I have been thinking about trying hypnotherapy. I feel out of options at this point. My daughter is visiting with my sister this weekend and I have been stuck in the house fearing to go out. I see my friends having fun enjoying life while I'm between the four walls as usuall. Ugh it just sucks!
I know the last thing you feel like doing is reading a book about hoe to recover from anxiety disorder. But there is such a book, not just any old book, it was written 50 years ago by a genius called Doctor Claire Weekes. That book has allowed tens of thousands to turn their lives round and recover or if as in my case it's hereditary to at least keep it under control and minimise the effect. Nobody understood better how we feel probably because when she was young she suffered from anxiety disorder herself. She developed a simple method for recovering from anxiety disorder, cured herself and spent the rest of her life helping others to recover using her method. Part of that waswriting her first book that explains her method. The book is titled 'Self help for your nerves' uk edition and 'Hope and help for your nerves' us edition. Her name again was Claire Weekes. The book is available new and second hand from Amazon for just a few pounds/dollars and if you look at the several hundred reader reviews over 90% rated her book Very Good or Excellent.I commend this book to you as I believe it will bring you understanding, reassurance and cure.
Thanks Jeff. I have heard about this book and I definitely will be checking out I truly need guidance. I also wanted to ask you a question. I have been experiencing an odd feelings in my hands kind on indescribable. It feels like my hands are about go numb but they never do. It usually follows with some dull pai from my elbows down. I had blood work done close to a year ago and all my tests were normal. I just have been worried about diabetes. Ugh I dont know whether this is anxiety or what. I really dont want to go to the doc but afraid if I dont. What should I do?
Lexijaye, always go to your doctor when you need reassurance, as we are all experiencing anxiety and not organic illness we akways get good news from doctors and their tests.
The odd feeling in your hands doesn't sound like a problem, I get pins and needles in my hands if I hold my tablet for too long, it's just a circulation thing maybe added to by anxiety. If you stress about it then that itsekf seems to extend the life of the feeling so don't obsess about it and it will pass. What you describe is NOT a symptom of diabetes, I'm just on the border line for diabetes and would have heard of it if it was.
A simple blood sugar test at your doctor should bring the reassurance you need, why not ask for one. But the pain in your hands is most probably anxietý which is known to be able to cause feelings of numbness in parts of the body.
All your bad feelings and symptoms will pass in time I promise and you can help that happen by just relaxing more, let your body go limp and go with the flow.
Ok I will give it a shot thank you so much. I so desperately desire for better days. I feel so weak right now I am just laying in bed. I felt ok at work and as soon as I got home I feel like this. Plus I have tons of work to do but no energy to it. I am going to be hopeful that it will pass soon.