Iv been on clomipramine 10mg for 8 weeks now for obsessive thoughts and anxiety and have tolerated it pretty well up to now with little few side effects, however 3 weeks ago I noticed my anxiety coming back and I'm bad tempered and irritated, my doctor increased my dose to 25mg and last night I took one and woke up like I was on fire and felt sick I was terrified, was this dose too high? I don't know why iv suddenly gone down hill after I was ok when starting it.
Has anyone tried clomipramine? Desperate! - Anxiety Support
Has anyone tried clomipramine? Desperate!

Stop taking it.i dont take medications i fight on my own.
I don't think I could function at all without something to help me along.
It's so hard I tried before and just couldn't function without something to help I also suffer from obsessive thoughts that can be crippling at times they seem to be a bit better but not the anxiety.
To be honest nothing has ever helped it for long, I get a bit of relief for a while and then it's back again.
I'm still learning to try and do that it's really hard
I shake physically when iv got anxiety and feel really stressed, it's one of the symptoms I wish would go! Racing thoughts as well as catastrophizing everything, worrying il never get better. Iv had cbt 5 times and it's never really helped.
Am sorry about that.you'll get bettter.how did it start btw?
My anxiety started years ago but just kind of got worse over the years, i suffered a trauma very young( sexual) but iv had some treatment for that it's just generalised anxiety now and obsessive thinking.
i relate you what you say, you start off viunerable and needing protection and good things !!instead you get people who use you,not wickedly maybe quite decent, but you are not in full cotrol of yourself, you cannot make the best decisions....and so it goes on, you can get really mank people too, i am your mate on here,,,keep calm and carry on even if you feel ,ike a zombie lol
Hi there:)) do you still take clomipramine?