Hello I have been on holiday in Portugal for almost 7 days my anxiety has gone I have no panic no negitive thoughts nothing and this is without taking 25 mg of sertaline.... ( i have been forgetting to take the tablets) I have been getting some mood swings but apart fron that I feeling great. Could it be the sunshine, does it really help with depression. ...? Or could it be the fact I only know how to speak portugese a little so its great for me I do not have to socialise lol..this is a big problem for me back home. What should I do when I go back home to work etc...I know it isnt adviseable to just stop them? Do you think I should start back on them when leaving or wait until I am back and see how I feel?
Need some advice, π: Hello I have been on... - Anxiety Support
Need some advice, π

Hmmm maybe you need to look at your life back home. It obviously isn't right for you and you don't enjoy it that's why your anxious and unhappy there and free and easy away from it.
You feel better because you are away from everything and enjoying your holiday. Home must be putting pressure on you somehow.
I really enjoyed my holiday guys...i did have 1 or 2 moments were i would feel it was all too much. I Stayed with my bfs family (portugese) which was a new experience i suppose. But was difficult as i dont know the language
I wouldn't just stop taking the medication unless you don't mind risking withdrawl symptoms. When I weaned myself off I didn't speak to my GP about it I just did it by myself but the reason why I did it is because I remember her telling me how to safely wean off of it before I even started to take them. I had no withdrawl symptoms at all. I forgot how that went because this was 4 years ago. What medication are you on?
Glad you had a wonderful vacation! What did you decide to do with your medication?
You need to start talking slowly.. built a courage and speak with people who u feel comfortable.. take a therapy start socializing!