i have just joined this site so its all new to me. i am 16 years old and have been suffering with anxiety from the age of 13. but for the past month and a half my anxiety has got worse the physical systoms are becoming annoying and taking over my daily life which is usually pains and aches in my chest, belly, back and sides, feeling sick, feeling like i cant breath, pins and needles in my hands and feet, sweating/shaking, going to the toilet more that usual, dry month basically ever systom going:/ im constantly worrying that im got cancer but ive had blood test and they all come back fine! i just cant get this sense of dread out of my head my family are starting to get fed up of reassuring me that everything is OK. on top of all this my Nana has past away who supported me all the way through my anxiety so now im left with no one to turn too my school nurse has advised me to go to my GP to get tranfered to camhs witch help people with mental illness but ive have been told if i go to camhs it could stop me from doing what i want to do it future. if any one has any advice how to get this sense of dread to go away it would really help?
need some advice please?: i have just joined... - Anxiety Support
need some advice please?

Hi Michaea16, i think your school nurse has signposted you in the right direction. (i do know school nurses can do direct referrals to CAMHS to if you dont have any luck with your gp. I know sometimes a CAHMS referral holds more clout coming from a gp and may get you seen sooner) CAMHS are a very vaulable service and see hunderds and thousands of young people with anxiety issues. As far as im aware a referral to CAMHS would not hinder future job opportunities, again its probably the small minded people who instill stigma of a mental health condition that makes people believe it may hinder futures opportunities. Personally if you want to engage with CAMHS id go for it, i think they are a very under resourced service that can be hugely in demand. You could always ring your local CAMHS office and see how your information is used and ask the question about hindering future opporunities before you approach your gp. Hope this has help Michaela, anxiety is truly horrid and the sooner you have some strategies to cope with the bad days the faster you can get return to some normal activities. Take care and i hope you get some help soon. X x x
Hi Michaela! sounds like anxiety darling, oh dear I could just gather you up and hug you so tight! Going to therapy will not stop you doing what you want to do in the future love , whoever told you that is wrong wrong wrong.Losing your beloved Nana could well be the catalyst that has made you feel so much worse. You do need to go see your GP asap , like tomorrow!!! please do this...no excuses. Tell him/her what you have told us...print it off and take it if you feel better doing that. I do. You need to be well before everything else. So please do this sweetie Love and Hugs x Ella x
Ella is right , it is rubbish who ever told you that therapy will stop you doing what you want in the future & loosing your Nana could have made things worse , try & think of the kind supportive words your Nana would be saying if she was here , even when we loose loved ones they leave us with part of them , everything kind & positive they taught us , that never goes away
Have to say same as Ella , Gps , go & tell them how you feel or print of what you have written if you dont feel you can say it
Everyone is here for you
thank you for all the advice its been very helpful! i will go see my GP asap and hopefully they will help:)xxx
Let us no how it goes , keep us posted