okay somethings bothering me more than anything and it really doesnt make any sense, before i go to bed i take my med mirtazapine, the dosage was uppened btw by my doctor to 30kmg, anyway ( i dont useally fall asleep for about an hour after taking it) but about half hour after i get these elertic zap shock feelings, sometimes in my head, sometimes in my chest, hands, its usually when im trying to fall asleep... but whats bothering me is that ive been falling asleep lately with my hand on my heart and sometimes i can feel it beat really weridly and funny for about 2 seconds which then causes me to have these zaps... but they also happen whenever something makes me jump or even if im just laying there... they're horrible but it seems like its straight after i take my med because it wont happen if i wake up in the middle of the night and go back to sleep im worried it has something to do with my heart on the depression anxity med is effecting my heart. has anyone else had this? im so scared. sorry but i really needed to get this off my chest... any comments would be very helpful
ANYONE ELSE? its really bothering me. - Anxiety Support
ANYONE ELSE? its really bothering me.

Hello. If your doctor has increased your medication it's definitely gonna make you feel different until your body gets use to increase. Your focusing so hard on your heart and I was once the same way. I would CONSTANTLY check my pulse. Like it was crazy. The more you focus on your heart and feel as if something is wrong, is causing you to panic and increase your heart rate. I know your scared but you need to try and keep your mind occupied on something other than your heart ( I know, easier said then done). Trust me, your going to be okay.
but i dont understand why my heart will beat funny for a few seconds then ill get that feeling, i can also get it when something makes me jump of just sitting there. and why its only when i take the med at night ughhh i cant keep up anymore i have sooooo many sympsoms
How does it beat? And with the medication your definitely gonna feel funny with the dosage increase. Has your doctor checked your heart?
yeah this is what i worry about is my heart this is why im on the meds to calm me down, ive had ecg's chest xray blood tests all back fine, im waiting on my 24 hour heart monitor. if u read my other posts you'll see what i worry about, but this is someting new now... and kinda feels like it beats iregular for a few seconds then i get kinda scared and i get that zap feeling. its not a flutter though like i wouldnt know it happened unless i was feeling my heart because unlike flutters u can feel them happeing in ur chest and stomac.
I understand 100% of what your going though. If something is going to happen with your heart then there is NO WAY for you to stop it. The constant worrying is gonna hurt you more then anything. You've been seen by your doctor and everything comes back as normal. You don't need a 24 hour heart monitor. It's definitely your anxiety feeding off of something that it knows will bother you.
go to your doctor and have them do the heart monitor the day you take your meds . maybe they can see what you feel. At least you will have that piece of mind on how you are feeling.
Hi ... my friends on the same meds. She said she takes s while to fall asleep on them. That sounds to be like your body was anxious before you took it, and after you have taken it it's trying to slow everything down. I don't think it's anything to worry about. If you are worried and need reassuring I would have a little chat with your GP. x