I was never a weed smoker. However, i was already anxious and i smoked one noght and it had no effect on me. The next night i smoked with a friend my derealization was soooooo bad. That was a year and a half ago, but i feel like ever since then, my feeling of dissociation and everything around me feeling very surreal will launch me in a panic. Do you think weed did this to me? My friend smoked with me and was completely fine so i dont think it was laced with any crazy shit. Because now i get panicked that i fucked up my brain permenatly and will always feel like this
Weed: I was never a weed smoker. However, i... - Anxiety Support

I don't think weed could have that effect on anyone, but i'm no doctor. talk to a professional there's a good chance that it could be something else )-: best of luck
Weed most certainly CAN do this to people, it happened to me, and led me to finding this community a year and a half ago. If a person already has an anxiety disorder (unaware of it) they are prone to this, not all, but some
Uhhh but like will it ever go away?
Yes it took a while but the derealization faded away, I took Magnesium after having it for about 4-5 months I couldn't take it anymore but I didn't want meds. I read a lot and found that Magnesium helped a lot of other people with it and it worked for me too. And it's crazy because I remember how tortured I felt but my I don't feel that fear anymore now even when I try to imagine all the thoughts I was having when I was derealized. But the smell of weed scares me so bad and I can't drink alcohol really because it gives me anxiety attacks. And I used to have deja vu and be okay with it but ever since that night of that bad trip, deja vu scares the shit out of me. And I noticed when I was derealized, I had deja vu VERY frequently smh and this feeling of impending doom
Yea for sure sounds just like me. Most of my thoughts are more existential. Like today i was driving at night and everything felt unfamiliar and unreal.
And i was just kind of thinking like what if everything if just an illusion or fake
Yes I had the same. It felt like the sky was a backdrop and it felt like when I went outside I was still inside, like I was in a big ass dome and I would think like what if everything I see is a figment of my imagination and there's really only me, but what if I'm not real either. I would break down crying when I looked at my daughter because I was thinking she wasn't real and I was only imagining her.. I would have hella crazy thoughts alllll day long!!!! And all I did was cry and couldn't eat, lost 25 pounds from it, I was afraid to sleep in fear of not waking up smh it was awful smh I wouldn't wish that shit on anybody. I know exactly how you're feeling. I couldn't even drive because I was too afraid of EVERYTHING
I'm with you on your reply
Did you see a therapist? how did you recover?
Your fine bro i smoked weed for like 13 years everyday and quit all of the sudden if i take a lil hit im oanickin like crazy
I'm exactly the same, smoked for years then moved into a new place and got a complaint about smell within a few weeks, I quit immediately with no bad cravings or side affects. Now if I have 2 drags I get major anxiety. I used to smoke to help anxiety but now I need to stay away from it to avoid the anxieties.