Hi I haven't been on a forum before but feel it may help me, i smoked every day for 9 and a half years, in 2014 my mum had a brain hemmorhage and I found out I was pregnant .. I had no support from my partner (just married) found out he was having an affair .. broke up in Jan when my son was 7months old my mum still ill.. I smoked more than before and began drinking two bottles of wine a night .. I then met a guy in October that has never smoked anything and I began to smoke less... I went 3days without smoking and then my mate came up and I had a lil .. pulled a whitey (which had never happened in the whole 9 and half years of smoking ) I was so scared and swore I would never smoke again(especially because I was already suffering from anxiety) I threw my box away and have not touched it since... on the 21st of this month it will be 2months cold turkey ...... I have only a few good days but mostly bad.. legs and arms will suddenly go numb and I overthink everything..I can't drink alcohol,coffee,fizzy drinks.. eat food I used to.. everything has to be plain .. I get scared over small things and can't socialise like I used to, I cannot be in crowded places or go cinema ... I'm scared it's going to ruin the relationship I now have .. I'm scared because I want these feelings to go away.. the shakes and throwing up have slowly stopped , but the headaches and numbness and feeling faint scares me .. especially when it comes out of no where and happens even when I'm out randomly.. please let me know if you have felt the same and if it has passed.. will I feel normal again or am I going to be like this forever ? 2months have felt like a living hell ...
2months weed free and struggling with with... - Anxiety Support
2months weed free and struggling with withdrawals

Congrats! Your doing g the right thing for yourself , your child, and your mom, but you need a doctor to understand this too so he can keep you on the right path. All these symptoms will go away in time. Try maybe working out and yoga . Refocusing Your mind. God Bless
I smoked weed for 12 years everyday and it took me about 5 attempts over a 5 year period to quit. You can do it but try not to pressure yourself into stopping because that creates more stress and more need to smoke. See it like " if I smoke a joint, I smoke a joint ! but I'm doing my best to quit " but do try your best stopping and mean it.
I haven't smoked for years but I do have CBD oil which is kinda chill without THC and without the stink.
At my worst withdrawal I could actually taste weed in my mouth, I was completely gagging for a joint
You could try CBD oil or Magnesium to ease you they do the GABA thing which is what you get from weed.
Good luck

My anxiety won't allow me to even smoke a fag, I don't wanna smoke or feel the urge I just need help getting through the withdrawals π₯
It will pass it's just your body adjusting but you won't feel like you did when you smoked. Magnesium or potassium will relax you.
Good luck

Thankyou ..just hate the bad days.. how long do you think I will have to deal with all this
I don't mean to sound bad but after two months you're probably clean and this is you. Weed is a strong relaxant and cigarettes are too. I quit both, both very hard and both take a while to get use to the new you.
If you enjoy smoking and it relaxes you why quit ? There are worse things you can do in life.

I had a bad experience when i smoked last and on top of my anxiety and panic attacks it scared me .. I had to quit for my own sanity... I doubt after nearly 10years of smoking weed it's gone after 2months..
The link below may help in gathering the time in takes.

Don't count the days, Samantha, take each one as it comes and know that each day takes you one step forward to recovery. You have been much abused in your life and you have abused yourself but what you have done so far in giving up the weed after so long is an outstanding act of courage and achievement. You have everything to live for now, your son, your new guy and the chance to make you mother-s autumn years happy years.
All the other things you mention are well known symptoms of anxiety, the numbness, getting scared over small things, just accept them as they come, if you can accept them with little fear then they will pass all the quicker. Acceptance of the symptoms of anxiety is your key to recovery.
I can tell you have it within you to win through to better days and leave the bad old days behind you, I wish you God's speed towards the happier days that are now coming.
Jeff1943 you made me cry.. your words are so nice thankyou.. it's nice being praised as I always put myself down and my mum is too unwell to understand and my bf has no idea either .. I feel this is a battle I am alone with but my son makes me feel it's all worth it.. I want to be a great mum with a level headed mind .. I hope this is going to happen by the time he's old enough to realise πΆI cry everyday and I don't want him to get used to that .. x
You are a lioness defending her cub, you will win through for sure. Do keep us all informed, here we can share the secrets of our heart with friends who will always remain anonymous.
Thankyou ... can I ask .... is it normal to basically strip myself from everything.. now only eat plain food but limited, can't paint nails, wear jewellery , can't drink coffee, drink a cider ... nothing .. I made a cup of coffee the other day but couldn't drink it .. then cried cause I had made it and was a massive deal to me π
I am experiencing the exact same things you did, and more. I am at 2.5 months clean and still having withdrawal symptoms. while the physical aspects may depreciate with time the mental aspect of overcoming an addiction can take many months. in my case cannabis and cigarettes at the same time, cold turkey. they are both sedatives which calm your nervous system and release positive endorphin's, when you quit smoking your central nervous system speeds up and becomes nearly hyperactive causing the faint feelings, sweating, nausea, sensitivities, digestive issues, ect. you name it. this is due to the nervous system being sedated for so long once you stop its like it snaps into overdrive to catch up on all the time it was running at low energy. give it time and you will return to normal. the body just needs to finish making adjustments to the new you.
Also, you cannot drink anything "fizzy" and must eat "plain" foods because you are already over stimulated trying to catch up. so stimulants such as caffeine in coffee or carbonated beverages is the last thing your body wants.
Thankyou ... it's comforting that you have gone through the same as me, I'm slowly becoming able to eat foods I used to and I had a tiny glass of lemonade (with water lol) which I was happy about... I also had plain Nando's which was still spicy to me even though I used to get medium before all of this. I feel like my taste buds have changed but my anxiety is calming down still with the odd attack but i am becoming more aware. Thanks for your support .. 3 and a half months clean now
Samantha, your mind and body are now in the process of re-ordering themselves (for the better) so a few strange thoughts and changed preferences are only to be expected. Everybody is allowed to have strange thoughts, attach no importance to them, follow your instincts: eat and drink what you want and don't feel obliged to eat or drink what you don't want. There is no harm in it, the important thing is not to start stressing about these things because stress can increase your anxiety levels which makes your nervous system even more sensitised.
So accept the strange, quirky feelings. Accept them completely without fear or worry and in the fullness of time they will pass when your mind settles down.
I know it's hard but good things are not easily won. I'm no expert on drug recovery but I know going cold turkey is tough. Do ask your doctor for some help if you feel you need it, that's what they're there for, they're not there to judge.
You may notice I attach a lot of importance to Acceptance, this is because Ibelieve in the method devised many years ago by Claire Weekes, an Australian doctor, which is based on accepting the symptoms of anxiety with as little fear as possible rather than constantly fighting the symptoms which only causes more strain and worry and anxiety. The first book she wrote is called 'Self help with your nerves' in the U.K. and 'Hope and Help with your nerves' in the U.S., it's the same book, available on Amazon. It was written 50 years ago but it has helped untold thousands to recover from anxiety. You may well feel that the book could help you, you will recognise yourself in its pages. It brings reassurance, helps you understand what is happening to you when you suffer from anxiety - and does it in simple terms that tired minds can understand. I should say I have no financial interest in this book!!
I don't think you should under estimate the immensity of the thing you have achieved, don't ever feel the need to put yourself down again for many people in your position would not have the strength of character or the wisdom to do what you have done so far. A rocky road lies ahead of course but it leads to a happier you with a quiet mind free from the present torments and irritations of anxiety disorder whatever the cause. Life is a test, that's what it's all about and you are doing so well despite everything. Feel free to message me if you feel the need, just click on my Jeff43 icon.
I read your post and wanted to reply this morning but never got a chance. I drank, a lot, for the better part of a decade and going on 11 months ago I decided to stop because I want to keep living and would like to watch my kids grow up and have families of there own. That's the why, the result of quitting cold turkey was 4 months of absolute hell. Sick all day long, non stop sweats, light headed and faint, anxious, panicky, on the phone with the nurse every other day because I thought I was dying. Prozac made it worse and it was just a complete frigging nightmare. Then things started to get better, and week in and week out I still, almost 11 months in am still getting better. Now most days are just fine, but every couple of weeks, today being one of those days, anxiety creeps in and I lose my shit all day long fearing death, light headed and dizzy and scared and panicky. So, you may have a long road ahead....but it will, and does get better. Take care of yourself, drink plenty of water, watch the sugars, very important to get enough sleep. That's usually why I have bad days now, lack of sleep. And go ahead and pat yourself on the back every once and awhile. You quit, I know how hard it was for you to quit. It was the hardest damn thing I have ever done in my life. I'm getting a divorce right now unfortunately but this is nothing compared to the hell of sobering up and getting healthy. Keep it up, laugh when you can, distraction is a God send keep your mind busy. You doing it! Keep it up.
Well done to you to jowness.. it is hard and I'm glad I'm not alone, I hope your kids understand how hard it was for you one day and that they was the strength to help you wanna live and do right for them.. my son is my whole life, he's dad left when he was a baby to be with the slag he was cheating on me with after we got married .. but hey ho life has its ups and downs and we are stronger than we think .. there are people that won't accept the problems that we have and will keep the habits until it's too late.. I had nightmares last night and a panic attack this afternoon but got through it.. I feel like I'm being choked and get light headed I do need to eat properly and sleep deprivation is regular at the mo with my 2year old and my nightmares .. your right when you say bad days happen when sleep doesn't .. makes sense to me if I think about it ... I went to my first narcotics anonymous meeting yesterday .. felt really proud and scared at the same time.. , cried my eyes out after .. but felt happy to not be alone x
Hey guys my right arm keeps tingling a being a bit numb .. is this a common withdrawal ?
I think your anxiety and tough situation in general is contributing to these withdrawal symptoms and making it worse for you. You dont have that emotional "crutch" to keep you stable anymore which makes it so much harder. I went through the same thing, I only smoked for 2 years but it was pretty heavy and I mostly smoked concentrates (dabs). I would definitely look into medication and therapy if you haven't already. It gets better, I'm at the point where the thought of smoking again doesn't really sound appealing at all. You're having normal symptoms of anxiety disorder, and as scary as they are they wont harm you. As hard as it is the best thing to do is accept your symptoms and not give them more power by being fearful. Look into meditation on youtube if that sounds like something you could do, it'll help you relax and calm your symptoms better
Best of luck!