All I can think about is breathing . I'm terrified I'm just gonna stop . I don't wanna die I'm scared. I have acid reflux and get sob sometimes because I'm loaded with gas and I have a hard time burping, I admit I eat the wrong foods like fast food a lot and drink ice tea and soda . I just took Ativan to try and calm down because nothing's working
I feel a huge gas bubble in my chest and I... - Anxiety Support
I feel a huge gas bubble in my chest and I'm bloated

Trapped wind?
This is my EXACT same problem. If you look at my posts you'll see they're all about sob. I've been feeling this way for a week and don't even panic anymore because I'm just so tired. I'm sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable. I just take really fast deep breaths to push whatever it is trapped in there down and sometimes it helps. Maybe you can give it a try.
This happens to me all the time, I almost always end up burping after I've freaked out about it for a long time lol. It will get better!
Try gently massaging your tummy in small circular motions starting on the right side work up and round so you message down on the left side. This is the way did travels through the intestines and it can be a comforting massage which keys gas out the other end too sometimes, hehe..however that will help and listening to done relaxing movement and earn baths to soothe yourself. Don't eat the hours before bed, ok to drink peppermint or camomile tea, ginger is good too. Hopefully these tips will ease the pressure, be with yourself and take care.