Something similar might be posted already and I still will look, but I just wanted to post exactly how I feel because Im not really able to talk to anyone about it. I often feel like everyday is exactly the same and I'm just going with the motions. I don't laugh when I should be. I feel so disconnected from everything and everyone and it terrifies me. I used to be outgoing and have an actual personality but now my main priority is keeping it together. I reached to a very dark place because of this and I'm scared for my future. Can anyone explain or relate to this feeling. Anyone's help and advice is greatly appreciated.
My mind is a cloud. I live in a haze and I... - Anxiety Support
My mind is a cloud. I live in a haze and I feel like I'm losing myself more and more.

This is anxiety and its called depersonalization its very scary because i had it couple times thought I went crazy started saying the world was fake as if it was a simulation and all that crap but looked up anxiety and depersonalization is one of the most common symptoms for some sufferers just reseaech all about depersonalization and youll be able yo overcome it as for the smiling and laughing part depression could be this possibly from stressing over your cludy hazy mind or you just overthinking and its making you sad deff read up on anxiety and all that Best of luck
Hey Chronos! Have you heard of a term 'Dark night of the Soul'? Look it up. Some of us come to a point in life when nothing makes sense anymore. The usual activities have zero luster. We don't feel the need to communicate with people or rather we feel there is nothing to talk about. We see our lives as extremally mundane lucking any sene. We begin to wonder what is happening with us. You have noticed that everything you do is an exact repeat of the day before of the day before and so on. To make you feel just a bit better, probably more than 90% of global population is repeating their days almost exactly to the dot with little differences. This is sad but that's the nature of human race. Out of 60,000 daily thoughts roughly 2,000 may be original or different from the day before. Otherwise it's always the same 58,000 thoughts over and over again! Everyday. So you have awaken from a slumber to a new reality. You know that the motions of your life came to a point where change is needed and only you have to find your new direction. You feel all would be good if you could just go back to how you felt 'before'. But yiu can't. You need to adjust your sails and pick fresh new wind and move forward. Not knowing who you are, we're you coming from, your family, friends, activities. etc., it's not easy to give advice. So what I am offering to you is nothing but a direction sign that points to something that will reignite your inner fire. And without sounding religious, when in doubt turn to God. Open a Bible and just start reading. Connect with your spirit. Just one last though.... Look what happens to a caterpillar. It eats, and eats, and eats it's whole life and rests in between. But there comes a point when it just stops and grows a cocoon around itself. If you didn't know any better you would think this is the end of the caterpillar. But after weeks of being incapacitated inside its cocoon it breaks it breaks free to become a beauty butterfly. Become that butterfly! Now is your chance to begin to know who you really are. A shining Soul that needs more than mundane life to feed itself. So don't just exist. Be!
This brought me to tears. Thank you so deeply for putting forth the time and effort of responding this post. I used to be a man if God and ultimately I how I have been feeling lately has also stunted my growth with him. But something inside me has been telling me to realign my focus. Thank you so much again and may God bless you
Yes that phase came to me before too, it took a good 6 months for me to get better, I hope yours will go soon too, I started watching funny films didn't listen to sad songs and forced myself next to my friends, go next to the ones who are funny n happy stay away from negative people and u will get better trust me on that!
I've been like this for the past year or so and started to just accept that it's my life now. But every day is harder. I am a huge home body and because of how I feel I find difficult to even want to be around people. But I will head your words and all of the advice from this great site to begin reading developing myself.
Chronos, we become what we focus upon. That's how the mind works. So you have to force yourself to experience new things in life. Try something you have not done or even thought about. Something unusual. Search the Web on cool new things to experience or do, then pick. Make your own list and when done approximate when you would like to do things on your list. What you have to do is similar, although nowhere near as difficult, what people experienced a stroke. They have to re-learn how to talk, walk, hold a fork, etc. In similar way you have to create new synapses in your brain by doing new, unfamiliar but fun things. Sign up for a yoga, go kayaking, join a group of people that have common intetest, sign up to a foreign language class, learn new skill, etc. Have a plan, have a list and follow it.