heart latters, jumping and skipping beats - Anxiety Support

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heart latters, jumping and skipping beats

errivbr4678778 profile image
46 Replies

does anyone else get heart flatters? like your heart beats twice in one and sometimes skips a beat, i can feel it in my chest and stomac when it happens, sometimes it flatters for like 15 seconds straight. its really getting me down ive been to the hositpal about it all tests came back fine apparantly its a lot to do with my anxity but the doc wants me to have a 24/hour heart monitor. does anyone else get this????:( i also get these every morning when i wake up and all throughout the day, its really getting to me now.

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errivbr4678778 profile image
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46 Replies
Lynl profile image

This is anxiety, they are only doing monitor to be even more sure . Your tests came back good so breathe easy 😊

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toLynl

how do u know this is anxity tho? im just really scared sometimes it feels like its going to stop

Lynl profile image
Lynl in reply toerrivbr4678778

I know, and the feeling sucks , but your doctor would have ordered even more testing if he thought it was serious. The monitor will pick up on those flutters. You might want to write down what your doing or thinking when this happens snd the time , this may help them .

Platesofmeat profile image


Yep it all comes with anxiety. If your Doctors are saying so far the tests are ok it's important you let it reassure you.

When you have the 24 hour test and it comes back normal it should reassure you further.

Anxiety is really unpleasant but starting to learn about it is the first step in overcoming it.

Can I recommend you get a book called "Self help for your nerves" by Dr Claire Weekes.It was written years ago and a lot of the language and some of the treatment is dated but it is one of the best books I have read on the bewildering symptoms and thoughts you can have with anxiety.

Also remember you are not alone with this, there is plenty of good info on youtube.A couple of decent channels are Anxiety United and an American Lady called Kirsty Johnson.

I hope this helps a bit and good luck.

Judipat profile image


These are called 'missed' heartbeats. It feels horrible when it happens, but it is actually completely harmless. A gp once told me they were the signs of a healthy heart. I've had them a lot in the past and I've found the best way to deal with them is to cough hard and they stop.

I too recommend you read Claire Weeks's books........ I first suffered badly with anxiety 40 years ago and was so thankful to come across her books, they became like my bible!. Being well educated about any problem, particularly anxiety/depression goes a long way to understanding and accepting it.

Good luck

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toJudipat

the only thing is i feel it for about 15 seconds sometimes like my heart hicuping and skipping beats and ill have to cough or stand up for it to go away, im really scared :(

Nikkilpn31 profile image
Nikkilpn31 in reply toerrivbr4678778

Watch your caffeine or don't have any at all. Also I have bad anxiety and 2 small leaky valves in my heart and Dr says my heart is fine. Mine feels like it's flipping in my chest or skips. I was told to cough or bare down like your going to poop. Also make sure your getting enough potassium like glass orange juice or a banana a day my heart Dr said it helps. My anxiety gets worse because I worry about it being something serious.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toNikkilpn31

thats exacly how mine feels, do u get it offten and does it ever go on for like 5/10 seconds straight or is that just me

Nikkilpn31 profile image
Nikkilpn31 in reply toerrivbr4678778

Yes i had it happen other day at store in line. It flipped 5 times took my breathe away and got chest pain lasted 10 seconds. I went to ER they checked everything and I was ok. It's horrible I understand. I wake up out of my sleep with my heart pounding so fast and it is so scary. I get tachycardia also.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toNikkilpn31

mines been doing that every day all day, my heart doesnt useally beat fast though i just get that jumping feelings. so is ur heart fine then?

Nikkilpn31 profile image
Nikkilpn31 in reply toerrivbr4678778

They say it's fine. I had a lot of ekgs done and 2 heart ultrasounds. It showed high bp. I also had stress test and it was fine just showed I had high bp. there is one test Dr at er ordered for me but insurance denied it. A nuclear stress test. Dr said women sometimes need extra tests to figure things out. Sorry took so long to get back i'm always so sick with what they think is Lupus but not sure yet.

Nikkilpn31 profile image
Nikkilpn31 in reply toerrivbr4678778

My heart monitor said lowest pulse was 40 and highest 140. I'm concerned with the 40 but they say nothing showed up wrong.

Judipat profile image

Yes, they can go on for that long and they are very scary but you need to accept them for what they are...... or arnt! As has been said, you've had tests and if they were really worried about your heart, you would be in a hospital bed right now!

Please try and relax....... are your shoulders up round your ears right now????? I'm not making light of your feelings but I have been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Do you like music???? If you can, put something you really like on, get up, dance and sing as loud as you can. Sounds crazy right?? Actually, a psychiatrist told me to do this because, when you sing, you have to breath properly and this in turn stops the missed beats etc. This is very good for hyperventilation too.


errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toJudipat

do they actually go on for that long? its not only missed beats its like a 2 beats in one aswell like ill have a normal beat and without a pause ill have a really big beat straight away and i can feel it in my stomac and chest, yes they are, ive been so on edge for days now its the worst time of my life, ur comment has really helped me tho and i will do that!

Judipat profile image

Yes, that's what it feels like, don't let them scare you. Like everything with anxiety, you start getting physical symptoms, then you get anxious about the physical symptoms and that's when things get a whole lot worse.

Have you seen a doctor??? Are you in the UK??

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toJudipat

they're terrifing feels like my hearts gonna stop sometimes, and yeah i have hes given me meds to calm me down and calm my heart rate down he also wants to put me on that monitor thing. im just convinced something wrong and they're missing something, ive had this for about 6 years now but the couple days its literally been non stop

Judipat profile image

Your main problems is in what you have just wrote.........'they've terrifying ' and 'I'm convinced there is something wrong and they've missed something'. It is really common for someone with anxiety to continually seek medical reassurance and have medical test after medical test...... I certainly did. They give you some reassurance for a while but then something else happens and it all starts again.

Chances are, you will always be an anxious person, but you need to understand it and then you will be able to manage it.

Please, please get those books, they are really cheap on amazon, you won't regret it.

Francesca61 profile image

Hi, I get this sometimes when I'm tired and haven't had much water. Do rest more and drink more water. I add lemon slices and it's easier to drink. Don't worry!! You'll see that you'll feel better soon.

Loveydovey0519 profile image

Been here, done that. Went to the ER had ecg, blood testing, troponin testing and everything came back fine. Followed up with my PCP 3 months later another ecg, another blood panel, with thyroid being checked out. He scheduled me a 48 hour holter monitor, and a stress echo test. Both of which came back fine. Still have them from time to time and still have some heart related health anxiety. I was diagnosed back in 08 with anxiety, panic, and depression. I believe the tests were are precautionary and to ease my mind. You must accept the doctors expert opinions and testing. It is very normal to have palpitations, they're referred to PVCS and PACS. They are premature beats, but cause the missed beat feeling or accelerated beat feeling you describe.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toLoveydovey0519

im just worried because im getting it a lot the past few days, did u ever get it when u breathe in or when u were laying down

Loveydovey0519 profile image
Loveydovey0519 in reply toerrivbr4678778

Yes and yes. Got them while doing anything and everything honestly. Are you taking any medicines? I was prescribed klonopin when I went to the hospital and I took it because it was making me feel better, this was in October. However I was waking up and every morning for about a month I was having palpitations. I have started coming off the klonopin and I haven't had many sense. I do not know if they are related or not, however I am grateful they are less and less.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toLoveydovey0519

not at the moment the doc has given me meds to go and collect by monday tho. i just dont see how ur heart can constantly miss beats and flutter when theres nothing wrong it doesnt make sense to me. i do suffer extream health anxity tho

Loveydovey0519 profile image
Loveydovey0519 in reply toerrivbr4678778

The holter monitor will show if you're experiencing PACS and or PVCS. Read up about them, a lot of people have them and do not even realize they have them. Usually it is benign and normal!

Ceelos81 profile image

I'm in the same boat everything you say you feel I also feel. Just 20 mins ago I was relaxing on my couch and I felt a hard thud that felt it was going to speed up but it didn't. I wake up scared to death thinking about them and of coarse I feel them all day long.. it drives me crazy

Mimine profile image

Yes I really sympathise, they're really unpleasant and very tiring but harmless. What really helped me is taking magnesium and also hawthorn tablets. It takes a little while to take effect but mine have disappeared now (although they came back briefly recently due to feeling quite anxious about something but they didn't last).

Try not to worry, lots of people get them! Good luck.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toMimine

did u get them literlly 24/7 though and would they ever stay there for like 5 seconds straight before the heart started beating normally again? also ive started getting pains everywhere, in my arms hands legs neck back ):

Mimine profile image

Yes absolutely, 24/7 non-stop. It's exhausting, worrying and it sets anxiety off big time! But it's just that - anxiety. Try to keep hydrated as someone else has mentioned. Walking regularly is very good too if you can do it and try magnesium and hawthorn as I suggested earlier. Also, have you tried meditation?

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toMimine

it also happens when i take a breathe or lay down, i can literlly feel it like onces every 10 seonds recently, sometimes it flatters for like 5 seconds aswell like its going to stop, its so scary! okay where would i got those from? and my doc has given me meds to take by monday

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toMimine

also, with yours did it miss beats and jump beats?

Mimine profile image
Mimine in reply toerrivbr4678778

Yes it does feel like the heart misses a beat or skips beats or flutters all the time. I get the magnesium and hawthorn from my health shop. Worth mentioning to your doctor that you intend to take supplements so that there's no risk of them interfering with your meds.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toMimine

havent u been checked out? what did the doctors say, and okay i will whatever it takes to stop this

Mimine profile image

Yes I was checked out, I had a holter fitted and saw a cardiologist who did a heart scan. That was 3 years ago and everything was put down to stress and anxiety. Recently I was given Propanolol to take as a 'pill in the pocket' and that works. But since I've started taking the supplements I haven't had any at all. Avoid too much tea, coffee and coke as well as they can be a trigger.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toMimine

okay good, yeah my diet isnt to good either. and ive been having alot of nicotine aswell idk if that would make it worse. its just never been as bad as this before like normally id feel it once every like week cople weeks but its been everyday all day the past like 2 days which makes me think theres something wrong. i dont know hopefully its just stress and my anxity

Funkyfaerie profile image

Have you noticed your breathing?I get the heart flips n flutters. But I am a shallow breather and sometimes forget to breathe, like when I'm concentrating, or just watching tv. My heart flutters then like a sign to make Mr breathe....After all these kind people have suffered the same, try not to worry...best thing

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toFunkyfaerie

did u ever get heart flutters as soon as u wake up every morning this keeps happening im getting fed up

Francesca61 profile image

Hi I forgot to mention that you should take B vitamins which are really good for stress.My dad was prescribed these over 40 yrs ago and he swears by it. I take them too. And if you take magnesium it should be magnesium glycinate cause that's the one for nerves only 100 mg. I have a handful of almonds every day which have a good amount of magnesium so you could just do that. Hope you're calmer today and if not you will be soon even if you don't believe it today!

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toFrancesca61

ive been getting a really tight chest and diffecult to breathe along with the heart flutters at the same time im soooo scared and anxious

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toFrancesca61

when i get the heart flutters and im really scared shouldnt that mean my heart will be fast with them? but it doesnt it beats slowly its scaring me

Francesca61 profile image
Francesca61 in reply toerrivbr4678778

Hi I feel so bad that you're so anxious. I've been there and you can't think logically. Its awful. Do you think you might have a chest cold or bronchitis? You can't breathe properly cause you're anxious. Its shallow breathing which I do too when nervous. Check your blood pressure and see that it's probably normal when you're a bit calmer. You can also use a heating pad. It helps to relax you and then see how you feel cause probably your muscles around your chest area are really tense. How about you go walk a bit and see how it feels too? I ride my bike which is really relaxing.

errivbr4678778 profile image

yeah im not sure what it is, my shoulders back and chest feel really tight, and i keep waking up with really bad headaches. i dont know whats wrong with me

Francesca61 profile image

Hi just saw this. So from what you're saying that's for sure tense muscles, try the heating pad idea. Its also relaxing when you use it.

errivbr4678778 profile image

ive tried that and im abit calmer, but i now wake yp with heart flutters every morning even when im not even that stressed out that night before i go to sleep. i just dont understand it

Scorpio71 profile image

I forgot to post if you're a caffeine drinker- they recommend you cut that out or at least to a bear minimum. My sister has started magnesium supplements and the heart fluttering stopped.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply toScorpio71

i mite have to try that then, anything to get better its killing me i cant enjoy anything because this is always on my mind

Scorpio71 profile image
Scorpio71 in reply toerrivbr4678778

Which makes it worse. Anxiety always adds to it.

Scorpio71 profile image
Scorpio71 in reply toerrivbr4678778

I wish you the best! Keep me posted :).

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