Hi everyone.
I’ve been quiet recently because I’ve been trying to accept etc.
For the last 12/13 years I have suffered heart palpitations.i get skips, thuds, racing, flutters and all that.(as well as other sensations like butterflies in tummy, lightheadedness,etc)
Every morning when I wake up and sometimes in the night my heart does these things.when I wake up everyday it races and I feel full of butterflies and adrenaline.then my symptoms persist throughout the day.
I’ve had ecgs, 24 hour monitors, blood tests hospital monitoring over night and seen cardiologists(which saw the skips and thuds and racing)and have been told there is nothing wrong with my heart and that I’m suffering constant anxiety.
I just wondered if there is somebody who has been where I am and they have calmed down?its stopped me from doing so much in my life and I just wondered if it was possible to recover from them? Thank you for reading x