Hi all.
I believe my anxiety stems from caring for my daughter and a fear of something bad happening to her and doing a good enough job of raising her in the eyes of her father and his family ( not together and she's not even known about...incredibly complicated). Initially my anxiety showed up at the begining of the year, just a pounding heart and feeling run down ( thought it was just a bug).
I keep having these terrible thoughts about my daughter being hurt ( both by accident and intentionally). They take over everything and I can't stop them. She's 2 and a half and I've only been like this ( aside from the usual protective parent stuff) since starting taking champix to stop smoking. I've not taken them for 3 weeks now and if anything it's gotten worse. Was just an odd thought before but now it's more like an episode of doubt and panic and worry and crying and thinking I'm crazy and going to hurt her and guilt and disgust for even thinking I could do anything to her ( I couldn't and wouldn't but that's not what my head it telling me).
Am I going completely mad? I'm afraid to talk to.anyone incase they take my daughter away from me.
Sorry if that doesn't make much sense, that's how my mind is working right now Thanks