Those of us who experience anxiety disorder are often our own worse enemies. Symptoms that in our hearts we know to be anxiety we believe are life threatening. When doctors tell us for the umpteenth time following countless tests and scans that the problem is anxiety we don't believe them. Small daily problems well within our capability to overcome are seen as insummountable obstacles - specially if we are presented with more than one at any given time.
That's the nature of anxiety, making us always fear the worse scenario and exaggerating our perception of problems ten fold. So we must always stay on our guard to prevent anxiety, a most successful confidence trickster, from misleading us and causing unnecessary worry.
Anxiety feeds on fear, tension and stress and we are often only too willing to feed the beast. But the beast is a toothless tiger: it may make us feel dreadful but it can't kill us, can't disable us and can't send us crazy. It can also be banished by simply accepting our anxiety for the time being without fear and treating it as an irritation that isn't going to stop us getting on with our lives.
The more we learn and understand about anxiety and its limitations the more we lose our fear of it. I say that knowing how bad some peoples' symptoms of anxiety are.
On this forum we meet like-minded people and can share our symptoms, our experiences and our remedies. There are thousands of others out there who must face their problems alone. We are the lucky ones.