Help! : I've just fell asleep bout an hour... - Anxiety Support

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Lyns1411 profile image
16 Replies

I've just fell asleep bout an hour ago and woke up with a massive fright. My right arm went into pins and needles for no reason and felt like I couldn't breathe so I bolted up in shock. Has anyone else had this before? I'm terrified now.

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Lyns1411 profile image
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16 Replies
nmp1 profile image

Happened to me this early morning, it made me feel frightened and my heart was pounding happened a couple times after falling asleep. When it happens tell yourself your fine there nothing to worry about and maybe take a little walk and get some water

Lyns1411 profile image
Lyns1411 in reply to nmp1

It's awful isn't it? I'm frightened to sleep now incase it happens again cos felt like I was going to die. Had no feeling in my right arm which made me panic even more. I'm on holiday with my boyfriend and 2 children too and I feel like I'm spoiling the holiday for everyone with how ill I am feeling. My boyfriend keeps saying it's all in my head and I know that but I have been fine for months now and now I'm away it's all come back with a vengeance. I've got another week to go and just feel like I want to be back at home now to go see my doctor to reassure me that nothing is seriously wrong with me

Agora1 profile image

Try not to be afraid Lyns1411. Anxiety is with us whether awake or asleep. We hold our bodies rigid. The muscles are tense and tight even when falling asleep it is impossible to totally relax. Even in your sleep, you can be mouth breathing as well as breathing fast which would cause the pins and needles feeling. The muscles in your diaphragm tightened making you feel as if you couldn't breathe. It is not serious, it is your anxious state causing this. I can't tell you the number of times this has happened to me. So much so, that now I just turn over and fall back to sleep. If you are still awake, try lying on your back and start some slow deep breathing. Clear your mind of all intrusive thoughts, place your arms in a comfortable position on your sides. You are safe, you will start being calm. With each exhale, breathe out the fear. Don't let anxiety trick you into believing that this is sinister. Sleep well Lyns, sleep well. x

Lyns1411 profile image
Lyns1411 in reply to Agora1

Thankyou for that msg. It's nice to know I'm not on my own with this. I actually have beta blockers here with me but don't actually think they will reduce the choking sensation I'm getting. Just think they will reduce the racing heart. I also have sertraline with me on holiday as a back up but I've never ever took the sertraline before so don't really want to experiment with them on holiday. Would rather wait until I get home to start them when I know my doctor is nearby xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lyns1411

I agree with your decision Lyns in not experimenting with the Sertraline while on holiday. As with any new drug, it takes time and adjustment to get use to. As for the beta blockers, even though it will help reduce the racing heart and palps, it may also relax you some. In doing that, once you are more relaxed, the choking sensation, tightness in your throat may feel better. Short of taking an antianxiety med, you can try sipping on some warm water which can help calm the throat muscles. You can start some calming meditation and deep breathing that you can find on YouTube. Use the Audio versions of videos made for reducing stress. I've recently typed in 5 and 10 minute relaxation videos. It does help.

I wish you well. Most of all try enjoying your holiday. x

Lyns1411 profile image
Lyns1411 in reply to Agora1

Do u believe in magnetic bracelets too cos I spoke to someone today about it and he says they are really good for anxiety and stress so my Mam got me one which was quite expensive and now I have it on I feel really sickly but not sure if that's my anxiety causing me to feel so sick or not xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lyns1411

There was a time that I wore magnetic bracelets. It's not so much the bracelet that helps anxiety and stress but the BELIEF that it will help you. Your mind is a powerful tool if you put the right thoughts in place. I doubt that the bracelet has anything to do with you feeling sickly. Sounds like anxiety is pushing your buttons. Don't let it win dear.

Lyns1411 profile image
Lyns1411 in reply to Agora1

I haven't ate properly for a few days either as I feel like everything is getting stuck in my throat with it being so dry and tight so that might be making me feel sickly. I just have no appetite at all at the minute

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lyns1411

Lyns, the key here is your throat being so dry. Medications in themselves can produce an extremely dry throat. Dry enough where you feel as if you can't swallow. Hydration is so very important when taking medications as well as when anxious. When we are anxious we tend to mouth breathe which allows the air around us to be taken in and dry up the mucous membranes of our mouth, tongue etc. It is important for our mouth and throat to be hydrated or we can have dental problems as well. Try eating things that are moist and soft at the beginning. If you can't tolerate that, a nutritional supplement drink can be used in place. Make sure you are sipping on water throughout the day. I think you will notice a difference.

in reply to Lyns1411

I'm sorry to say - there is no evidence that magnetic bracelets have any effect at all - except a psychological one!!

I used to work with very high magnetic fields in my career like a magnetron radar valve which with a small magnet can easily carry the weight of several bricks. Or one job where it was a dismissing offence not to remove rings, watches, bracelets etc. as they would immediately flash into red heat! Old type headphones that carried a magnet near each ear. (People wore these for days at a time.) and they didn't seem to have any effect on me!

Try sticking a magnetic bracelet to the front of a 'fridge and see how strong it really is!

However see:

Maybe you were sleeping in a awkward position.

If the arm or leg becomes numb then on moving it goes into pins and needles it means the blood flow is reduced (perhaps by lying on it in bed). Pins and needles are caused by the blood flow redistributing itself. None of this matters. If in leg (perhaps by sitting too long with your legs folded under you,) stand, stretch and thats it. If in the arm - in bed just turn over!

Mjherstad profile image

Lyns, I came on here looking for anybody who might be going through the same thing I doctor tries to tell me it is anxiety,but I have had anxiety my whole life..and this is totally only happens when I fall will wake me up,with a shock wave that feels almost like ur funny bone was hit...but in my throats and head... ( pins and needles) and it sends that pins and needles feeling down through my arms to my finger wakes u in such a fright,partially because it throws u awake,but also because u feel like u can't breathe,and there is always a hint of a warm sensation in the back of my throat...and if I try to go back to will just keep happening every time my body just falls back into happens off and on to me for about 6 months now....and all I can tell u,is what I have found that seems to help...and also that I believe it is a sleeping disorder of some kind,or relates more to sleeping problems than anxiety,and that may be why doctors don't seem to know much about it,so I am going to look into getting a sleep study done....but here are the few things I can tell u that seem to make it worse,or may bring it on....drinking to much pop or tea,eating to much sugar,if u take tramadol,ever..that seems to bring it on...I use to think tramadol was the only cause...but then it started happening when I hadn't had any for months.. and sometimes if I have smoked too many cigs it will make it happen a little....things that help...I know it sounds cliche ....but water! Sometimes if I just make myself chug a bunch of water,it stops it happening for the night all together,and I can actually get some sleep.

So I really hope this was just a one time thing for u,but if it continues to happen,and u get a doctor who knows their stuff,and can tell u what it is ( besides anxiety) please let me know! It's a terrible scary aweful feeling to wake up with,just reading the words doesn't do it justice...but it is so obviously a medical problem and not anxiety, i know my body,and I know anxiety,and believe me,this is not anxiety...when I was younger,I would wake with panic attacks...I know what that is,and what it feels like,and that is not what this just feels physically different,but because it is so hard to explain,it comes out sounding like an anxiety attack...but particularly,the warmth,and pins and needles feeling,it just feels like something is really physically wrong!so anyways,I wish u luck,and hope u can figure it out,but the main thing,just stay hydrated,with pop or tea,or caffeine.....if u smoke,try to cut not take TRAMADOL.....and if u find anything else out let me know!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Mjherstad

Mjherstad, I agree with you in that we know our own body and it's responses better than anyone. I too, think it is time for you to possibly have a sleep study but at least be checked out by a Neurologist. Many health issues can mimic anxiety, it takes a specialist to figure it out. I wish you well .

Mjherstad profile image
Mjherstad in reply to Agora1

Thank u agora! I hope everyone knows that I am in no way down playing anxiety,I have suffered from that as well! And I know how crippling it can be...I just know this is something else..and wish the doctors knew that also! And a neurologist sounds like a good bet..thank u!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Mjherstad

Good Luck to you and keep us updated.

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