Tingling on the face ( Cheek and lip) , head pressure like temples with dizziness standing up , short of breath feeling sad. Been sleeping all day ?
Help. : Tingling on the face ( Cheek and lip... - Anxiety Support

Hi. I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well..If the symptoms you describe are new and you've not experienced this before, I would advise seeing your GP just to get your physical health checked...
New, unusual, long standing headaches with other symptoms should always be checked by a GP..Dizziness and fatigue can be due to low iron levels, B12 deficiencies, thyroid or others that may require medication or vitamin supplements..
Anxiety can sometimes be a symptom of other medical health conditions, aswel as being because of them, or a separate unrelated condition..
Physical symptoms can also be because of anxiety, or stress related..If you go and see GP to rule out any medical problem and explain how you're feeling, I'm sure this will help.. I hope all goes well.. Remember to be kind to yourself..and let us know how you get on🙂
Best wishes x
I know what you're going through. I remember the head rushes and the certainty that I was about to pass out. I never did. I noticed on past posts you were having the same symptoms .Here is how it works. If you fear the fear and run from it, you will always have it. You may get different symptoms, but they will come from fear. As hard as it is you have to face the fear and let it come and experience it. It will not hurt you, and eventually it will go away . It takes courage, but it can be done and you will get your life back. Don't feed the fear. Seeing a Doctor, going to therapy, and taking anti depressants should be the first steps you take. It helps so much. Pam
I went to hospital I'm
Not diabetic or have high blood pressure I don't know what's making me shaky so bad my head is always hurting I feel
So depressed.
Dear sincerelynina, I did also reply to your other post. But the reply from Sweetiepye is good advice to follow.You should also definitely see your GP to discuss your feelings of depression so that you can get all the support which is on offer, it will really make all the difference.
Best wishes x
I see from your other post that you have a Doctors appointment soon. This is good news.Its a positive step and it will help you.
Very best wishes x
No I went to hospital & everything.