How to even recover after everything.??
On Saturday morning the 8th of April at 3 in the morning I was awaken by someone pulling at my front door at my house. I got up and checked it out and realised someone is breaking in..My daughter Lea of 2 was in her bedroom and Mia of 4 in my bedroom..I wanted to get my daughter and shots went off from outside they shot into my babies room through her window..I ran into my room broke a window with my hand and screamed for help I begged for someone to save us while thinking they killed my daughter in the other room..They did not care that I was screaming they kept breaking the door down..More shots went into my living room..My neighbour cam out but he was in fear as well he had no weapon and they were shooting left and right.. I stood ther while my daughter was crying thinking if they get in which they are we are going to die..Suddenly a man with a gun and flash light in my bedroom pointing his gun at me..He demanded cellphone and money..I gave him everything..they shot again and ran..I ran to my daughters room she was standing in her cot..alive..Thank God!!! the bullet went past her head through my bedrooms wall and missed me aswell. It was a total nightmare and don't even know how I can ever go back home..I thank God for saving our lifes..But I am so angry and have these flash backs. I have been struggling with anxiety for 6 years now and now something like this..My kids are so scared its just so sad. I don't want my kids to live with what I live with every day because of this.....
I give God praise for yet another day.