The time is currently 1:53 AM I have just been woken up by panic feeling which is my anxiety starting. I was sleeping so speacfully but as I felt my self going off into a deep sleep I am jumping out of it in a panic! I am ever so tired but I am unable to sleep
Good morning/ Good night: The time is... - Anxiety Support
Good morning/ Good night

You're not the only one, i have just done the same at probably the same time.
Tyler1234, it's unfortunate that we may be physically tired but our minds aren't ready to settle in for the night. Our brain is always On Alert, waiting for a thought, sound or even you going into a deep sleep. It wakes us because it thinks of it as a danger that we are losing control. All boiling down to an over stimulated nervous system which won't allow us to relax.
All caffeinated beverages are off limits especially before going to bed. All electronic devices including smartphones, tablets, anything with bright lighting must be left out of the bed. To guarantee a good night's sleep, have a cool comfortable temperature in the room, a comfortable pillow and a blanket to make you feel secure and safe. (like a baby's swaddling blanket)
Erase all thoughts from the day, feel your body meeting the mattress. Let your body sink into the mattress. Take a deep breath and blow it out slowly several times. Each exhale say the word relax or peace. You are safe. It's time to sleep. zzzzzzzzzzzz
This has happened often to me. I'd suggest chamomile or peppermint tea, it takes my mind of the anxiety and gives my body something to do to keep it busy so I don't end up getting more panicky. I'd suggest keeping extra pillows and blankets nearby and having the window open a bit. I find I get way too warm in bed sometimes and wake up feeling like I'm suffocating because everything around me is just too stuffy and warm.
Keep away from phone/laptop, or have things on their dimmest setting if you use music to get in the zone to sleep.
Best of luck to you. Is there a particular nightmare or odd fear you have when you wake up/fall asleep?